Chapter 36 : Aftermath

The deafening explosion had just occurred, leaving everyone in shock and disoriented.

Ears rang with a persistent buzzing, and many individuals had lost consciousness.

However, the Third Hokage, a Kage-level powerhouse, remained on the boat and was relatively unscathed. Most of the people on the vessel were Jōnin, and they quickly regained their composure.

Upon emerging from the boat, they were met with a sky shrouded in dust.

The enormous explosion had not only covered the entire forest but also the coastline and the seaside, rendering the world in shades of gray.

The once clear blue sky was now obscured by a layer of gray haze, a disconcerting sight.

Seeing this, the Third Mizukage and the elders, who had not faced the explosion directly, could only imagine its horror.

"Damn it, Land of the Whirlpool! How many Explosive Tags do they have?" exclaimed an elder Mist Shinobi, breaking his typically serious demeanor.

Everyone, including the Mizukage, nodded in agreement. The sheer quantity of Explosive Tags required for such an explosion was staggering, not to mention the cost.

It felt like an extravagant and wasteful display of power.

They couldn't help but wonder if this was a sustainable path.

Initially, peace through financial means might work, but over time, resentment could grow, leading to inevitable conflict.

As the saying goes, it's better to be strong and avoid confrontations. Only by demonstrating strength can wealth be truly protected.

The Mizukage and his group gazed at the gray sky with solemn expressions.

Originally, their plan was to tend to the wounded immediately. Still, after witnessing the devastation, they couldn't help but wonder, "Could anyone have survived this?"

Mist Shinobi, originally stationed along the shoreline, had been caught off guard by the explosion, leading to numerous casualties.

Many were knocked off their feet by the soundwaves, and their eardrums suffered varying degrees of damage.

Amidst the flying dust, their comrades looked to the Mizukage for guidance. Although there had been no battle, the Mizukage was emotionally drained.

"Attend to the wounded," he ordered. "Elder, stay here with a group. The rest of you, come with me into the forest. We must check if anyone is still alive."

With that, the Third Mizukage led a group into what was now a deep pit in the forest. The explosion had left nothing but devastation in its wake. The soil had been upturned, debris scattered, and much had been vaporized, leaving behind a desolate wasteland.

The deep pit stretched hundreds of meters, and even the edges were marred with destruction.

Some trees remained but were shattered, resembling broken branches and willows.

Unconscious survivors lay on the ground, some missing limbs or with broken bones.

The area was littered with dismembered corpses and unidentifiable body parts.

On nearby branches, the intestines of unknown individuals dangled, occasionally dripping blood.

A bit further away, survivors who had escaped more severe injuries sat on the ground in a daze, blood-stained faces still echoing with the explosion's deafening roar.

The scene was nothing short of hellish. However, when they remembered that these were invaders in their homeland, the Uzumaki clan members became ruthless.

Kiyoshi led his clan's ninjas to swiftly capture the surviving Mist ninjas, tying them up for future bargaining.

Every ninja found was treated as their spoils of gain, and any near-death individuals were given a swift end to ensure nothing was left behind.

Uzumaki ninjas continued pouring in, and with the help of Shadow Clones, they captured every surviving Mist ninja in the forest, taking them to designated detention locations.

The process proceeded smoothly, except for one Mist ninja who attempted to throw a kunai. However, it was quickly neutralized by the collective efforts of those present.

Before long, the forest had been cleared, and the once-dusty air was purified. Kiyoshi, noticing the lingering dust in the air, used Water Style jutsus to improve the atmosphere.

Donning masks, the Uzumaki clan members transformed into professional medical personnel. Their methods were efficient but ruthless, focusing solely on saving lives.

When they found a survivor, they acted swiftly, immobilizing them and placing them on stretchers for immediate evacuation.

When Third Mizukage and the other ninjas arrived, this was the scene that greeted them. The medical teams, disguised as whirlpool ninjas, seemed initially perplexing.

However, one Jōnin, indicated by Mizukage, swiftly took action.

"Water Style Water Dragon Bomb Technique!" he declared, and a water dragon appeared without delay...


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