Chapter - 10: I Am IVY

"what......" thought Lunar in her mind and pushed Zhan gently away.

"What are you saying president ....i don't understand anything" said lunar who tried to avert her eyes from Zhan. Seeing Lunar's reaction, Zhan got off from the bed and carried Ying who was sleeping peacefully in Lunar's arms and made sleep comfortable on the sofa.

Then he went near lunar and pull the chair and next to her and started speaking " I know it is bit confusing for you so I want to explain to you again......I like you and want you to be my girlfriend what do you think about it, you don't have to answer me right now......take your time to think".

Lunar was completely speechless from Zhan sudden confession and went into deep thoughts. Zhan didn't say anything to her and left her to think by waiting next to her.

After few minutes Lunar raised her head and looked into Zhan eyes and said "thanks for your feeling towards me but I am sorry i have to reject you".

Zhan with no reaction on his face asked "reason?"

Lunar looing into his eyes and replied, " I feel your feeling toward me is just a gratitude because I saved your son maybe and you don't really know anything about me and how can you probably have feeling me."

"I know what I'm feeling, so don't make any comment about my feeling towards you and about knowing you ....I think I'm quiet aware that you are not just simple doctor that is working here. I also know that you have a past that you don't what anyone to find"

Hearing this Lunar gave a bit confusion look and questioned "wh...what past ....I don't understand what are you talking about"

Zhan after hearing Lunar's statement, gave a smile and replied "who knows? maybe you were a spy or a mercenary or a assassin."

Lunar was surprised by what Zhan said to her and in low voice asked him "you know..."

"obviously after killing all the people who kidnapped both of you in front of ying, do accept me not to find it" asked Zhan.

"how far you know about it?" asked Lunar.

"nothing much...just you good in fight that enough to kill your enemies with just one kick and a sharp shooter that can land the knife exactly on his neck and have a missing background and have a missing report from long back. Just little bit" said Zhan with a smirk.

Lunar seeing Zhan looking at me and smiling while saying about her background, couldn't say anything and let out a sigh and said "that's not just little bit .....seems you did a background check on me, you already there just need a definite answer from me"

" I know right " said Zhan

" but even after knowing all this, you proposed to me to be your girlfriend....." giving him weird look. "what hell is he even thinking his brain working properly?" thought Lunar.

"My brain is working perfect alright ....seems like dangerous girls are my type and you happened to so similar to my ideal type" said Zhan.

Seeing how Zhan was even in mood to joke in their serious conversation, made Lunar to calm down little bit and made here realize that his feeling towards her is genuine. The thought of someone liking her true self, even after witnessing it all made her heart flutter, so mustering her courage to say the truth to Zhan. Looking at his eyes which was filled with love for her, she said "fine....if that what you want to hear"

With a deep breathe Lunar said the answer which he was desperate to know about "I am IVY"