Chapter 163 : Run away after kissing!

When Kazuhiko regained consciousness, he found himself in a startling realization that he had just shared a kiss.

At that moment, Kazuhiko's mind was a blank slate.

He gazed at Tsunade, whose demeanor was gentle and virtuous, as if he had returned home. The person before him seemed like his wife patiently awaiting his return, undressing him and softly advising him to take care and rest.

Moonlight, sakura blossoms, returning from battle, tenderness, anticipation, a beautiful wife – everything was so enchanting, fitting seamlessly into the elements of romance.

During that time, Kazuhiko observed Tsunade staring blankly at his chest, her face flushed.

Bathed in the bright moonlight, she looked particularly captivating, and initially, Kazuhiko managed to keep his composure. However, his attention was drawn when he noticed that Tsunade's lips were already adorned with the lipstick he had given her earlier.

After a brief silence...

Once Kazuhiko collected himself, he hesitated to speak, the courage he had before now replaced with uncertainty.

In an instant, thoughts of Tsunade's formidable strength and her occasional irritable demeanor overwhelmed him. His own strength was forgotten, and only memories of Tsunade's potent punches lingered, striking fear in him.

Internally, he couldn't help but wonder, "Tsunade, are you going to kill me?"

After hastily uttering these words, Kazuhiko, not even fully comprehending what he said, hurriedly departed.

In the aftermath, he didn't feel quite right. Upon regaining his senses, Kazuhiko realized that his heartbeat echoed like a drum, relentlessly pulsating with a rhythmic "dong dong dong dong dong."

At that moment, Kazuhiko was brave, but now, he dared not look back.

It was only now that fear crept in, questioning where he found the courage to act so impulsively, unexpectedly leaning in for a kiss. He marveled at his own audacity.

Reflecting on the recent events, he no longer pondered battles and conflicts.

Everything that occurred felt like a dream, and as Kazuhiko lay on the bed, it took some time for him to regain composure.

Glancing up at the window, he realized he had acted hastily in front of Tsunade.

Once he confirmed that Tsunade had left outside, he eased his senses, and Tsunade, too, had returned to her hut for some rest.

Releasing a sigh of relief, Kazuhiko mused, "Tsunade is older than me and has lived in the ninja world for so long; she should understand all this better than me."

"Yes, that must be the case. Tsunade must comprehend what I meant... So, why did I flee at that moment? It's too bold..."

Ah, just thinking about it, darn it, why did I run away? I should have stayed...

"But what would I say if I stayed? It's vexing... What if Tsunade rejects?... Probably not... Who knows..."

With these thoughts, Kazuhiko gradually closed his eyes in the midst of contemplating the pros and cons.

Little did he know that Tsunade, at this very moment, was wrestling with mixed emotions in her heart.




After returning to her hut, Tsunade simply washed up and lay down on the cot.

Her face was still tinged with a rosy blush, replaying the moment when Kazuhiko had bent down over and over in her mind.

She struggled to describe the feelings she had at that moment; everything had transpired so quickly.

Now, her heart was in turmoil, replaying the scene repeatedly in her mind.

She knew it would be difficult for her to forget that moment in the future.

Unconsciously, her mind drifted back to the days spent with Kazuhiko.

Every day spent with him felt joyous, discovering new facets of his character daily, like unraveling a captivating mystery.

From their encounter in the Land of Fire to their return to Konoha, she had been intrigued by this mysterious man since their first meeting.

Later, in the deserted little village, when he sought revenge for the villagers, Tsunade was genuinely moved.

Upon returning to Konoha, as they shared drinks and conversation, Tsunade realized the comfort of residing in a small courtyard with him.

Their companionship was so harmonious and natural, without the slightest discord.

During their conversations, she found Kazuhiko to be well-informed and knowledgeable, having distinct perspectives on various matters, each justified step by step.

Even on that night when he was drunk, he didn't take advantage of her vulnerability.

Tsunade sensed that he was a truly reliable person.

Furthermore, when he once again bested her revered teacher, she understood the terrifying extent of his strength.

As she healed her teacher's wounds, scrutinizing the knife wound, she could vividly picture the scenes when he wielded the blade.

Unexpectedly, her teacher, whom she had regarded as the strongest in Konoha, succumbed to him.

Every aspect of Kazuhiko etched into her heart.

Unconsciously, her feelings toward him evolved from a simple favor to admiration, and then to love.

Perhaps this is also why she didn't resist when he kissed her at that moment.

Otherwise, she would have already given him a good punch...

Ever since she encountered Kazuhiko for the first time, she realized an undeniable fondness for him. He perfectly embodied the image of her other half.

There was a gentle aura around him, tinged with a hint of majesty, yet so tender to himself. Powerful, but with a distinct kind of stability.

The only drawback was his apparent youthfulness...

Contemplating this, Tsunade found herself involuntarily irritated. "He's so much younger than me. I never paid attention before; he looks so mature..."

"What should I do? It's such a dilemma... He might not even see me clearly... But he must have feelings for me too... How can I make him kiss me... Hmph, if he's not serious, I'll show him what I'm capable of! I'll kick him and let him realize how incredible I am!"

Gradually, amidst various thoughts, Tsunade drifted off into sleep.

A gentle breeze swept through the small courtyard, causing a few cherry blossom petals to twirl and scatter beside the hut where the two were staying.


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