Chapter 29 : Defeated?

A brilliant golden light struck, no, it was two!

At that moment, Jūzō Biwa, who stood atop a vantage point, could see clearly. Though he couldn't discern the nature of the attack, one thing was certain—it was far from benign.

As the golden light pierced the air, he sensed the impending danger.


He barely had time to utter a word before it happened.

"Swish, swish..."

Two beams silently punctured the chests of Jinpachi Munashi and Raiga Kurosuki. In an instant, fist-sized holes were left in their chests, and they were sent hurtling into the air, disappearing from view.

"What... How could..."

Jinpachi Munashi stared at his chest wound in disbelief.


Raiga Kurosuki crashed to the ground, blood freely flowing from his chest. Soon, the ground beneath him was stained red.


Eventually, Jinpachi Munashi couldn't withstand his injuries and fell into a pool of blood.

As Jūzō Biwa watched his comrades fall one by one, regret gnawed at him. "If only we hadn't come to this Land of Whirlpools so early! We should have accompanied Mizukage-sama."

With the deaths of Jinpachi Munashi and Raiga Kurosuki the fog lifted, and the remaining three members emerged: Jūzō Biwa, Fuguki Suikazan, and Jinin Akebino.

Only four of the original seven remained.

Jūzō Biwa was now deeply remorseful. "If only I had known better..."

The others were overwhelmed by fear and confusion. They couldn't comprehend this mysterious ability, and the unknown terrorized them.

Humanity's greatest fear, they say, stems from the unknown, and this was certainly true for the current Jinin Akebino. He was the least capable among the seven, watching his stronger companions fall one after another.

Kazuhiko's uncanny movement abilities allowed him to unleash attacks unnoticed. He moved swiftly behind Jinin Akebino and Fuguki Suikazan, delivering an inhumanly powerful kick that sent Jinin Akebino flying helplessly, likely unconscious and of little help.

But it was the enigmatic yellow light that stunned them the most. It was soundless and rapid, penetrating the chests of Jinpachi Munashi and Raiga Kurosuki leaving fist-sized wounds with burn marks around them just a while ago.

"Is this a Kekkei Genkai? Could there be such a terrifying bloodline limit in the ninja world? How have I never heard of it before?" Suien Enoki wondered.

"I defeated all three of them. I'm undoubtedly more dangerous now, and I might be next," he thought, realizing that he couldn't match Kazuhiko's speed and power.

"No, I can't stand by. I need to take the initiative, use my tricks," Suien Enoki decided.

He glanced at Jūzō Biwa and raised his Hiramekarei.

He swung Hiramekarei towards Kazuhiko blocking his escape path and threw kunai with exploding tags around Kazuhiko and trapped him.

Then, a massive explosion erupted.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The other three wisely distanced themselves. The explosion was so intense that even with their preparations, they were showered with dirt.

However, as the smoke cleared, there was no sign of Kazuhiko.

"No yellow light this time!"

"No trace of him! Did we really defeat him?"

Jūzō Biwa searched anxiously, hoping that they had finally vanquished this mysterious and terrifying foe.

"Let's see how he can hide now! Cough cough... A blast of this magnitude, cough... He can't possibly escape!! No one can evade my ultimate move; he must be dead!"

Suien Enoki observed the billowing smoke with excitement, even though it meant her explosive knife was now unusable and would take months to repair. But it was a price he was willing to pay to eliminate such a formidable adversary.

Jūzō Biwa, Jinin Akebino, and Fuguki Suikazan couldn't help but smile, believing they had finally rid themselves of this enigmatic and menacing enemy.


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