Chapter 137 : The Prophecy!

As Kazuhiko pondered these thoughts, a mysterious place was also shaken by his presence.

This place was lush, filled with the melodies of singing birds and the sweet scent of flowers. Towering flowers and trees enhanced the vibrant atmosphere, creating a beautiful paradise.

Upon closer inspection, enormous toad stone statues were strategically placed around, almost as if they served a decorative purpose.

This heavenly locale was one of the Three Great Sage Region—the majestic Mount Myōboku. Alongside Ryūchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest, it earned the distinction of being one of the ninja world's Three Great Sage Region and a birthplace for inheriting ancient Senjutsu.

Mount Myōboku played a crucial role in the history of the ninja world and was instrumental in the Sage of Six Paths' decision to seal his mother in ancient times. It stood as a cornerstone in the development of the ninja world, with its influence felt in every critical juncture.

Simultaneously, the place had gained notoriety throughout the ninja world. Countless powerful ninjas, throughout the ages, sought this place to attain Senjutsu.

Some sought Senjutsu only to end up as new toad statues in Mount Myōboku, while others successfully achieved Senjutsu, albeit with no definitive proof. The legend persisted that successful cultivation could elevate one to a renowned ninja status, leading to a constant influx of hopeful practitioners.

Despite the enduring legend, very few had genuinely succeeded over the years. The origin of this legend remained unclear, but the frog statues in Mount Myōboku continued to proliferate.

As the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, established the first Shinobi village, Konoha, the era of the Shinobi Village began. Senjutsu remained a concept within the classics of major ninja villages.

However, with the passing of Senju Hashirama, the legend of Senjutsu became shrouded in skepticism, with many doubting its existence. Apart from Senju Hashirama, the legendary figure in the ninja world, no one else had verified it.

Yet, the rumor persisted in the ninja world that mastering Senjutsu could lead to becoming a powerful ninja, surviving through the years and reappearing just when it seemed about to fade into oblivion.

At this moment, a figure materialized in Mount Myōboku, sitting cross-legged beneath the water, deep in meditation.

Wearing Konoha's Jōnin uniform and the village's forehead protector, two distinct red marks adorned the corners of his eyes. A young man of around twenty, with white hair and a countenance exuding youthful confidence.

At a glance, one could discern his optimistic nature.

"Little Jiraiya, cease your cultivation, come with me..."

As he immersed himself in cultivation, a voice abruptly reached Jiraiya's ears.

In an instant, influenced by the voice, Jiraiya's face, as he sat cross-legged on the ground, started to morph, taking on a toad-like appearance.


A wooden board, prepared on the side, struck Jiraiya's head directly.


He winced, covering his head, and opened his eyes to see a toad in front of him.

The toad before him wore a gray robe, had green skin, and stood at human height. Despite its amphibian form, an extraordinary aura of wisdom emanated from its being.

"Little Jiraiya, set aside your cultivation. The elder master has something to discuss with you."

Observing the human youth with suspicion, a kindly smile appeared on the toad's old face.

This time, it was the one who had signed the Summoning contract with Mount Myōboku.

In other words, these were humans who had successfully gained approval, distinct from ninjas who came directly to practice Senjutsu.

If they were to die, they would die. However, they were to be guarded at all times. The moment there was a tendency to transform into a toad, a wooden board would promptly knock them off, and they would be rescued immediately.

"Hey, Boss Fukasaku, what's going on? What happened? It suddenly interrupted my practice. I feel like I've made progress this time..."

"Sorry, I had to call you over at this critical moment, but it's the order of the eldest master, and I couldn't help it."

Jiraiya didn't mean to blame Sage Fukasaku. As one of the two Sages of Mount Myōboku, Sage Fukasaku had taught him Senjutsu during his practice there.

Although he hadn't gained much, he had made significant progress. After all, it was a legendary Sage art, difficult to master, and he was prepared for a long-term battle.

Looking at the stone statues around him, he had surpassed many without turning into a toad statue.

Jiraiya and Toad Fukasaku immediately started working together.

"Boss Fukasaku, did the Great Toad Sage come to find me this time?"

While walking, Jiraiya asked Toad Fukasaku.

"I don't know the specifics either. The eldest master ordered me to bring you."

Toad Fukasaku led the way, and Jiraiya followed. Soon, the two entered the hall together.

In the huge and magnificent hall, opposite the gate, an unbelievably large reclining chair stood. On the chair lay an equally unbelievably large, ancient toad, holding a big pipe. Even with closed eyes, smoke rings spread with each breath, shrouding the hall like a fairyland.

Toad Fukasaku jumped to the high platform under Big Toad's right hand, clasping his hands together with a solemn face.

Jiraiya stood in front of the giant toad, looking up at it.

No matter how many times he saw it, he couldn't help but be shocked every time.

Although the toad was enormous, it appeared on the verge of death.

"Great Toad Sage, I have come," Jiraiya shouted from below.

However, the old toad did not react, continuing to breathe out smoke rings with a content expression.

Sage Fukasaku's awe-inspiring expression didn't last long. He took a deep breath, turned his head, and used the Sage Chakra to make his voice louder: "Master, little Jiraiya has come!"

Only then did the old toad react, turning its head to take a leisurely look at Sage Fukasaku, then at Jiraiya below.

"Has little Jiraiya brought everything? I'm sorry, I almost fell asleep."

"It's not 'almost'; you're already asleep," Jiraiya complained silently.

"Great Toad Sage, is there something wrong this time?"

The Great Toad Sage, the master of Mount Myōboku with an incredible ability to see into the future, had made prophecies that were fulfilled one by one, giving Jiraiya a sense of awe.

Being able to see the future felt like encountering a real Sage.

"About this... by the way, what was I going to say?"

The Great Toad Sage turned to Toad with deep doubts.

Toad Fukasaku also had black lines all over his face. "Master, you haven't told me yet. Think about it again and ask Jiraiya to come over. Is it a matter of the Son of Prophecy?"

Jiraiya also didn't want to believe that such an Alzheimer's toad was a so-called Sage, but the prophecies made him have to believe it. And the Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku was also real, not fake.

"Oh, I remembered. It is indeed related to the Son of Prophecy, little Jiraiya. This time, I am looking for you, and there are other things for you to do."


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