Chapter 170 : Will Not Provide Any Jinchūriki!

Hearing Senju Isamu express these sentiments, Kazuhiko found some relief.

Kazuhiko was confident and aware that the Senju clan had played a role in the affairs of the Land of Whirlpools.

At least Kazuhiko knew that Mito's grandmother had employed the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique and Explosive Tags, two A-level ninjutsu, to make contributions.

Furthermore, Kazuhiko was also aware that the Senju clan had indeed approached the Third Hokage numerous times, seeking to aid the Uzumaki clan in the Land of Whirlpools.

Several elders who sought help in Konoha at that time were also privy to this information, having gone to Konoha alongside the Senju clan head to approach Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Regrettably, all their pleas were rebuffed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Thus, there was no ill impression of the Senju clan on Kazuhiko.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have considered residing with the Senju clan, nor would he have engaged in heated arguments with Tsunade, despite her undeniable beauty.

After a prolonged silence, Senju Isamu gazed at Kazuhiko and spoke up.

"My mother is already old," Senju Isamu sighed, "But with the tailed beast sealed within her, she's shunned by the world. Everyone fears it, fears..."

Senju Isamu looked silently at Kazuhiko, implying something more.

"My mother told me, she said that the tailed beast is also lonely, and its nature is not inherently malevolent..."

Kazuhiko observed him quietly, sensing the impending revelation.

"Now that my mother is aging, I need to find a new home for her..."

Senju Isamu left his words hanging, a subtle smile on his face. Currently, in the Land of Whirlpools, only the young man before him held the authority to make decisions.

After hearing Senju Isamu's plea, Kazuhiko fell into a contemplative silence. He truly wished to utter the words.

"Fear not; we are willing to accept the Nine Tails. To simplify matters, could we transport the Nine Tails directly back to the Land of Whirlpools?"

Kazuhiko understood that, spoken aloud, such an agreement was unfeasible.

He could only envision it in his mind.

However, Kazuhiko adamantly opposed the notion of assigning the Uzumaki clan as Jinchūriki to others.

His current perspective was that it was best to dissociate the Uzumaki clan from being Jinchūriki.

Unless it was someone from their own country assuming the role of Jinchūriki—that would be a different scenario.

Kazuhiko would strive to convey the idea that a Jinchūriki need not exclusively belong to the Uzumaki clan.

In reality, individuals from other families or even ordinary citizens could become Jinchūriki, but the methodology was flawed.

Hence, Kazuhiko refused to allow the Uzumaki clan to become the new Jinchūriki.

"Sorry!!" Kazuhiko fell into a thoughtful silence for a moment before stating decisively, "The Uzumaki clan will never again provide any Jinchūriki to other nations."

Are you expecting the Land of Whirlpools to become a Jinchūriki for Konoha without any compensation?

Stop kidding, alright?

"Alas!!" Senju Isamu sighed as well, hearing Kazuhiko's refusal. He had already anticipated this outcome but had no choice except to seek instructions from the Hokage...

After a brief pause, he conveyed the terms communicated by the Third Hokage the day before, "What if Konoha is willing to renegotiate a pact with the Land of Whirlpools? This time, Konoha will consider the Land of Whirlpools as its most crucial ally!"

What? Renegotiate the treaty? I think we've had enough of your tricks!

This Konoha's high-ranking figures, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, plus Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu - these four are problematic.

Kazuhiko isn't eager to form close bonds with them. It's crucial to note that these individuals are concerned only about their interests.

They're either shameless, particularly towards their own, or ruthless, even to their own kind - engaging in deceitful acts against their own.

Moreover, dealing with outsiders like the Land of Whirlpools, there's no telling when they might be betrayed.

Kazuhiko maintained his silence and refrained from speaking!

Observing Kazuhiko's response, even though he remained silent, his stance was evident.

Senju Isamu shook his head with a wry smile, indicating that people indeed no longer trust Konoha.

But there's no other option. Konoha, whoever it may be, has disregarded the promise made by his father, Hashirama, let alone this so-called new treaty.

"Alas! Lord Hokage, it seems I'm letting down your trust."

Senju Isamu apologized silently to the Third Hokage in his heart.

"How are we going to deal with the Nine Tails?"

Senju Isamu also felt a headache contemplating this. He knew that if left unresolved, it could lead to another conflict, especially with Elder Danzo.

Senju Isamu frowned, pondering for a while, yet couldn't think of a suitable solution.

On second thought, this is a matter for them to resolve on their own.

Why is he overthinking? He has already conveyed Third Hokage's instructions to clan head Isamu.

It's up to them how they handle it.

Even if the Uzumaki clan head disagrees, he can't force him. Moreover, this matter is Konoha's loss, and he acknowledges it.

Initially hesitant to bring up the topic, he had no choice when the Third Hokage emphasized it with the Will of Fire.

It can't be done, it can't be done...

In any case, everything has been explained clearly, and convincing the Uzumaki clan head is their own challenge.

After considering this, Senju Isamu relaxed his frown.

Looking at the silent young man in front of him, he offered another cup of tea.

"Come, have some tea."


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