Chapter 63 : Go to Konoha!

Kazuhiko observed the once-arrogant pair standing before him, their demeanor now resembling timid quails. Instantly, he lost all interest in their amusement.

"Hey, this is boring... not a spine between them," he remarked.

Despite their bowed heads, Kazuhiko could sense the hatred festering in their hearts. Observation Haki didn't let him down.

"It's alright to harbor hatred and fear in your hearts," he continued, "I want you to always remember the fear I've instilled in you!"

In an instant, Kazuhiko's Reiatsu surged, its turbulent force bearing down upon them like a hurricane. People watched in horror, as if facing a wild beast.

The Uzumaki clan members nearby could feel a strong presence emanating from Kazuhiko, but it wasn't overly oppressive. Kazuhiko was in control.

His Reiatsu stirred a fear within the hearts of Danzo and Utatane Koharu, who had been pampered for years. Especially in recent times, they had virtually ruled over Konoha with an iron grip.

Facing such a surge of killing intent for the first time in years, they trembled in its shadow. Both began to sweat profusely, their wide eyes fixed on Kazuhiko in sheer terror.

The fear conjured by his Reiatsu gnawed at their hearts, much like a lion's majesty circling their minds. 

In the eyes of Danzo and Utatane Koharu, Kazuhiko was shrouded in a dark mist, an invisible specter wrapped around him, revealing a faint, sinister smile.

"He... he's a demon! This man is a true demon!" they kept repeating in their minds.

Kazuhiko saw every nuance of their fear, but he pondered his options. "But what can I do to them? Let them fear me. If Grandma Mito were still in Konoha, I wouldn't want to be too harsh on these wooden heads."

"The Land of Whirlpools needs time to recover, and today, I'll just teach you two old-timers a lesson!"

Kazuhiko leisurely regarded the duo, his eyes occasionally flashing with a fierce glint. With his potent Reiatsu and the subtle sense of menace, he applied immense psychological pressure to them.

"These two old coots are truly infuriating, and I'd love to put them down for good. But slapping them is one thing; killing them is another."

"I still need them to stir the pot in Konoha. Without them, how could Konoha's geniuses meet untimely ends? How could they turn on each other?"

"If I actually killed them, the Third Hokage would probably be the happiest. Konoha's future would be... different. But I can't give the Third Hokage that satisfaction..."

The sweat on the two's faces had already formed rivulets, and they seemed to sense Kazuhiko's killing intent intensifying by the second.

Heart palpitations took hold of them, as they feared Kazuhiko might crush them in the next moment.

After what felt like an eternity, Kazuhiko finally averted his gaze, and they breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"What a dreadful person, no, he's a demon! This boy is a demon!"

"He truly wants us dead! I must endure this, I must not die here!"

The Uzumaki clan members and elders on the sidelines laughed, unaware of the intense fear that had gripped Danzo and Utatane Koharu in the presence of Kazuhiko.

Simply seeing him standing nearby, their automatic response was to sweat and shrink back.

"I thought they were so powerful when they were talking earlier..."

"Now they're just meek in front of the young clan heir. It's as Kazuhiko-sama said, bullies only respect strength..."

"Yes, it's hard to believe how different they are now compared to a few minutes ago."

"What's most surprising is that our people remain the same, we are still us, they are still them, but their attitudes have completely changed..."

Danzo and Utatane Koharu dared not show any hostility after hearing the Uzumaki clan's words. Their faces displayed a mixture of shame and embarrassment, much like a car crash victim or a pig's head.

Kazuhiko, who had been silently watching them endure, mused, "These two can really take a beating! I guess they truly are Konoha's elders."

Observing them enduring the situation, he wanted to kill them outright, but he recognized that their value in Konoha's future was undeniable.

Finally, as Kazuhiko's killing intent dissipated, the two secretly breathed sighs of relief.

Kazuhiko noticed every move they made. "Forget it, the two of you can return to Konoha. Inform the Third Hokage that the Land of Whirlpools will soon engage in discussions regarding a future alliance between our nations. I'll personally come to Konoha for the negotiations."


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