Chapter 50 : Duel

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's words, the Third Mizukage spoke impulsively, "Why not? A one-on-one battle between you and me. The winner takes everything!"

As the Third Mizukage uttered these words, he approached Kazuhiko, and everyone present focused their attention on them. 

Uzumaki Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, Cloud Shinobi, all encircled the two combatants in a tight circle, their eyes fixed on the center of the field.

"However, I don't want to be scrutinized by so many people and perform like a monkey for their entertainment," Kazuhiko said, tilting his head and offering a smile.

"Oh, I concur with that sentiment! I am the esteemed Third Mizukage; I cannot put on a show for others," the Third Mizukage agreed.

"Then let's clear the area. Everyone should leave, and we'll have this forest to ourselves with only one referee," Kazuhiko proposed.

"Very well, but who shall be the referee?" The Third Mizukage's eyes revealed a glimmer of intrigue as he inquired casually.

"I suggest the Third Raikage," Kazuhiko replied decisively, seemingly oblivious to the unusual spark in the Mizukage's eyes.

This unexpected choice surprised the Third Mizukage, who had initially thought Kazuhiko would appoint his own ally as the referee, possibly to influence the outcome of the duel. 

However, Kazuhiko's decision to have the Raikage as the referee caught him off guard.

"Well, I agree to that," the Third Mizukage acquiesced without overthinking it. 

After all, the Raikage was still an ally, and he had no reason to fear unfavorable judgment from him.

Kazuhiko and the Third Mizukage returned to their respective sides, and the Third Raikage, upon hearing the agreement, was summoned to be the referee.

Cloud Shinobi members appeared pleased with this choice, indicating that they considered it a gesture of acknowledgment towards both the Uzumaki clan and Mist Shinobi. 

They understood that the referee should be someone impartial and respected, and the Third Raikage fit the bill.

In reality, Kazuhiko's decision to make the Third Raikage the referee was a strategic one. He didn't place trust in the Raikage; rather, there were clear reasons behind his choice.

The conflict between the Cloud Shinobi Village and Kirigakure had a deeper motive. 

Mist Shinobi formed the core fighting force, while Cloud Shinobi's intervention was minimal. Winning the battle would grant them access to the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques, looted by Mist Shinobi—a highly coveted prize.

Furthermore, the Land of Whirlpools had indirectly encroached upon the interests of the Land of Lightning. 

While Konoha possessed the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques to control the Tailed Beasts, the Land of Lightning did not, and they sought alternative methods to achieve this control.

But now, the situation had changed. Mist Shinobi no longer desired conflict, making it impossible for Cloud Shinobi to send troops, and consequently, the Land of Whirlpools remained intact. 

This alliance existed mostly in name and could be dissolved at any time.

The Third Raikage, despite his rough exterior, possessed a shrewd mind. He discerned that the Uzumaki clan was willing to negotiate the exchange of their Tailed Beast sealing technique. 

This suggested that there were potential future transactions on the horizon.

Most importantly, the Third Raikage sensed that the formerly loyal ally of Konoha, the Uzumaki clan, had awakened to new possibilities. 

It was highly likely that many in the Land of Whirlpools harbored resentment toward Konoha.

If Kazuhiko won the duel, he would gain control of the Tailed Beast and access to Mist Shinobi's resources. 

With Cloud Shinobi's support and a burgeoning relationship with the Third Raikage, the Land of Whirlpools's rise was inevitable.

For Konoha, this was a formidable neighbor with the potential to challenge their supremacy, particularly considering the lingering guilt some Konoha leaders felt toward the Uzumaki clan.

With these considerations in mind, the Third Raikage genuinely hoped for Kazuhiko's victory, even though he believed it unlikely.

As everyone else vacated the area, leaving only Kazuhiko in the forest, the Third Raikage declared, "The duel begins..."


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