Chapter 42 : Tomorrow!

Drawing closer to their home, Kazuhiko and Elder Kazuki returned to the familiar mountainside.

They patiently awaited the arrival of Cloud Shinobi, unaware that the Third Raikage himself would be leading them.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but compare these Cloud Shinobi to the Mist Shinobi vanguard from before. He assumed they were just another scouting party.

Before long, a ship bearing Cloud Shinobi insignias appeared on the horizon. It was a grand vessel, one that seemed too extravagant for a typical scouting mission.

Elder Kazuki, with his keen perception, sensed the presence of over a hundred ninjas aboard.

He wondered whether such a ship was standard for a Cloud Shinobi vanguard, or if something significant was afoot.

"Observation Haki!" Kazuhiko activated his Observation Haki to its maximum potential, attempting to discern details even from a distance. He could vaguely make out figures within the cabin.

At that very moment, the Third Raikage seemingly detected an eerie feeling of being watched.

"What? Spying on me!" Third Raikage's body instantly crackled with immense thunder and lightning chakra. He had no idea who was spying on him or how, but his instincts were unerring.

He had experienced this sensation on the battlefield before and knew there were indeed spies.

With a thunderous roar, he unleashed his potent chakra, enveloping the entire cabin in lightning, effectively cutting off Kazuhiko's Observation Haki.

Kazuhiko abruptly opened his eyes, realizing that even though he had severed his Observation Haki, it still served as a signal.

There were only a few in the Cloud Shinobi Village capable of such a feat.

He surmised, "Such immense thunder and lightning chakra, combined with its inherent aggression, it must be the renowned Third Raikage! I didn't anticipate he'd personally come. However, we were prepared for such an eventuality. This is better than my worst-case scenario, and Third Raikage's arrival only complicates things slightly."

Kazuhiko ceased his observation and silently watched as the ship continued towards the Mist Shinobi.

"Stay calm; these are Cloud Shinobi, and their arrival might not necessarily be a bad thing. We must be prepared for this," Kazuhiko reassured Elder Kazuki as Third Raikage unleashed his formidable chakra.

Elder Kazuki had already sensed it. He felt reassured when he heard Kazuhiko's words.

After all, Kazuhiko was the only hope of the Land of Whirlpools, and his judgment carried more weight than anyone else's.

Soon, Third Raikage reached the Mist Shinobi fleet. He exchanged greetings and proceeded directly to the boat of the Third Mizukage, quickly learning the reason behind the current situation.

"Hahaha, I love this kind of gamble!" Third Raikage burst into laughter upon hearing the unique wager proposed.

The concept of this gamble rekindled his fighting spirit.

"Kazuhiko, the future clan head of the Uzumaki clan? It's amusing that he dares to challenge the Third Mizukage to a gamble! Hahahaha!" Third Raikage couldn't help but laugh again, admiring how the Uzumaki clan handled matters.

"Lord Raikage, our side might not necessarily agree to this. After all, this is the Third Mizukage of Mist Shinobi. We cannot simply engage in a gamble like this," Elder of Kirigakure interjected, his tone emphasizing the high status of Mist Shinobi.

Third Raikage retorted, "It's precisely because he represents your village that you should understand. As you yourself said, Kazuhiko is the de facto leader of the Uzumaki clan. This battle is a direct confrontation between the leaders of both sides! Do you Mist Shinobi lack the courage? Even the Third Mizukage hesitates to face this challenge! It's disappointing, truly an affront to our Land of Thunder to collaborate with you!"

These words from Third Raikage and his accompanying Cloud Shinobi were disdainful, expressing their contempt for the Mist Shinobi's hesitance.

Elder Genji of Mist Shinobi seethed with anger but held his tongue, wary of Third Raikage's imposing presence and the immense chakra he exuded.

Disgusted by their reluctance, Third Raikage continued, "It's truly disappointing, Third Mizukage! As a fellow Kage, you fail to earn my respect!"

Third Mizukage remained silent, unswayed by the verbal confrontation.

However, upon hearing Third Raikage's words, he responded, "It matters little to me. I act according to my own will, as long as it benefits Kirigakure!"

He then turned to relay his decision to Kazuhiko, "Inform Kazuhiko; I accept this wager. It will take place tomorrow."


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