Chapter 39 : Gamble?

Upon hearing this sentence, the Third Mizukage clenched his fists instantly. He had always been calm, but this news stirred strong emotions within him.

Kazuhiko's words were like a sharp sword piercing his heart. Wasn't the primary reason for this war the sealing technique for tailed beasts? And now, the Uzumaki clan was offering it up willingly. This was truly unexpected!

In that instant, the Third Mizukage was left somewhat dumbfounded. If he had known they were willing to negotiate, perhaps this war could have been avoided.

However, he also understood that the Uzumaki clan's current offer was one of equals, a conversation between victors.

If they had offered this before, it would have been from a position of weakness, giving away their sealing technique without gaining anything in return. That wouldn't be an exchange; it would be a gift.

To be honest, the Third Mizukage felt a pang of regret, as did the Mist Shinobi who followed him. Others might not know, but Jōnin like them certainly did.

Kirigakure possessed two tailed beasts, but using them came at a steep cost. When they utilized these beasts, it exacted a heavy toll.

Finding a suitable Jinchūriki was even more challenging; they had changed over the years, and each time, it was a gamble. Jinchūriki could become unstable or suddenly die, necessitating the immediate search for a new host.

Furthermore, harnessing the full power of a tailed beast was no easy feat. It often resulted in the Jinchūriki being rendered useless after a single use.

These were all one-time-use Jinchūriki, and each of them had been Kirigakure's brightest talents, all sacrificed for the tailed beasts.

There was even suspicion that this was a conspiracy of Senju Hashirama to deplete Kirigakure's next generation of talent.

Knowing how valuable the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique was a simple matter of logic.

The Uzumaki clan had even assisted Konoha in sealing the most powerful tailed beast perfectly.

The Jinchūriki remained unharmed and could freely wield the tailed beast's power without dying after each use, making it reusable.

Realizing the incredible usefulness of the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique, Kirigakure coveted it. And the deep-seated resentment from the past wars with the Uzumaki clan resurfaced and prompted this attack.

When Mist Shinobi asked about it, they weren't the only ones who wanted the technique; Cloud Shinobi also sought to raid Uzushiogakure.

Consequently, Elder Mist Shinobi wanted to launch a siege against the Land of Whirlpools, even against the objections of the Third Mizukage.

It had been a long-standing issue in Kirigakure.

Now, the future clan head of Uzumaki clan had proposed exchanging the sealing technique, a proposition that stirred their excitement. However, they were concerned about losing a tailed beast. Although they were eager, it seemed like a disadvantage.

Kazuhiko, however, wasn't concerned about this sealing technique, as Konoha already possessed it.

Obtaining the human belt technique was the real goal. Besides, considering the potential losses, it wasn't a significant sacrifice to offer this sealing technique.

Moreover, the primary concern was not the Land of Whirlpools; it was Konoha.

Right now only Konoha had mastered the art of sealing tailed beast at will.

Once other nations possessed both tailed beasts and sealing techniques, they would also have tailed beast-level power and can utilize them freely, boosting the strength of their villages.

"So, do you agree to the exchange?" Kazuhiko inquired, confident there was room for rejection.

"Although we're intrigued, a tailed beast in exchange for this sealing technique seems disadvantageous," Third Mizukage pondered before responding.

"Regardless, you have two tailed beasts. You can choose to exchange one while retaining the other," Kazuhiko suggested.

"That's still a loss for us, even if we add in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen's weapons."

"The key to maintaining the balance of power between nations is the tailed beasts. However, if they are difficult to utilize, they will only drain your resources," Kazuhiko pointed out, exploiting a gap in Third Mizukage's argument.

Seeing that the Third Mizukage was already inclined to agree, Kazuhiko decided to push further.

"Why not make it a wager? The Ninja world respects strength after all. You and I can have a one-on-one battle. The winner decides the outcome."

"But this would be detrimental to the Land of Whirlpools. If we win, besides the tailed beast sealing fuinjutsu, you'd have to offer additional compensation," Third Mizukage countered.

"Then you accept!" Upon hearing Kazuhiko's suggestion, the Mist Shinobi felt as though they'd stumbled upon a great opportunity. The Land of Whirlpools had always relied on trickery.

Even now, they were deluding themselves into thinking they could defeat Third Mizukage in a direct confrontation. This young man was courting death!

"If we lose, we'll return all Mist Shinobi and the weapons of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen." said Kazuhiko

"But we still require the sealing technique. Otherwise, there's no need for the wager," Third Mizukage declared, revealing Mist Shinobi's deepest desire.

"Then, apart from the tailed beast, we'd like some other items if I win."

"What else do you want?"

"What do you have? Iron ore, skilled artisans, food, Water Style ninjutsu – we're interested in all of it."


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