Mr. Heartbreaker

Jason POV

I wake up and decide to change my clothes from hoodies to an open shirt and jeans. Hopefully, that gets Jezabella to look at me. I can't believe I am going after a girl I am so used to girls coming after me. Her rejection is kinda refreshing and hurting at the same time. I have no idea what I am doing. So I head to class every girl swoon when I walk by. Lily my former crush ran up to me and couldn't take her hands off me.

"Zander! Help me!"

I hear a boom and Lily goes flying across the room landing on a bean bag.

"Lily, leave him alone he doesn't like you." groaned Zander.

Zander freezes and turns around and nudges me to look at something. I look and there stands Jezabella wearing a black crop top, black mini skirt, black fishnet stockings, and black combat boots, She is followed by her three older brothers Devon, Victor, and Andrew. They are wearing black t-shirts and ripped jeans and the same shoes as their sister. They shoot us an evil look and do the sign of death at us. Everyone is just staring at Jezabella in shock. Everyone is so used to her being invisible that her wearing all this is almost overloading everyone's brains. She laughs it off and heads to class. One dumb boy grabs her but and I watch as Devon turns the boy's hand to ash.

"Keep your filthy hands off our baby sister," growled Victor.

The boy ran to the nurse screaming in fear. The four of them just fall over laughing.

"Does he know that the spell will wear off in two minutes? His hands aren't gone." laughed Andrew,

"I don't think he knows that." laughed Jezabella.

"Since when did your brothers go to school."

That was not the smartest thing to say to the children of Hades. Victor almost burned my face off but Jezabella stops him.

"Father dealt with him yesterday. He has detention for months." she laughs.

"Detention! Since when?"

"Since today." said Zeus, "I made a deal with Hades. He promised not to burn you alive if you spent a month in the underworld with him for a month after school so you can view their world. That includes you son."

Zander almost passed out which made Jezabella and her brothers laugh. I saw the look of sadness on her face afterward. She didn't want Zander to go to the underworld. The news of us getting detention spread around the school live wildfire. The girls were even attracted to me more now that I am in trouble. I will never understand girls.

Lily and her crew wouldn't stop following me around the school. It got to the point where I had to beg Jezabella and her brothers to scare them away. I was afraid they would do something stupid to me. They agreed to do it under one condition that I vow to never utter a cruel word to or about Jezabella again. I agreed and a bright light appeared and then vanished. A symbol appeared on my left wrist it was the shape of a broken heart.

"What is this for?"

"You vowed to us and whenever someone vows to a son or daughter of Hades. If you ever break that vow you spend eternity in the Underworld being tortured by our father," explained Victor.