Chapter 168 : Senju Isamu!

This isn't an exaggerated claim; it's a fact that the Senju clan fell behind in the Naruto storyline. A once prominent and extensive clan suddenly vanished without a trace, leaving only Tsunade.

The citizens of Konoha seemingly succeeded in erasing the memory of this legendary clan from their minds. This raises the question: What happened to the other members of the Senju clan?

There are only two plausible scenarios: they are either deceased or living in secrecy.

Kazuhiko, however, believes it's a combination of both. It appears that, following the Second and Third Ninja Wars, many members of the Senju clan were strategically sent to the battlefield. The higher-ups in Konoha took advantage of this opportunity to diminish the presence of the Senju clan.

The Senju population dwindled significantly, and what better excuse for the reduction than the chaos of the battlefield? Those who survived were mostly young and vigorous members of the clan.

Eventually, the surviving Senju members realized that either the senior officials of Konoha or Sarutobi Hiruzen himself were gradually eliminating the Senju clan.

As a result, many remaining Senju members concealed their identities, changing their names to live peacefully within Konoha.

From Kazuhiko's perspective, when Tsunade left Konoha, she could be considered the sole heir to the Senju clan.

According to common belief, Tsunade left the village due to a heavy heart after the death of her younger brothers, Nawaki and Kato Dan, during an officially turbulent era of war. Tsunade, unable to save them as a medical ninja, developed a fear of blood, and to hide this fact, she left the village.

However, in Kazuhiko's opinion, if that were the only reason, it wouldn't justify Tsunade's strong aversion to Konoha at that time. Even after learning of the Third Hokage's passing, her reluctance to return as the new Hokage didn't waver much.

There must be another crucial reason behind Tsunade's departure – a reason that led to her complete disillusionment with the Third Hokage and Konoha, ultimately prompting her to leave the village.

Tsunade was well aware that the Third Hokage, whom she considered her mentor, was gradually eradicating the Senju clan. However, she found herself powerless, compelled to witness the decline of the once prestigious Senju lineage. 

It pained her to see the surviving members of the clan change their names one by one in order to endure within Konoha.

Having experienced the glory days of the Senju clan and witnessing their respected position in Konoha, Tsunade couldn't bear the drastic changes that occurred over just a few decades. 

Her grandfather had held a prominent position in Konoha, and both the First and Second Hokages hailed from the Senju clan. Everything had changed, leaving her deeply disappointed and saddened.

Consequently, she made the difficult decision to leave Konoha, distancing herself from a place that had let her down and caused her grief. Kazuhiko even speculated that, if not for Tsunade's strong ties to her influential grandfather and the remaining clan in Konoha, she might never have returned to the village. 

Even when she did come back, it was due to the persuasion of her longtime comrade-in-arms and companion Jiraiya, along with the persuasive words of the indomitable Prince Naruto.

This suggests that Tsunade's return to Konoha was not solely prompted by the loss of her relatives; rather, it was driven by a deep-rooted dissatisfaction with the village and a fear of history repeating itself.

Kazuhiko believed that the Senju clan must have been aware of Konoha's subtle betrayal. However, they might have accepted this betrayal willingly, unaware of the extent to which Sarutobi Hiruzen planned to undermine the Senju clan. 

The village aimed not for their physical destruction, but for a quiet disappearance, erasing their influence and reputation from Konoha.

Similar to the fate of the Uchiha clan, the Senju clan, too, clung to the hope that Konoha would not take such extreme measures. Little did they know that Konoha's methods were even more ruthless than they could have imagined.

A bit later than he had anticipated.

Ever since the Uzumaki clan resettled in Konoha, particularly the Senju clan, Senju Isamu was aware that the Uzumaki clan would eventually pay him a visit. Although he hadn't crossed paths with Kazuhiko in recent days, he had heard numerous tales about Kazuhiko's renown.

Now, Kazuhiko was a household name in Konoha, with people discussing him whenever one entered a restaurant. 

Consequently, Senju Isamu had already formed a preliminary impression of him, despite not having met him personally.

While aware that their meeting was inevitable, he hadn't expected it to be this morning, quite early.

Senju Isamu was already informed about Kazuhiko's arrival with his attendants. However, witnessing him in person still took him aback.

After all, Kazuhiko possessed outstanding external qualities—handsome and imposing, exuding both vitality and composure. His fiery red hair gleamed, especially under the morning sunlight.

Senju Isamu even discerned a resemblance to his father, Senju Hashirama, in Kazuhiko—not in physical appearance, but in a certain silent majesty that struck a strangely familiar chord within him.

As the servants departed, leaving Kazuhiko and Senju Isamu alone, the latter, with a faint smile, gestured for Kazuhiko to join him. "Come," he said, guiding him to a futon beside a small wooden table with pre-prepared tea.

Kazuhiko took a seat on the opposite side, contemplating the task that lay ahead, fully aware that the righteousness they were about to discuss required careful consideration.


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