Chapter 34 : Real War Begins

While both the Mizukage and the elder were engrossed in their own thoughts, Kimura suppressed his urge to speak out.

In his view, the Land of Whirlpools did indeed seem weak, but there were lingering doubts in his mind.

With such a vast fleet, it was impossible for them not to be aware of it. So why hadn't they launched a surprise attack?

Were they considering surrender? Could this group of apparent fools even contemplate such an option? Or perhaps they intended to initiate peace talks?

But Before such talks hey had already claimed the lives of ten of our ninjas, a small but significant number that hardly boded well for peaceful negotiations.

What was their ultimate objective? Had they given up on the Land of Whirlpools altogether and planned to vacate the area?

The Third Mizukage didn't ponder these questions for long.

While he had initially opposed going to war, he hadn't believed that the Land of Whirlpools possessed the ability to resist.

His plan had been to allow Kirigakure to strengthen its position for a few more years, without actively provoking war.

However, the situation seemed to indicate that the Land of Whirlpools was even weaker than he had imagined.

There was nothing in the Land of Whirlpools capable of halting their advance. Since war was now inevitable, he decided it was best to end it as swiftly as possible. This would also be a kinder course of action for the citizens of the Land of Whirlpools.

"Land ashore! Swift and decisive combat!" The Third Mizukage, having made up his mind, waved his hand, unexpectedly opening his normally closed eyes, freezing Kimura with their icy-blue gaze.

"Yes!" The Jōnins behind the Mizukage responded in unison.

"Mizukage-sama's power has become more and more fearsome," Kimura whispered with reverence as he retreated along with the others.

Before long, Mist Shinobi ninjas disembarked from their ships. The West shoreline soon teemed with the sounds and shadows of Mist ninja.

In an instant, a group of Mist ninja had already penetrated the forest ahead.

"The Land of Whirlpools can't stop us!" Only the elder and the Third Mizukage remained on the shore.

"Yes, but I can't shake this feeling of unease. Could it be because of Konoha?" The Third Mizukage, his icy blue eyes piercing, voiced his suspicions.

"Then let's resolve the Land of Whirlpools issue as quickly as possible. We wouldn't want those cunning folks from Konoha to suddenly emerge at the end and snatch all the spoils," the elder proposed.

"That would certainly keep us busy."

"Agreed. That's what it takes!"

The Third Mizukage nodded, and as he spoke, Kazuhiko stood at a vantage point, observing the Mist Shinobi gathering below.

On the coast, rows of Mist Shinobi ninjas stood ready. Hatred was etched on the faces of everyone watching the invaders approach their homeland.

"They'll pay for this, mark my words!"

"They'll learn the true strength of our Land!"

Even Uzumaki Hiroki, known for his cheerful demeanor, clenched his teeth in anger.

"Of course!" Kazuhiko confidently affirmed.

With that, he looked down and declared, "Let's begin!"

"Yes!" The response was immediate.

The orders were swiftly relayed. "Pay attention, the Mist Shinobi have infiltrated the forest unnoticed."

A Jōnin cautioned those around him in hushed tones, stressing the importance of heeding Kazuhiko's words. "If you can't win, retreat immediately. Don't linger in the forest; it's theirs to keep if they want it!"

Everyone nodded solemnly to acknowledge their understanding.

"They're coming this way!" Kiyoshi, at the forefront, motioned to his comrades as he observed the Mist Shinobi approaching the camp.

"Remember to use Shadow Clone, making it appear you're fighting fiercely, but don't engage. Stay calm and rationale."


"Heh, the Uzumaki ninjas are fleeing in fear, huh? Kimura, there's no one here," one Jōnin remarked, chuckling at Kimura's mention of the Uzumaki camp.

"Perhaps. I saw them set up camp here earlier," Kimura replied with a furrowed brow. Had the Uzumaki clan truly escaped from this forest camp?


Suddenly, a multitude of ninjas appeared around them, and they found themselves encircled by ninja bearing the Uzumaki insignia.

"It's Shadow Clone again!" Kimura glanced around and recognized many "familiar" faces in the crowd.

"Mist Shinobi, you are not welcome here! Leave immediately!" Uzumaki Kiyoshi stepped forward with a stern expression.

"Heh, how naive. The Uzumaki clan has only one choice now – surrender and join Kirigakure!" Another Mist Shinobi Jōnin jeered, looking at the Uzumaki ninjas who appeared weak and still defiant.

"Otherwise, today marks the end of your Uzumaki clan!" He proclaimed, arrogantly voicing the Mist Shinobi's intentions.

Though everyone knew Mist Shinobi were hardly known for diplomacy, his arrogant tone and words still grated on their nerves.

"Despicable invaders, you want war!"

Mist Shinobi didn't wait for further provocations. Their impatience was palpable as they shouted, "Kill them!"

"Kill!" The Mist Shinobi at their side, similarly eager, unleashed their pent-up fury.

The forest soon echoed with the sounds of combat as ninjutsu techniques collided.


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