Chapter 111 : Give Third Hokage a face

Kazuhiko gazed down at the fallen Sarutobi Shinnosuke, whose breaths were labored.

Shinnosuke, faced with Kazuhiko, recognized that his fate now rested in the hands of this person.

Fear crept into his voice as he uttered, "Are you finally going to kill me?"

Surprisingly, Kazuhiko shook his head, stating, "No, I won't kill you."

Shinnosuke, displaying a mixture of surprise and relief, began to understand that surviving this encounter meant a chance at redemption. 

Though today had been a nightmare, compared to the deceased members of his clan, whom Kazuhiko had personally dispatched, survival offered a sliver of hope.

With joy in his heart, Shinnosuke slowly raised himself, fixing a suspicious gaze on Kazuhiko.

"Why spare me? After all the lives you've taken, why spare mine? Is it because I'm the Third Hokage's son?" He questioned, the words leaving his mouth with disbelief.

Despite the widespread destruction and the massacre of the Sarutobi clan, Shinnosuke found it hard to believe that Kazuhiko would consider sparing him just because of his lineage.

Anticipating a lack of response due to Kazuhiko's usual temperament, Shinnosuke was surprised to find the red-haired ninja unusually patient this time.

Kazuhiko, looking down at Shinnosuke, explained, "I've only been in Konoha for a few days. Firstly, I severely injured your father, the Third Hokage. If I were to kill you as well, regardless of the circumstances, it might complicate matters. I'm still here, within Konoha, so sparing you gives Third Hokage a semblance of a face."

"More importantly..."

"What is it?" Shinnosuke's eyes widened, eagerly awaiting Kazuhiko's next words.

Kazuhiko continued indifferently, "It's very simple: because it brings me joy."

Shinnosuke's pupils contracted, realizing that Kazuhiko's demeanor and tone remained consistent. His expression and words were chillingly indifferent.

Bitterness flashed in Shinnosuke's smile as he gazed at the man before him, seemingly cloaked in shadows even under the bright sunlight.

Kazuhiko turned to leave, leaving Shinnosuke alone, murmuring to himself.

Making a casual gesture, Tatsuma, who had been observing, approached respectfully. "Clan Head, is there anything else you require?"

Kazuhiko, surveying the now cleaned battlefield, praised the Anbu ninjas diligently working to erase the signs of the recent one-sided massacre.

"Well done. This place is spotless. Your professionalism is commendable."

Kazuhiko refrained from answering Tatsuma's question immediately, instead applauding the efficiency of the cleanup crew.

"If I teach this technique to the group behind me, they might struggle with it for most of the day. You still have a lot to learn! You're still inexperienced!"

Facing Kazuhiko's praise, Tatsuma could only manage an awkward and polite smile.

It was unclear whether this mysterious Uzumaki Clan Head was genuinely praising them or subtly insinuating that they had accumulated vast experience dealing with corpses and cleaning up crime scenes, perhaps both.

Regardless of Tatsuma's momentary confusion, Kazuhiko pointed towards Shinnosuke behind him.

"No, this is the son of your Hokage. It's not too late to treat him, and there won't be any lasting effects."

"Just take him to the treatment area along with those who didn't die. Hurry up, and don't blame me if you perish on the way due to your slow movements."

Tatsuma had been keeping an eye on Shinnosuke, expecting him to meet the same fate as other members of the Sarutobi clan. Surprisingly, Kazuhiko spared him.

Without dwelling on it, Tatsuma promptly replied, "Yes!"

Two more individuals arrived, hoisted Shinnosuke onto their backs, and hurried off to the treatment site.

As Kazuhiko watched Tatsuma preparing to leave, he added, "Pass on a message to Danzo for me. This is a gesture I'm extending to the Third Hokage."

Tatsuma hesitated for a moment, wondering why he was tasked with delivering a message to Danzo to give face to the Hokage. However, before he could ponder further, he turned to Kazuhiko, bowed respectfully, and said, "Yes! I will convey it faithfully!"

Kazuhiko nodded, turning away, and headed towards the Uzumaki clan members.

The Uzumaki people observed Kazuhiko, his special charisma and the ease with which he single-handedly dealt with adversaries, etching these images into their hearts.

Their eyes gleamed with admiration. "If only we could have a day like that! Just one day!"

They yearned fervently for the freedom and composure exhibited by Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko addressed them, his serious expression conveying a crucial message. "You heard Shinnosuke's words. You now know the true darkness of this world."

"Whether it's Konoha or other shinobi villages, they're all the same. They'll exploit your weaknesses to achieve their goals!"

"In the future, think before you act. Don't let provocation cloud your judgment! Most importantly, ensure you have the strength when resorting to force to solve a problem. Otherwise, you'll fall into someone else's trap!"

"Let them be unable to find your weaknesses, and even if they do, make them unwilling to pay the price!"

"Strive to become stronger, everyone! Don't just look up to me; learn to strengthen yourselves!"

"Many of you are rare geniuses in the Land of Whirlpools, exceptionally talented! Don't you want to be able to handle such challenges on your own one day?"

"We do!" came the resounding reply.

"But we don't know how to become stronger..."

Kazuhiko nodded with satisfaction. "That's good. Leave it to me. When we return to the Land of Whirlpools, I'll teach you a secret technique. If you persevere, you will undoubtedly grow stronger!"

As Kazuhiko was about to continue, Tatsuma, who had just departed, rushed back with urgency.

"Clan Head, the Uzumaki clan elders have something important to discuss with you..."


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