Chapter 105 : Who said you could leave?

Kurogane gazed at Shinnosuke, once full of confidence, now consumed by despair.

His eyes harbored doubt and incomprehension. Uchiha clan members felt fortunate, and Kurogane sighed, not because he hadn't followed his instructions, but because the other party didn't grasp the terror of the Uzumaki clan leader.

Contemplating this, Kurogane also expressed his frustration to Shinnosuke.

"Your earlier claim was that their leader defeated the Third Hokage using the ninja sword at his waist, implying his personal strength wasn't formidable.

"But he didn't even move, and a mere glance silenced us. Is that not strength? Fortunately, I responded promptly, offering a sincere apology. Otherwise, I could have faced destruction without hesitation."

In this, Kurogane was indeed correct. Initially, Kazuhiko had contemplated demolishing the Konoha Police Force outright.

However, later on, he wished to hear their side before deciding on a proper course of action.

Unexpectedly, Kazuhiko found his use of coercion growing more effective in recent days. These instances of coercion yielded unexpected results.

As his personal strength continued to increase, especially with the growing influence of the Zaraki Kenpachi template, his Reiatsu strengthened correspondingly.

Being the leader of a nation and adored by thousands further elevated his presence. Ordinary people facing him perceived a unique majesty and dignity.

Moreover, Kazuhiko's Reiatsu was formidable in its own right.

In the past, he faced battle-hardened characters like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the three Mizukage, Third Raikage, and Third Hokage. Each had faced numerous life-and-death situations and was hardened like iron.

Nevertheless, when Kazuhiko activated his Reiatsu, they were all affected to some extent.

Now facing the Uchiha clan, many of whom were not accustomed to bloodshed and primarily engaged in missions within Konoha, the difference was stark.

Even Kurogane, despite undertaking missions, lacked the experience of true bloodshed and determination.

Confronted with the growing strength of Kazuhiko's Reiatsu, it was akin to a small rabbit encountering a hungry tiger.

They were utterly defenseless!

In the face of Kazuhiko's coercion, the Uchiha members at the Konoha Konoha Police Force lacked the mentality to resist.

Kurogane was certain that in a real fight, he was no match for this man. In fact, merely standing in front of him would be a challenge.

Realizing this, he swiftly "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light," bowing with a genuinely remorseful attitude. Their apologies were so well-executed that they could be considered a standard template for remorse.

If not for their evident awareness, Kazuhiko wouldn't have let them off so easily.

After all, they were the ones who confined him, and they had to face the consequences.

But their exceptional attitude, sincere from the bowing posture to the expressions and eyes, took him by surprise. The Uchiha clan was capable of such humility!

Kazuhiko faced the smiling faces that stretched out one by one, realizing that demolishing their Police Forcre Station would be no easy task.

Now, standing before Shinnosuke, Kurogane felt a lingering gratitude for his timely confession and apology.

Their relationship had been strained before. If it weren't for your instigation, I might have purposely called the head of the Uzumaki clan to intervene, causing us more …....

Dissatisfaction gradually welled up within him.

"Shinnosuke, don't stir up trouble here. We're handling things fine; we don't need your assistance."

Kurogane turned his head to glare at the other Konoha Shinobi and villagers who stood stunned, his tone fierce.

"And you all, why are you gathered here? This is the Konoha Police Force Station. Do you intend to come in and sit down?"

With Kurogane's fierce demeanor, the Uchiha clan, being Konoha's Police Force, often arrested individuals. 

The Konoha Police Force was known to be intimidating, but others thought that Uchiha clan being a Konoha native, they shouldn't be meddled with by outsiders.

However, after his outburst, it was clear there was no such respect. Instead, they felt as though they were being treated like a nuisance meddling in others personal affairs.

The Konoha crowd immediately dispersed. Hearing Kurogane's words, the other ninjas avoided eye contact, their faces reddening, unwilling to meet the mocking gazes of the Uzumaki members.

Everyone hurriedly walked away, and in an instant, the lively scene disappeared.

As Kazuhiko watched the departing Konoha Shinobi, he noticed a white-haired man with a ponytail and hair in a white robe, dark red eyes quietly observing the Uzumaki clan from the edge of the crowd.

Seeing Kazuhiko's gaze, the man immediately left, blending in with the others.

"It's him!"

Kazuhiko instantly recognized him and squinted at the departing figure. He thought to himself, "This is a scientific research talent no less than Orochimaru! If there's a chance, he must be brought to the Land of Whirlpools!"

While Shinnosuke observed the Konoha crowd leaving, only a few Anbu and members of the Sarutobi clan remained in the shadows.

Realizing his plans had failed, he shot an angry glance at Kurogane, then turned to Kazuhiko with a venomous look.

"Don't get too comfortable, people of the Land of Whirlpools. Sooner or later, I'll avenge the Third Hokage!"

With those words, he turned around and left.

Kazuhiko tilted his head, eyeing him curiously. "Who said you could leave?"


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