Chapter 4 : Showdown

Amidst the echoing sounds surrounding him, the First Elder looked with a slight frown.

Uzumaki Kazuhiko's demeanour remained unchanged, although he appeared surprised.

"Elder, I hold you in high regard as a hero of the Uzumaki clan, so I'll let it slide this time.

But remember, I am Uzumaki Kazuhiko, the future head of the Uzumaki clan.The sole heir to the prestigious legacy of the Whirlpool Country. There's no reason I can't speak my mind here!"

"Remember, my identity now is that of the future clan head, not a kid named Kazuhiko."

Uzumaki Kazuhiko turned his head, addressing the astonished crowd.

Upon hearing his words, the expressions of the audience varied greatly.

It was as though they were seeing Uzumaki Kazuhiko for the first time.

However, Uzumaki Kazuhiko paid no heed to the surprised gazes fixed upon him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I enter this assembly as the future clan head!"

Observing the spirited Uzumaki Kazuhiko, Uzumaki Kiyoshi's lips curled into a slight smile.

Uzumaki Kiyoshi still supported his nephew's actions.

The Elders appeared to rely too heavily on tradition and were neglecting change.

Uzumaki Kiyoshi cleared his throat and took a step forward.

"Indeed, Kazuhiko, as the future clan head, you are unquestionably qualified to partake in this meeting. You shall also be eligible for future meetings too. Join me and have a seat, for you are aware of our current discussions!"

After his statement, Uzumaki Kiyoshi exchanged a glance with the Great Elder, whose brows furrowed in silence and a tinge of frustration.

Uzumaki Kazuhiko didn't mind. He took his place beside the head, saying nothing.

"Yes, Clan Head. I have been informed of the conclusions reached by the attending elders."

"However, I don't believe we should place our hopes entirely on Konoha."

Before Kazuhiko could finish, the First Elder couldn't resist interjecting.

"Kazuhiko-sama, you fail to understand the bond between us and Konoha! With Konoha's support, we have nothing to fear!"

"Let alone the Shinobi from the Mist or the Rock, Konoha's backing renders us formidable in the entire ninja world!"

"While you are the future clan head of the Uzumaki clan, you are still young. Refrain from interjecting when your understanding is lacking!!"

After speaking, the First Elder huffed, casting a sardonic glance at Uzumaki Kazuhiko.

Evidently, he disagreed with Uzumaki Kazuhiko's stance, finding this youth insufferable.

Anticipating such a response, Uzumaki Kazuhiko was not vexed. In fact, he took secret pleasure in it.

"I thought I might need to actively assert my influence. It seems the opportunity has presented itself today, First Elder, and you've walked right into it!"

While inwardly content, Uzumaki Kazuhiko's countenance assumed an air of displeasure, an act that melded authenticity and pretense.

"Elder, could you perhaps abstain from abruptly interrupting others while they speak? A fundamental respect for one another ought to be maintained."

"Furthermore, whether I comprehend matters or not is not yours to judge. The facts substantiate my standpoint."

"And where does your confidence stem from?"

"From the onset, your confidence rested solely on the presumption of Konoha's intervention."

"You vested your hope in Konoha. But what if Konoha does not intervene?"

"In the event that Konoha fails to act, shall we then neglect fortification?"

"At that juncture, we'd merely be sheep led to slaughter!"

"Currently, expediting our defensive preparations affords us leverage, even if Konoha does lend its support."

"These defenses can endure the onset of conflict and safeguard our populace."

Uzumaki Kazuhiko's words elicited varying reactions from those present.

"Yes, Kazuhiko-sama is correct!"

"Indeed, there is time to construct defenses now. When conflict arises, the elderly and infants can also find refuge."

"Quite right, but can we truly assume Konoha won't assist?"

Observing the audience's momentum, the First Elder, now refuted, seethed with intensified anger.


He slammed the table with a resounding slap!

"Uzumaki Kazuhiko, who do you think you are, merely the future clan head! Dare you question our rapport with Konoha!?"

"Konoha and the Uzumaki clan are bound as eternal allies! You have no authority to challenge that!"

"In my six decades, I've grasped Konoha's nature. Konoha shall never abandon us!"

Uzumaki Kazuhiko was equally unyielding. If you are from the Uzumaki clan, can you possess an indomitable spirit? Can't I?


Uzumaki Kazuhiko brought his palm down on the table with equal force.

"Elder, for this impending calamity, do you possess alternatives beyond relying on Konoha?"


"I've immersed myself in countless archives. In this world, strength matters most. Dependence on anyone is futile!"

"Only personal strength unlocks all doors!"

"Relying on others is feasible intermittently. But in a crisis, banking solely on others is folly."

"Such a nation is fated to crumble!"

"And when that time arrives, individuals like you will be the architects of our downfall!"

Uzumaki Kazuhiko's proclamation reverberated throughout the Uzumaki clan.

Even guards stationed beyond the doors and Uzumaki Hiroki, who had been denied entry, could faintly perceive it.

The First Elder's fury rendered him inarticulate.

"You, you're insufferably audacious! You dare to berate me, an elder!"

"Strengthening oneself may sound impressive, but who doesn't understand this principle? Yet you, a mere village ruffian..."

"Whether you are strong or weak, it's inconsequential. Without strength, your words are futile. If not for Konoha, what value do you possess?"

"Ah..." The Great Elder's words plunged many listeners into despondency.

True, their weakness rendered them powerless. How could they fare without relying on the strong?

Uzumaki Kazuhiko gazed upon the assembly, comprehending their sentiments.

"It appears I must establish my authority decisively today!"


Uzumaki Kazuhiko once more brought his palm crashing onto the table.

"Naturally, you must rely on me!"

"How could you possibly determine my strength or its absence? Have any of you witnessed my genuine might? Has anyone clashed with me? How can you so certainly dismiss my worth!"

"Enough with the charade. Cease pretending and witness my true power today!"