Chapter 126 : Planet's Consciousness!

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's question, the system promptly responded: 

[Yes, Host, the world you are currently in possesses world consciousness.]

Upon receiving this revelation, Kazuhiko's mind was jolted, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself:

"Gaia consciousness?

Kazuhiko recalled reading a book in his previous life, though he couldn't recall the content, he still remembered the opening lines:

"Goddess Gaia, the planet on which we live."

The book introduced the concept related to the Gaia hypothesis, suggesting that the planet is a living organism known as "Gaia."

It possesses the ability to self-regulate, and all life forms that have evolved on Earth are considered part of Gaia's living body.

In simpler terms, there is a consciousness on the planet itself, and this consciousness comprises all the creatures on the planet.

"So, the planet really has consciousness! I didn't expect my first encounter with it to be in this world."

Kazuhiko turned around, smiling wryly.

"System, do all planets have their own consciousness? Is this a common occurrence?"

[Host, the presence of a planet's own consciousness is an extremely rare phenomenon. It requires the existence of a massive intelligent life form on the planet itself to form a civilization.]

[Simultaneously, there is a prolonged period of consciousness development, which may take ten thousand years or even hundreds of thousands, making irregular disasters in the universe likely to destroy the planet's consciousness.]

[Therefore, complete planetary consciousness is exceptionally rare and uncommon in this vast universe.]

[Even if encountered, it is likely to be a planet in the gestation period, indistinguishable from an ordinary planet.]

"Then I understand, so the planet beneath my feet is still rare..."

Kazuhiko stepped on the ground, realizing that after a planet gains its own consciousness, he feels an indescribable sensation in his heart—neither good nor bad, but strange.

"System, living on this planet, will it communicate with us like it did today?"

[Please rest assured, Host. Even if the planet has its own consciousness, it rarely actively communicates with human intelligence.]

[Normally, the planet's consciousness may take thousands of years to communicate with one of the intelligent life forms. The possibility is very slim, and only when the intelligent life form resonates with the planet's meaning.]

[Such intelligent life will significantly influence the planet's evolution and civilization process, forming a connection with the planet.]

[The planetary consciousness primarily focuses on managing its own planet, mediating the ecology, and guarding against various universal crises.]

[It can give early warnings to intelligent life forms on the planet and eliminate crises.]

[However, it requires substantial energy for its own operation and may enter a deep sleep to conserve energy for extended periods. It does not often pay attention to the life forms on the planet.]

"Ah, now that you mention it, I understand..."

After listening to the system's explanation, a vivid scene appeared in Kazuhiko's mind.

At the core of the planet, an intelligent consciousness resides, spending its days at home, watching "TV," keeping an eye on universal news, and maintaining the planet's operation and normal ecosystem.

"In terms of the myriad activities within the body, I only pay attention to them once every few years. Typically, when I find myself with nothing to do, I allow myself to sleep, ensuring I conserve my energy to the utmost. Upon awakening, I indulge in watching 'TV' to regulate my personal ecosystem.

And here, the 'few years' might equate to hundreds or even thousands of years for the planet.

Simultaneously, one could perceive this wisdom-consciousness as a portly figure, residing comfortably at home every day.

I watch TV daily, nap, and pick up the gamepad for leisure when I have the time, dedicating attention to my health only every few years.

However, the 'TV' you watch narrates various cosmic crisis news, the 'game' you play involves the adjustment of your own ecosystem, and 'self-health' entails monitoring the situation of intelligent life forms residing on your body.

Contemplating this, Kazuhiko nodded with satisfaction, enhancing his image.

Following a systematic explanation, Kazuhiko comprehended why the consciousness of this planet focuses on itself.

He even employed the system to release a mission, as his inebriated 'rhetoric' resonated with the planet's consciousness.

More importantly, he possesses the ability and hope to actualize this rhetoric.

This could significantly impact the planet's civilization process, instigating substantial and far-reaching changes for the intelligent life residing on it.

It might alter the trajectory of the planet's intelligent civilization forever.

Under these alliances, the planetary consciousness here becomes aware of itself.

Utilizing its own system to issue tasks, it affirms that the consciousness recognizes its own ideas, and it aspires for the intelligent life forms within it to achieve genuine unity swiftly.

To establish a comprehensive civilization system, preventing internal conflicts and cyclical regressions.

The entire civilization has been progressing gradually for thousands of years, but encountering cosmic dangers poses a significant threat.

The current civilization system is woefully inadequate to contend with such threats, leading to the potential extinction of all current intelligent life forms.

It may even lapse into a prolonged period of dormancy, a favorable outcome, but the worst-case scenario involves the planet's complete annihilation by a cosmic natural disaster.

It inherently complements the intelligent life forms within its body.

However, over time, everything is fated, and even with slim chances, it may encounter a terrifying cosmic crisis.

If the intelligent life on the planet lacks a robust civilization system at that time, then the planet is destined for destruction, akin to any other planet in the universe.

For intelligent life forms like Kazuhiko, who can significantly advance the development of the planet's own civilization, the planetary consciousness will pay special attention.

There's a preference for him, even if it's a subtle one, compared to other sentient beings in the entire ninja world.

For instance, Kazuhiko currently perceives the benefits brought by the planetary consciousness's preference.

Kazuhiko continued pondering, and he almost instinctively sensed a familiar aura approaching him.

"." This is... the natural energy sensed in the Shikkotsu Forest! 

Kazuhiko scanned his surroundings; indeed, he was still in Tsunade's Sakura flower garden.

Yet, he suddenly detected the flow of natural energy.

This sensation was typically only experienced in the lush, natural energy-rich environment of Shikkotsu Forest.

Kazuhiko realized that despite usually perceiving natural energy in Konoha, it was a rarity, like a small droplet of water. To 'drink' a sip, one had to patiently wait for it to accumulate into a glass of water.

Now, he felt that he could access natural energy like a broad river before him, available for a sip at any time.

This, however, was just a small benefit of the planetary consciousness's preference."


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