Chapter 69 : Everyone's Support

The elders harbored numerous doubts, skeptical of the radical changes proposed by Kazuhiko. 

They pointed out that the policy of the God of the Shinobi World, who had brought an end to the Warring State Period, had been in place for many years. They questioned why changes were necessary.

The first elder asked, "If there are no Ninja Villages, where will our ninjas come from?"

Kazuhiko responded firmly, "The social system will be restructured, and everything related to ninjas will be administered by the state. Ninjas are essential for maintaining national stability, and the state will take charge of their training and development."

Kazuhiko, contrary to his previous beliefs, now recognized the value of the system established by Senju Hashirama, which had brought an end to the tumultuous Warring States. 

However, he also realized that this system had transformed small-scale conflicts into large-scale wars between nations, resulting in more casualties, both among civilians and ninjas.

His vision was to establish an imperial system within the Land of the Whirlpool, with the central government overseeing the entire nation. 

By concentrating power and resources, he hoped to accelerate the country's development and improve the lives of its people.

Under this new system, ninjas would be trained and guided by the state from a young age, focusing on psychological well-being and moral education. 

The goal was to integrate ninjas and civilians, promoting ninja education to allow ordinary people to become ninjas and serve their communities.

Kazuhiko believed that not everyone who knew ninjutsu needed to be a ninja. 

He intended to differentiate between ninjas and those who possessed knowledge of ninjutsu, liberating the latter from the duty to kill or fight. 

This approach would boost the productivity of the population.

Ultimately, Kazuhiko aimed to establish a ninja empire, starting by unifying the Land of the Whirlpool and making it a powerful nation. 

He understood that only through such unity could true peace be achieved in the ninja world.

The elders listened with serious expressions, unsure about these unprecedented reforms. Their years of tradition made it difficult to embrace change. 

However, they recognized Kazuhiko's determination and knew that he would press forward with or without their agreement.

Seeing their hesitation, Kazuhiko remarked, "If you don't support my changes and my leadership, then I am not the Daimyo of this nation. What purpose would the position of clan head serve?"

The first elder quickly reassured him, "Clan Head, you are the leader our Uzumaki clan has been waiting for. There's no doubt about that!"

The other elders nodded in agreement, expressing their support for Kazuhiko as their new Clan Head. They acknowledged that the unfamiliarity of these reforms had initially given them pause but were now willing to follow his lead.

Kazuhiko asked them directly, "Will you obey my orders, even if they seem unconventional and untested in the ninja world?"

The elders, understanding the importance of a strong Land of the Whirlpool, replied, "As long as it makes our nation stronger and secures its future, we will wholeheartedly follow your orders, Clan Head."

They recognized that Kazuhiko's foresight had already proven itself in the past. With the utmost sincerity, they pledged their allegiance to his vision.

"Clan Head, it appears you have everything in place. Tomorrow, we will hold your succession ceremony, and the future of the Land of the Whirlpool will be entrusted to you," they declared, their faith in their new leader unwavering.

With the support of his clan, Kazuhiko felt a weight lifted from his shoulders. 

Although the path ahead was uncertain, he was determined to shape a brighter future for the Land of the Whirlpool, unlike anything seen before.


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