A Darker Present

It was a cold dreary day.

A calm silence was all to be heard as guards made their way around the estate, preoccupied by an unsure yet familiar feeling they had all felt. Nothing was out of the ordinary, everything leading up to this point had been fine... so why? they pondered. Why did they feel the lingering presence of death right around the corner? They just couldn't shake the feeling. They all felt as if they were being watched... stalked as meager prey. Yet even with this feeling, nothing had happened. For the following few hours until sunset nothing would take place, everything was just as quiet and calm as before... all up until the final rays of sunlight disappeared; drawing the starlit sky into play, along with the familiar buzzing hum of the street lights turning on.

In an instance... everything had changed.

That oh-so eerie feeling that the guards felt had entirely disappeared, but something else would replace it. This new feeling they felt, was nothing more than pure dread. Everyone feared for what was to come next... as all they heard and saw were guards dying one by one. All of them being killed and dragged off into the shadows by the very same man. A man clad in a dark appearance, a man known for lurking in the shadows, a man that they have all come to fear. The man who is regarded as the grim reaper of the underworld... Selvin the horsemen of death.

The guards all knew of the trouble they were in as all but a few tried to flee, leaving their rifles behind as they knew it was meaningless to fight back. Those that had stayed behind did so in vain, as they all died off before even getting the chance to fire back. Selvin had killed them all mercilessly in seconds, switching from dagger to silenced pistol. For each occasion he calculated in his head. Calculating in milliseconds which weapon would be more effective and time-efficient in killing his targets. He had become a cold trained killer in the years that had passed since then, mastering his craft along with all that he learned from the old man he'd encountered all those years ago. As Selvin killed off the final guard that had stayed behind he looked off into the distance and sprinted off for the remaining guards that had run away; catching up to one and killing him on the spot, doing the same for all those that had tried to escape the clutches of death. Finally, he had caught up to the last straggler and launched him into the gate with a single kick to the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The guard, disoriented and out of breath grabbed onto the gate struggling to breathe; shaking and prying at the gate, trying to open it with all the strength he had left... all while Selvin inched his way closer and closer to him. In a desperate attempt of survival, he pulled out his pistol and tried to fire it at Selvin, but just as quickly as he pulled it out and aimed towards him (in hopes of killing him) did Selvin do the same. Pulling out his own gun and shooting him square in the head, killing him instantly and using up the final bullet Selvin had left in his chamber. With his death marked the 35th kill that Selvin had made in the span of 3 minutes. Leaving his attire clean and untouched by all the blood that had been spilled. Making sure that he not only took care of everyone stationed outside but also to make sure not to alert those inside the estate; leaving his real target clueless about everything, clueless about the danger he was in.

Selvin wandered around the property looking for a safe and transparent way to get in. Noticing that a room had its window open he quickly and quietly vaulted upwards onto the windowsill and looked around to see if he was in the clear. With a quick glance, he noticed that it was a nursery. He'd entered the room with that in mind inspecting it and finding a newborn baby peacefully sleeping... undisturbed and unalarmed.

Upon further inspection of the room, he'd come to realize that it was the newborn baby of his target. At that moment he'd walk over to the crib and gently gaze down upon the baby. Seeing them peacefully sleep for one of the first and very last times, as he subconsciously shed a tear along with aiming his gun toward the peacefully sleeping child... killing him in his sleep.

Selvin stood there and pondered, thinking over his actions, wondering if taking this job was truly the right thing to do. But in the end... he felt no guilt as he stared at the lifeless corpse that used to be a brimming new life. As he looked into the baby's lifeless dead eyes the door would creak open shining light into the room. Selvin felt a gentle yet fearful gaze fall upon him, as he'd turn to see a little girl peeking from behind the door. Quickly Selvin dashed towards the girl, grabbing her and keeping her mouth shut as he closed the door. With the door closed, he shoved the girl to the ground and brought the gun up to her face. Coldly staring into her eyes.

"If you make any noises then I'll kill you. Do you understand?" he sullenly said. The girl shaked her head fearfully as tears began to form in her eyes. Looking upon the cold-dead expression Selvin had on his face. "Now then, I want you to do me a favor." as he knelt down, keeping eye contact with the girl.

"Lead me to where Craig Alexander's is. Lead me to where your dad is."

Maids gathered around a table, setting down trays of food and eating utensils all in an orderly fashion. Getting the table prepped and ready for dinner as the clock was approaching 7:30 PM. Laughter can be heard in the room across the dining hall. A group of wealthy men from all around were chatting and drinking together, gathered together for a party. At the very center of attention was non-other than Craig Alexanders. A renowned political leader, one involved in many scandals.

