Chapter 25 : Third Mizukage

In the distant background, the Mist Shinobi refrained from crossing their camp anymore. Each instance where the Uzumaki ninja harassed someone, it became increasingly unbearable.

Just as the impulse to intervene grew strong within, the resolute gaze of Captain Kimura halted the movement. Action was only taken when the Shadow Clones made the first move, attacking as they drew near.

This strategy was designed to disconcert the Mist Shinobi ninja. The discomfort grew more pronounced, especially in the aftermath of a comrade's passing, amplifying the pain.

"The thirst for vengeance is overwhelming."

Watching the relentless harassment from the Uzumaki ninja, the Mist Shinobi longed to confront them directly. Within each heart echoed the same call:

"Reinforcements, hurry!"

The Mist Shinobi were not the sole ones seeking reinforcement. In parallel, Kazuhiko and the village elders shared their concerns and yearnings.

"Mist Shinobi, when shall you arrive?"


"When shall we reach the Land of Whirlpools?"

At this moment, a man with long, raven hair and an ornamental headpiece stood upon the ship's prow. Though his eyes were closed, he appeared to peer straight ahead, as though perceiving without relying on sight.

Indeed, he was the Third Mizukage of Kirigakure.

While he hadn't been eager to partake, given the grandeur of the operation, his duty as Mizukage necessitated his presence.

Frankly, he held reservations about invading the Land of Whirlpools. He preferred that the Mist Shinobi undergo more years of training, amassing further strength, and evading war.

However, the village's influential members were determined to dismantle the Land of Whirlpools. As Mizukage, he was compelled to align with their resolution.

In the wake of the harrowing First Ninja War, even the Second Mizukage had fallen on the battlefield. After years of recovery, the Mist Shinobi had finally regained a semblance of vitality.

Concurrently, a martial faction within the village had diverted their focus to the Land of Whirlpools.

This small island nation had an Uzumaki clan who had a formidable sealing technique, capable of perfectly sealing the tailed beasts within themself.

Had these abilities been solely used in their own interest, it would have been tolerable. Yet, they chose to assist Konoha. They not only aided Konoha in sealing the potent Nine-Tails but actively engaged on the frontlines during the First Ninja World War.

This was intolerable to all nations!

Remaining quiet would have sufficed; Kirigakure had no interest in crossing seas to provoke them. However, the perfect tailed beast seal and their aid to Konoha, particularly without Senju Hashirama's presence, was unacceptable.

Furthermore, a debt from the previous World War still lingered.

Unable to assail Konoha, nor obliterate the Land of Whirlpools, their active participation in past conflicts could not be overlooked.

Erasing the Land of Whirlpools would neutralize Konoha's substantial ally and serve as a deterrent to smaller nations, discouraging them from aligning against Kirigakure.

Not only the Mist Shinobi but the Cloud Shinobi also covertly contributed. They dispatched troops to encircle the Land of Whirlpools, preventing Uzumaki clan from escaping.

In this venture to assail the Land of Whirlpools, the Mist Shinobi, given their proximity, bore the most vehement grudge against the nation that supported Konoha in the First World War.

Hence, they constituted the primary force. Yet, Cloud Shinobi, also situated close to the Land of Whirlpools, coveted the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques, making their participation logical.

Thus, united by mutual goals, the Mist and Cloud Shinobi initiated the most significant conflict since the first world war—the annihilation of the Land of Whirlpools!

Moreover, was it certain that Konoha hadn't tacitly approved this invasion?

Were Konoha to obstruct the endeavor, their combined might could easily thwart the assault. Still, they hesitated to provoke Konoha anew.

Konoha's Anbu, an assemblage of numerous talented ninjas, must have been aware of their actions. Yet, according to spies in Konoha, no word or action emerged—a conspicuous absence.

No words conveyed the most resounding message!

In this context, the Third Mizukage couldn't help but reflect upon the impending downfall of the Land of Whirlpools. Not only their adversaries sought their annihilation, even allies disdained their survival.

As to why Konoha disregarded the Land of Whirlpools' fate, the Third Mizukage could hazard a guess—an expedient abandonment.

From the time of the Second Hokage's passing, Konoha had transformed into a "political state," an entity driven by self-interest, willing to sacrifice others to bolster themselves—even their allies.

Gone were the compassion and camaraderie embodied by the First and Second Hokage. Now, only cold, calculating interests prevailed.

"Land of Whirlpools, fault not others for your demise!"

"You thought of yourself and Konoha as allies, contributing and sharing proximity!"

"In truth, Konoha regarded you as an ally only when advantageous. When inconvenient, you were a burden!"

"Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, a congregation of hypocrites!"

"Now, after the first war, your vitality wanes, Jōnin ranks ninjas are thinning, the clan is mostly dominated by the elderly."

"I struggle to envision a favorable outcome for you. This operation is undoubtedly your downfall!"

Observing the Land of Whirlpools drawing near, the cautious Third Mizukage shut his eyes. His thoughts converged on the land's impending demise, a decision's efficacy weighed repeatedly in his mind.


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