Chapter 83 : Kazuhiko vs Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Everyone gathered outside the Hokage building in an open area, their attention fixed on Kazuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who stood at the center.

Nearby ninjas were also drawn in, curious about their Hokage and the young Uzumaki boy sharing the center stage.

"Hey, who's that red-haired boy?"

"What's going on? Why is Hokage-sama with that Uzumaki boy?"

A murmur of discussion erupted, and soon someone provided answers to their questions.

"That's the Uzumaki clan, the ones who recently defeated Kirigakure and came to Konoha from the Land of Whirlpools."

"Judging by his appearance, he might be the Uzumaki clan's Clan Head, but he looks so young."

"Seems like he's going to compete with Hokage-sama."

"He's quite young. Maybe Lord Hokage wants to gauge his strength."

Surprised voices echoed around, and all eyes curiously fixated on the handsome young man.

Sarutobi Hiruzen regarded the young man but couldn't reveal his true feelings. He had other Konoha Shinobi and their children present, so he maintained his benevolent façade.

This was the persona he presented to the outside world, a kind and amiable leader when interacting with children. It was tempting to act otherwise, but he had to remain consistent.

Hiruzen exhaled a puff of green smoke. "Kazuhiko, today I come as an elder to test your abilities. Let me determine if you can shoulder the responsibility of the Land of Whirlpools and Uzushiogakure."

"Can you handle the weight of a nation?"

With these words, Hiruzen subtly placed himself in a higher position, framing his encounter with Kazuhiko as a test for the younger generation.

Kazuhiko, understanding Hiruzen's intent, recognized that Hiruzen wanted to assess his capability to govern the Land of Whirlpools. 

The implication was clear: without the strength to govern his own land, there was no room for discussion about acquiring Konoha's territory.

This message was clear to Kazuhiko and the other elders, both from Konoha and the Uzumaki clan.

"Forget the pleasantries; the more you feign now, the greater your embarrassment when I defeat you. It's best to let my strength speak for itself," Kazuhiko thought.

He focused on Hiruzen and declared, "Let's begin!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen adopted a serious demeanor, aware that underestimating Kazuhiko could prove disastrous. 

Kazuhiko performed hand seals rapidly.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Multiple Kazuhiko clones suddenly appeared, and it became nearly impossible to distinguish the real one.

The clones fanned out in an arc and charged at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't rush to attack, maintaining the air of an elder. He observed Kazuhiko's clones with interest.

"Is that all?" Hiruzen thought as he observed the clones approaching.

As the clones drew closer, he rapidly formed hand seals, thinking, "It's time to show them my power."

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!"

Flames burst forth, spreading in three directions - front, left, and right, engulfing the Kazuhiko clones.

The sound of the clones disintegrating filled the air as they were consumed by the flames.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly taken aback as some of the clones managed to evade his Fire Style jutsu with agility.

He quickly formed hand seals again, seizing the opportunity.

"Wind Style: Tornado!"

He exhaled a powerful gust of wind, combining it with another Fire Style jutsu.

The strong tornado, coupled with the earlier flames, filled the open space.

Konoha ninjas instinctively stepped back as they watched in awe.

"Wind Style and Fire Style, what an incredible combination! Hokage-sama truly lives up to his reputation!"

"He's a true master of ninjutsu. These two jutsu complement each other perfectly!"

"The heat in the air is intense, even from this distance. The Third Hokage is indeed the strongest of all Hokages!"

The younger generation of Konoha Shinobi was filled with confidence in their leader, looking at him with excitement. Having such a strong leader was an assurance of a bright future.

However, the Jōnin and elders of Konoha remained silent and serious, recognizing that this level of ninjutsu was merely the basics for a Kage-level ninja.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, with his vast experience, expertly controlled the remaining flames, amplifying their intensity as they surged toward Kazuhiko.


The remaining Kazuhiko clones were obliterated.

Sarutobi Hiruzen then noticed a flash of golden light in his peripheral vision.

"Oh no!"



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