Although the night was still young and a party was ongoing, Craig just couldn't help but feel worried.

An unusual feeling was all he had on his mind. But not even he knew what he was concerned about, all he did know was that the feeling itself wasn't a good one. "The party is great Craig. The wine taste's exquisite and the food smells good." an attendee says, approaching him. "Is that so? That's wonderful to hear. please, continue having a good time." Craig replies back, disoriented and clammy from the cold sweat brewing around his neck. "Well I can't have much of a fun time if the host himself isn't either, you seem bothered. What is it?" he asks worryingly.

Even with a huge gathering ongoing in the background, Craig, for the life of him, couldn't seem to keep his composure. He seemed horrified with sweat running all over his body and face. He looked sick, becoming like this over one measly worry.

"What could possibly be affecting him to this extent?" the guests questioned as he continued to talk with the attendee.

"Seriously, I- I'm fine. My wife and I just had our newborn child, I believe I may just be worrying about that." he responds back. "You sure about that? To me, it seems that your wife is in better shape than you are, and she just went through labor a couple of days ago. There's something You're not telling us." he worryingly says. Before Craig could even make another peep his wife places her hand down on his shoulder, holding him firmly. "Seriously honey, what's the matter?" she asks worryingly. "You truly don't seem well, you've been acting off the whole day. Maybe you should lie down for a bit, clear your mind." Craig solemnly looked into his wife's eyes. "I promise I'm entirely fine. I don't need to lay down-"

At that very moment, everything changed.

Initially, the guests pondered what Craig could be so worried about, it was all there was on their minds. However, in mere seconds that would all change, as they no longer focused on Craig, nor the party, nor anything else related to such matters. Their focus changed to themselves, specifically their own survival, as they all stood silently in horror as the presence of death neared. The lights dimmed and the hallway leading to the entrance of the estate darkened, enveloped in a dark shadowy mist. Footsteps could be heard walking through the hallway, with each coming step their hearts beated louder and faster as they dreaded what was to come.

From within the dark, a mirage of a figure appeared.

A tall, dark, black, shadowy creature had begun to be perceived from within the dull shadowy mist. A creature with glistening purple-black eyes, staring into the souls of all of those in the room. They were all horrified... with each coming step their death seemed nearer and nearer. Shrieking inside at the creature they all saw before them. Finally, with the last step, the creature had disappeared, leaving a small, scared little girl standing at the end of the hallway. She cowered in fear as did all other guests, but from seeing the little girl they all felt a great sense of relief. After having calmed down from the occurrence, Craig realized it was his daughter he was standing before. "W-what are you doing here Natalie? S-shouldn't you be asleep?" he asked, still stunned by what he saw. "P-papa..." she cried out in fear. "There's a man behind me." she frighteningly said, tearing up. "But honey... there's no one behind you?" Craig stated confusingly.

"That's because I'm right behind you." Selvin coldly whispered in his ear, drawing the gun to his head.

At that single moment, everything froze, with everyone alike trembling. Those that didn't know of him were equally as scarred as those who did. They didn't even have to know of his title and what his name stood for in order to understand the amount of danger they were all in. They all equally knew that they were under the mercy of a true monster. Selvin stood up straight, aiming the gun at his head, and finally pulled the trigger, killing him in an instance.

"Date of death, august 14th. Time of death, 7:08 PM. The 11th second of the 9th minute. Craig alexander's is dead." Selvin stated as everyone screamed and ran off in a hurry.

Through all the commotion, Selvin spotted his next targets, Mrs. Alexanders and her child... Natalie Alexanders, after all, his mission wasn't just to kill Craig but instead to kill off the bloodline entirely. He saw them run off in a hurry along with the crowd. Just as he was about to chase after the two he was quickly confronted by the remaining guards. Without a second of hesitation they all fired their weapons in unison, spraying bullets left and right at Selvin, but even with trying with their life's on the line, it still proved to not be enough In the face of a Horsemen. Selvin wound up unharmed with more blood on his hands. "Quick Mrs. Alexanders, this way." a guard yelled out gaining her and her daughter's attention. "But sir my baby, I have to go rescue my baby!" she cried out, as Natalie looked up at her mom in horror. She knew the truth... but couldn't bring herself to tell it. She trembled in fear as the memories of what had happened replayed over and over again, crouching down and curling her head up in terror.

"There's no time for that, we have to leave now! The estate is being terrorized by that thing as we speak, we have to leave no-" even with all the repeated warnings, even with seeing things firsthand, even with knowing her life was in complete danger... her motherly instincts overpowered her fear as she ran off in search of her newborn baby.

"FUCK!! Damn it all to hell." he yelled in anger.

