Chapter 6 : Solving the battle with one kick

Uzumaki Kazuhiko adjusted his stance, his hands moving skillfully as he engaged the First Elder in combat. Despite the intensity of the fight, his expression remained stoic.

After merging with the Kizaru template, Kazuhiko's fighting posture had taken on a semblance of Kizaru's style.

He executed a swift kick, appearing to onlookers as if his foot were already there.

With a sense of inevitability, the kick struck the First Elder's body with precision.


"Such speed! This isn't good!!!"

The First Elder's face twisted in response to his years of battle experience. He had only a moment to quickly raise his hand in defense.

"Whoo... bang! bang!! bang!!!"

A sudden hush fell over the duelling arena, save for the sound of the First Elder tumbling.

All eyes in the arena were fixed on the scene, a collective silence sweeping over them.

The First Elder was sent flying more than ten meters away in an instant.

He rolled along the ground, raising dust in his wake.

The momentum of the attack was so strong that it couldn't be easily halted.

After a while, the residual force subsided, and the elder's rolling body finally came to a stop.

He raised his head, face covered in dust, his gaze directed at Kazuhiko before him.


Overwhelmed, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, its trace following the corner of his mouth.

In the First Elder's perception, Kazuhiko seemed to have moved in a mere instant.

In the blink of an eye, a leg had been unleashed in a direct kick.

"I concede! I cannot continue!"

"This speed! This strength!"

"This child is truly fearsome, possessing such power and concealing it for so long!!!"

"No one had any inkling of his true capabilities. Were it not for the Uzumaki clan's crisis, he might have remained hidden even longer!"

As these thoughts raced through the First Elder's mind, he gazed at Kazuhiko with astonishment.

In his eyes, a profound sense of incredulity had taken root.

At that moment, Kazuhiko had turned his back to the intense light, its golden glow harmonizing with the brilliance emanating from his body.

His fiery red hair fluttered in the breeze, creating the illusion of a human-shaped sun in the eyes of those watching.

"Kazuhiko-sama, I concede! The words spoken by the Uzumaki clan members hold true! I shall henceforth abide by your commands!"

Staring at Kazuhiko, temporarily blinded by the sunlight, the elder moved, wincing as a pang shot through his abdomen.

Though the Uzumaki clan was known for its fiery temperament, their nature was fundamentally righteous.

The First Elder recognized his defeat without reservation, accepting it on the spot.

He made no excuses, a contrast to those who attempted to veil their inferiority.

Silence reigned over the crowd, punctuated only by the elder's admission of defeat.

Strength failed to measure up, and nothing more needed to be said.

Although the spectators held a tinge of regret, they accepted the outcome as a matter of course.

To lose was to lose!

As the elder conceded, the atmosphere shifted, like a volume knob turned up.

Only then did the once-muted duelling arena resound with voices once more.

Someone hastened to assist the fallen elder.

"One move! A single move! Kazuhiko-sama emerges victorious!"

"Kazuhiko-sama is indomitable! His concealed strength has finally come to light!"

"Kazuhiko-sama is truly awe-inspiring. His strength remained an enigma until now!"

"Fantastic! Our Uzumaki clan boasts a formidable future clan head!"

"By the way, what manner of ninjutsu did Kazuhiko-sama employ?"

"Shh, refrain from further discussion. It must be Kazuhiko-sama's silent bloodline limit or some secret technique!"

The once-quiet duel ground transformed into a bustling market.

An array of amazed and incredulous voices resonated from all directions.

"Lord Kazuhiko, you've triumphed magnificently!"

Kazuhiko, basking in the admiration, turned to find his young attendant, Uzumaki Hiroki addressing him.

Meeting his gaze, Uzumaki Hiroki scratched his nose, a smug smile on his face.

He dashed towards Kazuhiko, brimming with joy, preparing to embrace him.


At the sight of the sticky substance in his hands, Kazuhiko sidestepped, evading the hug.


Uzumaki Hiroki fell to the ground, gazing at Kazuhiko with a mix of confusion and hurt.

His large black eyes seemed to question Kazuhiko, asking "Why?"

Others swiftly joined the scene, encircling Kazuhiko.

"Kazuhiko-sama, your prowess is astounding!"

"Such speed and explosive power are nothing short of terrifying!"

At that moment, Kazuhiko exhibited his genuine character.

He moved closer to help the fallen First Elder.

"Elder, our quarrel stemmed from concern for the Uzumaki clan."

"Anxiety and apprehension may have provoked conflicts, but I must acknowledge my own disrespectful conduct in the heat of the moment."

"This was unquestionably wrong, and I hope you bear no grudge."

"In the days ahead, I beseech your continued guidance for the Uzumaki clan."

"Many challenges still await that demand your assistance!"

The First Elder, recently defeated, heard Kazuhiko's words and felt a pang of regret.

Kazuhiko-sama pardoned the past, though he had once leaned on the elder's experience.

Witnessing Kazuhiko's proactive apology, the elder felt a profound sense of shame.

Soon, he felt a sense of acquiescence.

"Kazuhiko-sama, I accept! I was the one in the wrong, allowing my age to cloud my judgement!"

"From this point on, I will follow your lead without hesitation. Whatever you decree shall be done!"

Coughing, the First Elder struggled to contain his enthusiasm, inadvertently aggravating his injury.

"It's alright. Take a few days to rest and recover. Your assistance will be essential in the days ahead."

Kazuhiko reassured him promptly.

"First, let's tend to the elder's injuries. I was a bit too forceful earlier."

As the First Elder departed, Kazuhiko raised his gaze to meet the stares of those who remained fixated on him.

Their appraising gazes seemed to assess him anew.

Kazuhiko harboured no timidity.

"Everyone, a war is on the horizon!"