Chapter 27 : Battle with Seven Ninja Swordsmen

A vibrant figure with fiery red hair observed them silently from the front!

Just as expected from the seven seasoned ninja swordsmen, while they were taken aback, they swiftly drew their weapons and scanned their surroundings with vigilance.

"South, secure!"

"West, secure!"

"East, no issues!"

"North, one individual!"

Cooperating seamlessly, they directed their attention toward the Uzumaki clan boy ahead.

Fiery red hair adorned his head, his face handsome and distinguished, dressed in a white trench coat, an ordinary samurai sword hanging at his waist.

Confirming his solitary presence, the seven directed displeased expressions towards Kazuhiko.

Indeed, that person was Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko and his group had noticed them while departing from the main force of the Mist Shinobi.

With the keen perception of the Uzumaki clan's Kagura mind eye, any attempt at stealth would be as noticeable as a hair on a monk's head - without a doubt!

Yet, they remained unaware that while they attempted to circle the Land of Whirlpools, they were being watched intently by Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko focused on the information provided by Kazuki.

"There are seven of them, all formidable! Their chakra levels are at the Jōnin tier! Be cautious."

At that time, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were not widely known across the shinobi world.

They were prominent primarily within Kirigakure, thus many remained oblivious to their true identity as the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Most mistook them for infiltrators dispatched by the Mist Shinobi.

Upon hearing about the seven, Kazuhiko's thoughts raced instantly.

The First Generation of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure!

"I'll handle them!"

Kazuhiko contemplated, each of the seven wielded distinctive ninja tools.

Those unfamiliar with them might indeed be overwhelmed when facing them in battle.

The Land of Whirlpools suffered from a shortage of manpower, yet it couldn't afford to squander any on this endeavour.

"Kazuhiko-sama, but for added safety, let us serve as scouts on the sidelines!"

The eldest council member pondered briefly, not outright rejecting Kazuhiko's strategy.

"No need. Leave this to me. They're merely Jōnin! Have faith in me! I can hold my own against Kage-level ninja."

"Elder Kazuki, their positions."

"They've halted by the southern cliff, intending to disembark from there."

Observing the concern in the eyes of his elders and companions, Kazuhiko reassured them and proceeded after ascertaining their location.

At that moment, a formation comprising seven ninja swordsmen, consisting of Kushimaru Kuriarare, Suien Enoki, Fuguki Suikazan, Jinin Akebino, Juzo Biwa, Raiga Kurosuki, and Jinpachi Munashi, focused their attention on the Kazuhiko standing before them.

The seven had relinquished their guard, now regarding Kazuhiko with a playful demeanor.

"I planned to infiltrate discreetly, yet you leave me no choice but to vanquish you! Boy, ill fortune has befallen you for crossing our path!"

Juzo Biwa elevated his Kubikiribōchō and regarded Kazuhiko, his countenance devoid of emotion.

"Today shall mark the ascension of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen's renown throughout the shinobi world!"

"Boy, you shall be the first Uzumaki to meet his demise by my hand - what an extraordinary honour!"

Juzo Biwa's lips parted to reveal pale teeth, his breath seemingly tainted with the scent of blood.

"No, no, you've misinterpreted."

Kazuhiko inspected the seven ninja swordsmen before him, each displaying a distinct appearance, and addressed them slowly.


"It is you who have encountered ill fate by crossing my path!"

As he spoke, Kazuhiko's foot descended with force, leaving a deep impression in the gravelly earth.

In an instant, he launched his right leg in the direction of vacant space to his right.

"What! Impossible! How did he discern it!"

The other swordsmen, witnessing this, registered astonishment.

Dust and pebbles around them erupted, conveying a sensation of tremor beneath their feet. Swiftly, Kazuhiko's right leg gleamed with a layer of golden radiance.

In the previously empty ground, a figure manifested precisely where Kazuhiko had aimed his kick.

The occurrence resembled a calculated rendezvous with a kick.


The figure propelled like a cannon, hurtling in the opposite direction.

Its acceleration through the air emitted sonic booms, reverberating intensely.

Chakra surged, and gusts of wind materialized, stirring the earth directly beneath.

Even those at a distance detected the faint traces of the ensuing wind.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Finally, the figure breached the line of trees behind, plowing through several colossal trees that required three people to encircle, before plummeting into a pool of crimson.


Observing Kushimaru Kuriarare ensconced in a pool of blood, motionless, the onlookers remained incredulous.

How was this conceivable? How did he discern Kushimaru, whose expertise in stealth was unparalleled among them, especially this time, when his approach was utterly noiseless?

They themselves failed to perceive any variance.

The moment Kazuhiko detected them, Kushimaru cloaked himself.

Juzo Biwa engaged Kazuhiko in a protracted discourse mainly to numb him, for they had just arrived in the Land of Whirlpools and were cautious of potential traps.

Thus, while Kazuhiko might appear innocuous, they chose to execute the safest assassination.

Their stratagem revolved around exploiting Kushimaru Kuriarare's stealth to pinpoint an opening and eliminate their target with a solitary blow.

The scheme appeared foolproof; however, it was to no avail.

Gazing upon the collective disbelief, Kazuhiko harboured no apprehensions, almost tempted to chuckle.

Sneak upon me with Observation Haki – what emboldened you?

From their perspective, Kushimaru Kuriarare's stealth left no trace, an unblemished performance.

Yet, through Kazuhiko's eyes, it was akin to someone walking directly by his side.

Skirting his periphery, subsequently elevating a long blade to strike him down.

"Hence, are you certain who is truly ill-fated?!"


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