"I don't care about what happens anymore," he annoyingly thought in his head. "Hey kid, follow me, we have to go get your mama." he said to Natalie as she nodded her head in agreeance. "My baby, please tell me my baby's fine, please," she plead to herself as she ran to the nursery, opening the door and Jolting inside. "Please, let my baby be sa-" she thought as the color in her eyes faded, as she saw the lifeless bloody body that used to be brimming with life. At that very same moment, the guard and Natalie came through the door and were greeted with the same depressing scene as her. "Mrs. we're-" he stopped mid-sentence as he fully realized the scene he had just taken in. "Holy fuck..." was the singular thought that had crossed his mind, however, he still had a job to do.

"Ma'am I need to escort you out of here now. There's still time to-" he explained as he was quickly caught off by the sounds of screams, gunshots, and blood splatter, accompanied by the dark omen approaching. "Shit, no time at- no we can escape through there," he thought as he grabbed Natalie and Mrs. Alexanders as he jumped out of the window, taking the full impact as his legs cracked while being doped up with adrenaline.

"Fuck Ima feel that later." he groaned as he ran off with the family.

"Looks like we're in the clear-" he said as he was shot dead in the head, collapsing to the floor. With the mother, still in a daze and daughter trapped under his dead body. Natalie look distraught as her only means of escape was killed right before her eyes. She shook the man off and quickly ran towards her mother. "Mom... Mom, please! Mom, please snap out of it!!!" she cried out as she shook her mother after taking her out from under the dead guard's body. Suddenly she heard footsteps slowly making their way towards her accompanied by a terrible presence. She looked up in horror as she saw him walking towards them, gun in hand.

She screamed out a cry like no other, a scream heard throughout the estate and more, it was her final cry for help against a monster.

Suddenly her mother snapped out of her daze and quickly picked up her remaining daughter and ran. Abruptly footsteps were heard making their way towards them, coming from the remaining guards.

They opened fire on sight as did he, a gunfight lasting an eternity for the mother and daughter but in reality only lasting a minute. She ran towards the gate separating the outside world from the estate, holding Natalie dearly, but at the final few steps, she was shot in the leg, collapsing to the floor. "Please... PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE!!" she beggingly cried out, still holding her daughter dearly, but in the end... it was all in vain, as Selvin pointed the gun to her head... and pulled the trigger, killing her too.

"Date of death, august 14th. Time of death, 7:15 PM. The 16th second of the 16th minute. Mrs. Alexanders is dead." he stated as Natalie cried out in agony.

"WHY??? WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?? Why... just why me." she defeatedly said as Selvin pointed the gun towards her too... killing her off as well.

"Date of death, august 14th. Time of death, 7:15 PM. The 21st second of the 16th minute. Natalie Alexander is dead. The Alexanders bloodline is officially dead." he coldly stated as he looked at the lifeless bodies while being drenched in blood.

      Selvin's phone vibrates as he receives a call. He takes it out and looks down to see who it could possibly be. "Lilith huh, my secretary. What could she possibly want at a time like this?" He annoyingly thought as he begrudgingly answered his phone. "Sorry to interrupt you boss but we just received a message from the 12 pillars organization, an urgent one at that." she calmly states as her keyboard clacks from her typing. "No need to apologize, I was already finishing things up here on my end. So, what's this message they sent? What do they want now?" Selvin answers back annoyed. "They're not asking for much, however, the event is still an urgent one. Not only that but it was a request put in by the leader himself." "The leader huh... what could he possibly want?" Selvin thought. "So, what exactly is this request?" "He's requesting an audience with the top 4 powers of the organization, he's gathering the Four Horsemen." she states as she continues to type away at her desk. "All 4 of us? This must be important." he thought, slightly annoyed. "Did they give you an exact time for the conference? By what time should I be there?" "They want you there by tomorrow, although an exact time isn't stated. I assume they'll be giving you the details personally, but just to be sure I suggest you make your way over now. Italy is quite a long way from Pennsylvania." she states as she finally finishes typing, paying attention to her phone. "Understood, I'll be making my way over now. Keep a watchful eye for me while I'm gone, and also make sure those two don't fight during my absence. I'll try to keep things short and be back as soon as possible. Bye now." he says as he makes his way out of the estate. "Understood boss, I'll do my utmost best to run things here while you're gone. Bye now." she says, hanging up the call, leaving Selvin with the sound of blaring sirens and flashes of red and blue seen from down the street, as he takes his leave.

"Tomorrow huh... looks like I won't be able to visit that coffee shop located near base anytime soon. The one thing that I've actually been looking forward to in a while. Oh well, not that it matters, I'll just visit some other time. After all, there's something about that barista... that has me intrigued."