Chapter 165 : The Different Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"At the same time, we must increase surveillance on the Uchiha clan!

"You can no longer be as ignorant as before. Konoha will never permit the Uchiha clan to reemerge with a lineage possessing such eyes!"

"During this period, every move of the Uchiha clan must be under constant Konoha surveillance!"

Upon hearing Danzo's unequivocal words, several individuals agreed with this perspective.

Only Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe in silence, a faint trail of smoke hanging in the air. He never uttered a word, his eyes reflecting thoughtful expressions from time to time.

Others examined the information in their hands, tracing the aftermath of the battle.

"It's astounding..." remarked an elder on the side.

While the statement may refer to Uchiha Ryūshō, it was more directed at the young Kazuhiko.

"Such a prodigy can genuinely be compared to Lord First Hokage. No wonder some in the village call him the god of the new generation of ninja."

"This level of strength is beyond our grasp. It's truly fearsome..."

"Yeah, I can't fathom the brilliance of his Light Release Jutsu..."

After expressing their thoughts, they cast glances at the Third Hokage, who had faced Kazuhiko in battle. In their opinion, their Hokage-sama was qualified to speak on this matter.

Yet, Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent.

Danzo eyed him suspiciously, sensing a shift since his friend emerged from a coma.

Finally, after pondering for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke.

"At present, our primary concerns are Uchiha Ryūshō and Kazuhiko.

"Regarding Uchiha Ryūshō, as Danzo stated, we must first ascertain his abilities and understand what the Sharingan brings to him before considering anything else."

Having said that, Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo and added,

"As for monitoring the Uchiha clan now, in my opinion, it is unnecessary.

Amid everyone's astonishment, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued with an unchanged expression.

"The most crucial task now is to comprehend his abilities. You can monitor the Uchiha clan after that. If done now, it will only breed resentment within the Uchiha clan."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, the surprise in the eyes of the other elders could no longer be concealed. They exchanged curious glances.

It was known that Sarutobi Hiruzen had always been indecisive and uncertain in handling matters. Many times, he allowed Danzo to take the lead and perform functions that originally belonged to the Hokage.

Now, Sarutobi Hiruzen displayed a newfound firmness, decisiveness, and a broader perspective than before.

Upon reflecting on Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, they all found themselves in agreement.

Only as Danzo nodded in concurrence, a peculiar glint flickered in his eyes as he lowered his head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed oblivious to any subtle cues, took another drag from his cigarette, and continued.

"As for Kazuhiko... It can be said that since he arrived in Konoha, everything began because of him..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen reminisced about that rare moment, a complex expression in his eyes.

Recalling the news he received, many now referred to Kazuhiko as the god of the new generation of ninjas. It's noteworthy that Sarutobi Hiruzen's original dream was to become a ninja god like the First Hokage and bring change to Konoha.

Especially when he thought of Kazuhiko, he could feel the faint sting of the knife wound on his face again, deepening his animosity towards Kazuhiko.

He sensed that this knife scar seemed indelible, destined to remain on his face forever.

However, despite harboring resentment towards Kazuhiko, he acknowledged that Kazuhiko was undeniably a rare genius in the ninja world, a prodigy among prodigies.

After a moment, he disclosed the information he had gathered about Kazuhiko. Since his clash with Kazuhiko, he had refrained from sharing the details with everyone.

As the Third Hokage, if he didn't initiate the discussion, no one dared to inquire. After all, he lost the battle, and intentionally questioning him would seem like probing a sensitive wound.

"Kazuhiko mentioned during our battle that his ability belongs to a special bloodline continuum, which he termed 'light release.'"

"This ability is incredibly swift, with formidable lethality. Simultaneously, it is accompanied by intense high temperatures, making it challenging to counter."

Hearing this, the other elders nodded in agreement. Indeed, it was a potent bloodline limit.

"Furthermore, his swordsmanship is equally formidable. Known as the Rasenryū Sword Art, it might have been uncovered in the ancient Uzumaki clan records. After all, with a clan that spans a millennium, who knows what mystical techniques might have survived?"

The nearby ninjas quickly added these new pieces of information to Kazuhiko's profile upon hearing the Third Hokage's words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered over Kazuhiko's abilities—the mysterious and formidable light, the unpredictable swordsmanship—all of which left an indelible impression on him.

Gradually, with these additions, Kazuhiko's profile became more detailed.

As time passed, Kazuhiko emerged, and discussions about the Uchiha clan surfaced from time to time.

Observing the tired elderly elders yawning continuously, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that their bodies couldn't endure prolonged wakefulness. Considering this, he decided to conclude today's discussion.

"Alright, let's adjourn for now. Everyone, return and rest."


Everyone rose and left the Hokage's office.

Just as Danzo was about to depart, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly spoke.

"Danzo, stay. I have something to discuss with you..."


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