Chapter 121 : Uchiha Ryūshō!

Kazuhiko and Tsunade sat in the courtyard, both in high spirits.

Tsunade casually let her long hair down and sat cross-legged in a kimono, beside a wooden table adorned with sake and various foods provided by servants.

The small courtyard now only held Tsunade and Kazuhiko, seated on opposite sides of the wooden table. Occasionally, a gentle breeze would make Sakura petals fall from the tree.

As the moonlight intensified, the atmosphere in the courtyard became increasingly enchanting. The two spent some time inside before returning to the courtyard, where the sky gradually darkened, and the moon ascended.

Wine, beauty, Sakura blossoms, moonlight—there was a sense of déjà vu, yet something was different.

Kazuhiko turned his head inadvertently and caught a glimpse of unexpected sights beneath Tsunade's generous kimono.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but sigh, thinking he should wear something like that the next time he drinks alone. Of course, not suitable if there were others around.

This made Kazuhiko reflect on his recent mood since arriving in Konoha—feeling a bit unsettled.

He quickly drank a couple of sips of sake to quench the unnamed fire, forgetting that alcohol only fueled his anger.

Under the moonlight, Kazuhiko occasionally glanced around, and his breath became heavier...

Tsunade gazed at her small courtyard with gentle eyes, seemingly unaware of anything amiss.

Occasional blushes on her face, particularly noticeable under the moonlight, may have been induced by the alcohol or something else...

Having someone by her side, sharing a few glasses of sake in the moonlight—this was Tsunade's ideal moment.

The only "downside" was the occasional glances from the man that made her blush a little. Yet, on second thought, wasn't it proof of her own charm...

They chatted about moonlight, wine, and various other topics, often not knowing exactly what they were saying, but finding amusement in their casual words.

Laughter echoed in the small courtyard, gradually spreading out against the moonlit backdrop...

While Kazuhiko enjoyed the beautiful night with wine, his inner joy differed from Tsunade's.

Meanwhile, in the Uchiha clan's compound, lights illuminated the place, and all the elders had gathered.

Uchiha Clan Head Ryūshō occupied the front seat in the main hall, the others sitting in two rows below.

Kurogane, kneeling in the middle, was the nephew of Uchiha Ryūshō.

Uchiha Ryūshō, known for his stern demeanor, looked at the family genius with complicated eyes upon hearing Kurogane's words.

The revelation about the dark side of Konoha, especially its involvement with innocent Uchiha members, sparked anger among the Uchiha elders.

"Kurogane, are you absolutely certain?" Uchiha Ryūshō sought confirmation from Kurogane again, concerned about the repercussions of exposing Konoha's hidden truths.

Even without Kurogane's keen observation, quick apology, and brave admission of mistakes, the Uzumaki clan head would have severed ties with them all. In the end, the blame was unjustly placed on the Uzumaki clan, unaware that it was orchestrated by the tacit approval of high-ranking officials in Konoha.

The Uchiha clan, not realizing the true culprits, ended up blaming the Uzumaki clan. Little did they know that the puppet master behind this entire incident was none other than the silent consent of Konoha's senior officials.

Before Uchiha Kurogane could respond, the elder of the Uchiha clan couldn't contain his outburst.

"Do we even need to say it? It's undoubtedly the work of Konoha's higher ups! This general approach, this attitude—only they could be responsible!"

Upon hearing the elder's words, other Uchiha clan members couldn't restrain the anger burning within them and began to voice their opinions.

"Yes, that's right! The elders of Konoha have been itching to undermine us Uchiha!"

"Always finding reasons to weaken our clan. This time, with the Uzumaki clan's assistance, they saw a chance to strike at us for the sake of the Sarutobi clan!"

"Absolutely, Konoha doesn't want us to thrive. They continually suppress the Uchiha clan!"

"We Uchiha, alongside the First Hokage, laid the foundation of the original Konoha! But now, after Kagami's demise, there isn't a single Uchiha left in the upper echelons of Konoha!"

The final statement left all the Uchiha present bowing their heads in a collective sigh.

In this regard, the Uchiha clan was indeed pitiable—the first and most prominent clan to collaborate with Senju Hashirama. They contributed substantially to the Senju clan, and Uchiha Madara, initially distrusting Hashirama, eventually believed in his brother's words.

For the sake of the Ninja world's welfare, they set aside their grudges, hunted tailed beasts alongside Hashirama, and co-founded Konoha, the largest Shinobi village. The Uchiha clan, a renowned wealthy family, provided over half the funds for Konoha's construction.

During the Warring States era, finding individuals to undertake such tasks was challenging. The Uchiha family's financial support and effort were crucial. They didn't mind the expenses, as building Konoha was their clan head's vision, and they yearned for peace after the war-torn era.

Yet, despite their contributions, Konoha's senior management ousted them. They didn't claim the Hokage position, even though it was rightfully Hashirama's, and the Uchiha clan accepted this.

However, the situation worsened when the Second Hokage took charge. They were assigned the undesirable role of the Konoha Military Police Force, managing daily conflicts and fights within Konoha, which offended people on a regular basis.

Initially, the Uchiha believed their authority was imposing fear. Yet, they soon realized the unpleasantness of the position. They were indifferent to the clashes between other clan disciples and commoners, leading to accusations of bias.

This pattern repeated, tarnishing the Uchiha family's reputation in Konoha. Forgotten were their contributions to the city's stability and prosperity—financial and labor support that still benefited Konoha.

As they patrolled the streets daily to maintain law and order, the Uchiha couldn't help but feel the weight of injustice and grievances in their hearts.


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