Chapter 21 : First Battle

As Kazuhiko and others waited on the coastline, the Land of Whirlpools's forces were on the move. Everyone was bustling – Kushina, Hiroki, the clan elders...

"Grandma, hurry up, don't take those..."

"Move! Seek shelter in the prepared bunkers!"

"Uzumaki Nana, lend a hand with this child!"

"I'm on it!"

"Everyone, maintain order as you move forward, no crowding!"

A flurry of instructions flowed from their lips, and they intermittently pitched in to help, united for their nation's sake.

Time passed, progressing as Kazuhiko had foreseen.

The elderly, the frail, women, and children found refuge in concealed shelters to protect them from the potential dangers of war. Each ninja was assigned to a team stationed at designated positions. They all carried explosive talismans and held Kazuhiko's guidance close to heart – no unnecessary confrontation, only following orders.

Everything proceeded methodically.

The following day…

The formidable ships of the Mist Shinobi finally reached the Land of Whirlpools's coastline, and many ninjas disembarked. Captain Kimura Ishinomura raised his hand, signalling his comrades to halt. An eerie quiet settled in.

The Mist Shinobi were already cautious, evident as they readied their shuriken and kunai, forming an automatic perimeter.

From time to time, the rustling of wind-blown leaves filled the air.

"Ninjas of the Land of Whirlpools, come forward!"

The vanguard commander, Ishinomura Kimura, gazed toward the woods ahead and spoke.

From the woods emerged numerous figures adorned with the Uzumaki emblem, their intentions clear.

The Mist Shinobi's ninja knitted their brows as they observed the increasing number of Uzumaki ninjas. The situation was growing tense, their surroundings subtly becoming a trap.

"Mist Shinobi, depart now. You're not welcome here!"

One of the prominent Uzumaki jōnin snapped, setting the tone for their stance.

"Stay, and you'll plunge the Uzumaki clan into war!"

It was only due to Kazuhiko's decree that these Mist Shinobi had yet to be dealt with. Why converse with them, then?

"Ninjas of the Land of Whirlpools, I merely wish to pass through your land and acquire some fresh water and provisions."

Kaidō, standing beside Jōnin Kimura, mused inwardly.

So naive, this Uzumaki clan, hesitating to make the first move, finding any reason to stall them.

"Hmp. Depart this place and await us on the ship! Our representatives will trade supplies with you!"

Jōnin from the Uzumaki clan spoke, barely containing their frustration.

Such a reason, could it be any more absurd? Armed as they were, did they really think they could claim to be lost?

This reasoning belittled the Uzumaki clan. Did they think they were so easily deceived?

"Leave this area!"

"Depart from the Land of Whirlpools!!"

"Leave this place!!!"

The Uzumaki clansmen nearby joined the chorus of shouts.

Observing the impassioned Uzumaki clan before him, Captain Kimura understood that delay was unwise. He made a decisive call, shouting:

"Advance! Breakthrough!"

"Water Style: Big Waterfall Technique!"

Instantly, the Mist Shinobi ninjas began their ninjutsu onslaught.

However, the Uzumaki ninjas were prepared and waiting.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind Style: Tornado!"

"Water Style: Water Barrier!"

Before the Mist Shinobi could react, Kimura's command prompted the Uzumaki clan ninjas to execute their pre-arranged techniques.


The Uzumaki clan ninjas roared, as previously instructed, only attacking if provoked. With sufficient numbers, they aimed to overpower their adversaries.

However, restraint was necessary – avoid excessive casualties. A few deaths, a demonstration of strength, but spare the rest.

It was inconvenient. Once, a straightforward assault and counting the slain was sufficient. But now, Kazuhiko's orders had to be obeyed, adhering to planned strategies.

A balance must be struck – inflict injuries but avoid death, especially among the Mist Shinobi's ranks.

In the midst of this strategic dance, an abundance of Wind Style and Water Style jutsus filled the coast. Kunai of all sorts multiplied, scattering everywhere.




"Retreat!" Captain Ishinomura Kimura surveyed the chaotic Uzumaki ninjas, their numbers formidable. They hadn't come for a battle.

At a glance, the west appeared less defended – perhaps an escape route.

Fortunately, these Uzumaki ninjas weren't overly formidable. The defense line had yet to break.

"Fall back to the west, push through!"

"So many foes! We must hasten!" Mist Shinobi urged, pulling their comrades.

Abruptly tugging, they accidentally tore their companion's hand away.

"Ghost Step!"

Their comrade had been sliced by Wind Style.

The Uzumaki ninjas swiftly caught the wavering comrade.

Don't venture too far, feign vulnerability, don't precipitate the conflict!

"Break through! Zanku, go!"

"Water Style: Water Barrier!"

Halting the onslaught of kunai and projectiles, the captain seized his friend's lone child and bellowed:

"Retreat! Move!"


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