Chapter 148 : Recognize the reality!

Ryūshō's next words were spoken with a stark simplicity.

What he uttered was undeniably true; he hadn't deceived his own people.

The moment these words left his lips, the Uchiha clan members, who had harbored hopes for a different outcome, felt their hearts plummet.

They were intimately acquainted with their clan head, recognizing him as a dignified and earnest individual. On such a solemn occasion, he wouldn't jest or deceive.

Initially, some had clung to optimism, hoping against hope that the clan head might be mistaken – a momentary lapse. However, the clan head's unequivocal statement shattered the few lingering illusions they held.

How could they entertain fantasies even after their clan head's explicit declaration? It wasn't due to ignorance among the Uchiha; rather, it was a reluctance to accept the harsh reality.

Many Uchiha had devoted the majority of their lives to Konoha. Despite their outwardly arrogant demeanor and occasional scowls, they had actively participated in Konoha's founding, alongside Uchiha Madara, the first clan head of Uchiha clan after village founding.

They witnessed Konoha's gradual rise from the ruins of a desolate forest, contributing both money and effort. They watched their kin sacrifice their lives to safeguard Konoha.

Even after Konoha successfully became the first ninja village in the world, many Uchiha continued to protect its peace in the shadows, facing numerous external threats and skirmishing in the dark.

While countless Konoha residents slumbered peacefully, unaware of the nightly battles, these Uchiha ensured their safety.

And now, waking up to a beautiful day, ignorant of the events that unfolded overnight, they discovered that the very village they had sacrificed for was plotting against them.

This revelation plunged them into despair. The betrayal was difficult to accept, causing many to express their disbelief, with some unconsciously revealing their Sharingan.

Observing this, Ryūshō sighed. He remembered the first time this suspicion arose, alone in a dark, closed cabin, wearing an expression of disbelief.

Despite denying those feelings repeatedly and convincing himself it was an illusion, doubts lingered until today, when Kazuhiko forcefully confronted him, leaving no room for escape.

"Then why? Ryūshō, for...why before..." The Great Elder on the side, his eyes adorned with the Three Tomoe Sharingan, stared at Ryūshō, voice trembling.

Ryūshō turned to the elders, the first witnesses to Konoha's inception, the ones who stood alongside Uchiha Madara in its construction.

The emotional intensity prompted the Great Elder to involuntarily unveil his Three Tomoe Sharingan, his words unclear but the message unmistakable.

Why hadn't he disclosed this earlier? Why had he kept silent for so long?

Ryūshō's eyes reflected a profound sadness, a burden he couldn't bear for long. Although he hesitated, he avoided direct confrontation and instead glanced at Kazuhiko, whose eyes were sharp and perceptive.

Aware that even without uttering a word, Kazuhiko would ruthlessly unravel the truth and reveal it to everyone, Ryūshō began slowly, "I understand, Great Elder. I comprehend the implications of your words. Initially, I found it challenging to believe this revelation, and it took me a considerable amount of time to accept it."

"I harbored uncertainty within me for a long time, keeping this truth concealed from everyone."

"I'm cognizant of the profound impact this revelation has had on everyone. Our fellow Uchiha clan members find it incredulous. Even if I were the clan leader, they wouldn't have believed me at that time..."

The elder inquired urgently, "When did you become aware of it?"

Ryūshō hesitated, raising his head with uncertainty as he struggled to find the right words. Eventually, after a moment of silence, he looked at his clan members and Kazuhiko, mustering the courage to continue.

"I became aware of it during the first ninja war when I witnessed Jiro's death..."

Pausing, Ryūshō glanced at Kazuhiko by his side.

At this moment, Kurogane, upon hearing his father's name, raised his head in astonishment, wondering why his uncle suddenly mentioned his deceased father, who had perished during the First Ninja World War.

"Does this have something to do with my father?"

The elders, seated in front, seemed to grasp the significance instantly. They exchanged knowing glances, maintaining a silence that spoke volumes.

Kazuhiko listened silently, feigning ignorance, while Ryūshō continued his narrative.

"After returning to Konoha, I sensed Elder Danzo lurking around the Uchiha clan one day."

"I trailed him, staying in the shadows unnoticed. I could sense the murderous intent and desire for Uchiha within his gaze."

"At first, I dismissed it as my imagination, convincing myself it was a delusion. In the days that followed, I became wary of venturing outside freely. The war had just concluded, and the Uchiha were optimistic about Konoha. I found myself unable to voice my concerns..."

As Ryūshō spoke, a heavy sigh escaped him. The atmosphere became somber, and the other elders maintained their silence. No questions were asked, and no words were exchanged.

At that moment, Kazuhiko was certain that Ryūshō had laid bare the truth, setting the stage for the impending revelations.

A fleeting expression of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, quickly disappearing.

"Everyone, face the reality..."


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