Chapter 76 : Sign-in Reward?

Early the next morning, Kazuhiko woke up as soon as dawn broke. 

As he turned his head to look at the Sakura blossoms in the courtyard, he rose swiftly, like a carp leaping from the water. 

His fists clenched tightly as he felt an abundance of energy surging through his body. His eyes sparkled, and his whole being exuded a sense of vitality.

Kazuhiko noticed that his thoughts were racing faster than usual and asked his system, "System, why do I feel this change upon waking up?"

Checking his system panel, he found no immediate alterations. Seeking clarity, he inquired directly, "System, why is this happening?"

The system replied, "[Host], this is because you had a deep, restful sleep yesterday, allowing your tense nerves to relax. Your body and soul experienced significant relaxation, resulting in a refreshed and energized feeling upon waking."

"Ah, I see. That makes sense," Kazuhiko mused, realizing that since arriving in this world, he had been preoccupied with concerns about the fate of the Land of Whirlpools. 

Although it might appear simple, his spirit had been continuously on edge. From resolving the Kirigakure invasion of his homeland to sealing the tailed beast and conducting sealing ritual, to dealing cautiously with masked individuals from Kirigakure and the Hidden Cloud Village, all these human interactions required careful attention. 

The situation in Konoha remained unresolved, representing the most significant challenge. Kazuhiko was determined to find a solution during his stay in the village. 

Since his arrival in Konoha, he recognized that this was the safest period for him. Konoha would not allow any harm to befall him, and if an incident occurred, it would not be within the village's borders. 

After enjoying a drink with Tsunade the previous day and witnessing her lovely demeanor, Kazuhiko had felt extremely relaxed. It was the most relaxed he had been since coming to this world, and the potency of the alcohol contributed to this sensation.

Returning to his room, he immediately fell into a deep slumber, feeling as though his body and soul were being rejuvenated.

"Perhaps I've been keeping my nerves too taut. It's essential to relax more often," he thought after understanding the reason behind his newfound energy.

After his morning routine, Kazuhiko proceeded to the courtyard to commence his training. A brief assessment confirmed that surveillance was in place outside the courtyard, as expected of the Senju clan.

Moments later, Tsunade emerged from the main room. Dressed in pajamas and with sleep still in her eyes, she stretched and yawned, inadvertently revealing her alluring figure in the morning light. Unfortunately for her, only Kazuhiko had the privilege of witnessing this sight.

Tsunade quickly noticed Kazuhiko's presence as he exercised in the courtyard. His well-proportioned, robust physique seemed even more attractive in the sunlight, and Tsunade's cheeks flushed red as she immediately averted her gaze and retreated into the house with her arms crossed.

"Well, I got to see him at least. Not too bad," she consoled herself upon returning to the room.

Shortly thereafter, Tsunade emerged after getting ready, only to find Kazuhiko finished with his exercises and preparing for the day. A trace of disappointment flickered in her eyes.

However, she managed to compose herself and asked, "In the next two days, my sensei has some pressing matters. The official meeting with him and the elders won't start until two days from now. Do you have any places you'd like to visit in Konoha during these two days? You can explore any part of Konoha that interests you."

Kazuhiko nodded, as he had discussed his plans with them the day before and had no objections. I

t seemed that Konoha wanted to showcase its splendor, or perhaps the Third Hokage truly had urgent business to attend to. In any case, it was a convenient opportunity for him to make his mark.

He promptly replied, "I've heard about Konoha's Hokage Monument for a while now, and I'd like to visit it today."

"Alright, we can go there later," Tsunade agreed without hesitation.

Soon, Kazuhiko and Tsunade arrived at the Hokage Monument in Konoha. They were discreetly monitored by Konoha's ANBU along the way, or more precisely, Kazuhiko was being observed.

Kazuhiko was well aware of this surveillance. With his Observation Haki, no one in the ninja world could monitor him without detection.

"You can follow and monitor all you want. But if you can discern my true purpose, then even I'll admit defeat," he silently declared.

Observing the Hokage Monument with its three carved faces, Kazuhiko knew that, according to standard progression, there would be a fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh face in due time. 

Without further ado, he silently exclaimed in his heart, "System, sign in at the Hokage Monument in Konoha!"

The system responded, "[Ding!] Congratulations to the Host for successfully signing in at the Hokage Monument in Konoha! 

Congratulations for obtaining the reward: a pair of Rinne Sharingan from the world of Hokage! 

The reward is available for the Host to claim at any time in the system space!"


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