"Eva, you must have known much about your former mistress, the wolf queen, Cassandra?" She nodded 'a yes.' "And what she came to the world to enforce?" Another 'yes' came. "Good! That's the same mission I'm here to enforce but we need to be more tactical and efficient to avoid ending the way she ended or even worse."
"There's great sense in what you say, Emily." Zoey snapped.
"My dream, which is my mission, is to partner with the prince so I can better work out my aim of driving Pandora out of the throne. Before I go into this, I need to start with the imprisonment issue. Douglas has been in prison custody for several years now without anything said or done about his case. I'll use this basically and other crimes committed by Pandora to portray her in the black light. Any suggestions?"
"Yes, I have my lady!" Eva said.
"Remember Emily," I joked. She smiled and nodded. "What's your suggestion Eva?"