Chapter 100 : Please Forgive Us??

Under the guidance of Uzumaki Fumito, Kazuhiko swiftly located Konoha's guard station.

As the two fiery red-haired men confidently entered Konoha's guardhouse, it was evident to the onlookers that they belonged to the Uzumaki clan.

At the door, two Uchiha clan guards observed the approaching boy.

Dressed in long-sleeved white attire, a samurai sword secured at his waist, the boy exuded an air of regality and innate nobility that his youthful and handsome face did not conceal.

His fiery red hair resembled a living flame, standing out even among other Uzumaki individuals.

As he confidently approached, the two guards initially displayed timidity, but soon shame and anger overcame them. They were Uchiha clan members, after all—members of the most powerful clan in the ninja world!

How could they succumb to timidity in front of him? At the very least, they should say something...

The guards wanted to address Kazuhiko to halt his progress, but as he looked up, his Reiatsu instantly bore down on them, imposing a pressure that seemed to crush their heads.

"You, you!"

In an instant, the two guards stood frozen, sweat pouring down their foreheads like rain, their bodies involuntarily trembling.

It was as if they were facing not a person but a wild beast with a blood-red maw.

Fumito and Uzumaki, standing nearby, exchanged puzzled glances. They couldn't fathom why the guards, who were normal just moments ago, suddenly behaved this way.

"Could it be that they were daunted by the Kazuhiko-sama's majesty?"

With Kazuhiko proceeding unhindered, he entered the hall without encountering any resistance.

Inside, a group of Uchiha clan members surrounded a teenage boy, their backs turned to Kazuhiko, engrossed in conversation.

Kazuhiko paid no heed, gesturing for Fumito to step back, and proceeded forward, uttering calmly, "Is this the Konoha Police Force Headqurters? I, Kazuhiko, have come to pick up someone!"

Though plain in delivery, the words echoed throughout the hall, reaching every ear present.

All eyes turned towards the young man in white.

"Is that Kazuhiko?!"

"My first time seeing him... such a formidable aura."

"As expected of a legendary genius; I sense an involuntary fear when facing him..."

In this moment, Kazuhiko's Reiatsu remained open, not specifically targeting anyone but causing the Uchiha clan members to lose their fighting spirit.

Even though they understood that Kazuhiko's intentions were likely not benevolent, they couldn't help but whisper among themselves, seeking solace from their fellow clan members.

Observing them, Kazuhiko discerned that these were not the leaders but rather miscellaneous soldiers of the Uchiha clan. 

Disregarding them, he continued forward, sword in hand, as the crowd instinctively parted, creating a path.

Some Uchiha members glared at Kazuhiko, irritated by his disregard.

Attempting to speak out, their eyes met his, and an invisible pressure enveloped them, causing involuntary tremors and expressions of fear.

The courage they had gathered dissipated instantly, a complete surrender.

Onlookers along the way, desiring to voice their opinions, were stunned by the intensity in Kazuhiko's eyes.

Consequently, no one impeded his progress or dared to utter a word.

It was a peculiar sight—those who had previously shouted at Kazuhiko now silently stepped aside, some even avoiding direct eye contact.

Kazuhiko reached the center of the gathering, where the true authority of the Police Force, Uchiha Kurogane, stood. Uninterrupted, he observed Kurogane in silence.

As Kazuhiko advanced steadily, the internal turmoil of Kurogane continued unabated.

"This is utter nonsense! No one had the courage to speak up or intervene! Is this the Uchiha clan? Is this the same Uchiha that once boasted in Konoha? What a letdown!"

"It appears the Uchiha clan's prestige rests solely on my shoulders!"

However, under the watchful gaze of Kazuhiko, Kurogane began to grasp the sentiments that had driven other Uchiha to stand up before, and it struck him on a deeper level.

Resolutely, he endured, clenching his teeth as he sensed the presence of wild creatures ahead.

Kurogane wasn't aware when beads of sweat formed on his face, yet he felt an almost immobilizing force. Summoning all his strength, he lifted his head to lock eyes with Kazuhiko.

"I am the prodigy of the Uchiha clan! How could I—how could I crumble without uttering a word!"

Observing the young man standing resolute before him, Kazuhiko's spiritual pressure enveloped him completely.

Silence fell, everyone's attention fixed on the unfolding confrontation.

Admiration flickered in Kazuhiko's eyes.

Turning his gaze to the silent onlookers, none dared to speak first.

Gradually, Kazuhiko began easing the pressure he exerted.

At that moment, Uchiha Kurogane felt the invisible weight on his body gradually lifting.

Finally, he sensed the returning ability to move!

With newfound determination, Kurogane fixed his gaze on Kazuhiko and took two steps forward.


"We apologize for causing you such inconvenience. Please forgive us!"


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