Chapter 116 : Trival Matters!

"After the incident, your son is still undergoing treatment... I truly apologize!"

As Kazuhiko finished speaking, the guilt etched on his face intensified, and he cast a remorseful glance at the Third Hokage.

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's words, the Third Hokage immediately pieced together what had occurred.

Knowing his son well, he deduced that it must have been his eldest, Sarutobi Shinnosuke. Upon seeing Shinnosuke injured and comatose, he likely harbored discontent towards the Land of Whirlpools.

In response, Shinnosuke gathered a group of individuals, concocted a reason, and engaged in a confrontation with Kazuhiko's clan. However, what he didn't anticipate was the unexpected resilience of Kazuhiko.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt he had a good grasp of the situation, but to be sure, he discreetly inquired of Kazuhiko.

"Is Shinnosuke's life out of danger?"

Kazuhiko hastened to shake his head. "He received timely treatment from Anbu; don't worry, his life is not at risk!" However, while his life wasn't in jeopardy, other uncertainties lingered.

The Third Hokage felt a sense of relief but sought further assurance for Shinnosuke's well-being.

"Are there any lasting effects or complications?"

Once again, Kazuhiko shook his head. "Just some surface wounds; with time, his body will fully recover. However, the spirit may not necessarily recover..."

This reassured the Third Hokage, who sighed inwardly.

As his son, Shinnosuke had grown accustomed to indulgence since childhood. Hiruzen, burdened with official duties as Hokage, had neglected his paternal responsibilities, rendering Shinnosuke somewhat ineffectual.

Perhaps a bit of adversity would be beneficial for him this time.

With this in mind, the Third Hokage smiled warmly. "Uzumaki Clan Head, no need to worry. This is but a minor incident; let us put it behind us. Chalk it up to Shinnosuke's inadvertent clashes with ninjas from the Land of Whirlpools; such encounters are commonplace. Let us not allow this to strain the friendship between our nations!"

Kazuhiko was relieved at the Third Hokage's words and responded gently, "Rest assured, it will not affect our relations." However, in truth, he had no intentions of fostering any friendship...

Danzo, observing from the sidelines, regarded Kazuhiko with curiosity. Having received prior information, he arrived early. Anbu had yet to update him on Sarutobi Shinnosuke's condition.

Observing the exchange between Kazuhiko and the Third Hokage, he hadn't expected Shinnosuke to survive.

In Danzo's calculations, Shinnosuke was a prime candidate for elimination, considering his significant ties to the Anbu. With Shinnosuke in a coma, dealing with him would eliminate two threats in one stroke.

Contrary to expectations, Kazuhiko's remarks suggested that while Shinnosuke suffered injuries, his life was not in jeopardy.

Danzo, however, always harbored a pessimistic view of others, and he was convinced that the situation was more complex than Kazuhiko let on.

Aware of Kazuhiko's ruthless nature, Danzo, along with Utatane Koharu, the other elder of Konoha, understood that there was likely a hidden agenda. Despite his suspicions, Danzo chose not to alert the Third Hokage, recognizing that Sarutobi Hiruzen's recent awakening had left him mentally preoccupied.

In the previous meeting with the reluctant approval of Danzo and Utatane Koharu, as well as Mitokado Homura, their primary objective was to eliminate all those involved, whether it be the Sarutobi clan, the Anbu ninjas, or even the Uchiha.

They believed that the Sarutobi clan had extended its influence too far, and it was time to sever those ties. Even the Anbu, though originally meant to serve the village, had become entangled with the Sarutobi clan due to the Third Hokage's affiliation.

To assert the authority of Hokage and distinguish the Sarutobi clan from the position of Hokage, a separation was necessary. Anbu members associated with the Sarutobi clan were to be dealt with, sending a clear message.

Simultaneously, the Uchiha were subjected to routine discipline. Sometimes heavier, sometimes lighter, occasional benefits were granted. Despite the general disdain for the Uchiha among Konoha's leadership, the village could not afford to lose them at the moment.

If this approach failed, the Uzumaki clan would be pushed out, fostering resentment towards the Land of Whirlpools, a matter irrelevant to Konoha.

Third Hokage, possibly still recovering from recent events, found his thoughts momentarily dulled by the scar on his face and the lingering pain. His recent interactions with Kazuhiko hadn't provided a complete understanding of his character.

Facing Kazuhiko's apology, Third Hokage perceived it as a minor dispute among ninja. Even if it involved his own son, as long as there were no lasting consequences, it seemed inconsequential.

Unaware that Kazuhiko's apology carried deeper implications, Third Hokage failed to grasp the complexity. A genuine apology from Kazuhiko required careful consideration of the situation and genuine forgiveness, as he didn't apologize for trivial matters.

Kazuhiko took advantage of Third Hokage's momentary confusion, deliberately intervening to ensure Third Hokage would be infuriated once the truth was revealed.

When questioned later, Kazuhiko could simply claim he had informed Third Hokage earlier, creating a narrative of forgiveness in front of an audience.

Consequently, when facing the Third Hokage, Kazuhiko displayed an extraordinary gentleness, devoid of his previous arrogance. His expression reflected genuine guilt and remorse.

Third Hokage, interpreting this as sincere regret for the previous altercation, found himself reconsidering his perception of the young ninja.

"Could it be that I misjudged this kid before? Is he genuinely remorseful for attacking me?" Third Hokage mused.

Optimistic about the chance to mend relations with the Land of Whirlpools, he chose not to dwell on the past incident, allowing Kazuhiko to continue without much concern.

While Third Hokage and Kazuhiko seemed to reconcile, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, observing the situation, exchanged secret frowns. Having monitored the Konoha Police Force closely, they were aware that Sarutobi Shinnosuke survived and the Uchiha remained unharmed.

As they witnessed Kazuhiko deceiving their Hokage-sama's patrol, the two hesitated, unsure whether to disclose the truth to Third Hokage at that moment.


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