Chapter 193 : Tsunade's Thoughts!

Everyone was engrossed in the joy of the Uchiha clan signing a covenant and establishing deeper ties with Konoha, retaliating against a few who opposed the alliance.

Suddenly, Kazuhiko spoke up, "Everyone, it's time for us to prepare to return to the Land of Whirlpools."

They were momentarily stunned, then erupted in joy.

"Great, finally going back!"

"The clan leader has decided to conclude our stay in Konoha. I haven't been able to sleep well here."

"Yeah, after all we've done in Konoha, it would be risky if they found out. It's better to leave early!"

They harbored no reservations about returning to the Land of Whirlpools with Kazuhiko; in fact, they couldn't wait.

However, such decisions were always made by the clan leader, and only the clan head could initiate the departure.

When dealing with Konoha, everything took precedence according to clan head decisions. The affairs back in their own clan, who knows what's happening with the clan head. The matter had yet to be resolved.

Now, hearing Kazuhiko's announcement, their excitement heightened, signaling that their stint in Konoha was drawing to a close.

Observing their joy, Kazuhiko still smiled faintly. He rose from his seat and addressed everyone.

"Third elder, inform Konoha promptly that we are leaving, and request them to present the covenant signed with the Land of Whirlpools in the last two days. The Land of Whirlpools also needs to sign a new covenant."

With that statement, Kazuhiko pushed open the door and exited the room.

Leaving the crowd behind, they exchanged glances.

"Is the clan head upset? Could it be because we were too forward?" someone anxiously inquired.

The third elder shook his head, "Don't worry, the clan head won't interpret this in anger. There must be other matters, perhaps related to Princess Tsunade..."

Hearing this, the other elders wore different expressions, sharing knowing smiles. Yet, they were eager for their clan head to marry soon.

Marrying Princess Tsunade of the Senju clan would be a beneficial alliance for them. As the clan head also held the title of the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, the stability of their country was linked to his descendants.

Shortly after, the third elder redirected the conversation, "Everyone, let's focus on discussing our departure with Konoha."

"Urge Konoha to arrange the covenant with the Land of Whirlpools swiftly. That was our original purpose in coming to Konoha."

Hearing this, the other elders instantly shifted their focus, treating the matter with seriousness. Kazuhiko's orders carried weight, despite his recent ascension to the clan headal role a few days ago.

You can chat and joke with them during ordinary times.

However, when it came to the tasks he assigned, everyone had to put in their best efforts to solve them.

Failing to complete clan head assigned task would result in facing clan head wrath. clan head terrifying gaze, combined with the intense pressure exuding from his presence, caused everyone to break into a profuse sweat.

They were determined not to experience such a situation.

Consequently, everyone sat upright, produced suitable manuscripts one after another, immersed themselves in their work, and contemplated appropriate methods.

After leaving the elders' hut, Kazuhiko walked back alone.

During his journey back to the Tsunade courtyard, Kazuhiko was immersed in deep thought. Memories of his first encounter with Tsunade flooded his mind—from their initial meeting to their time in Konoha.

Recollections of their moments together in the small courtyard under the moonlight, observing cherry blossoms, sharing drinks, and engaging in conversation after coming to Konoha lingered vividly. The kiss they shared that night remained etched in Kazuhiko's memory for a long time.

"Unconsciously, she already holds such a significant place in my heart..."

Kazuhiko sighed internally, acknowledging that it was time to return to the Land of Whirlpools. As the clan head, he still carried the esteemed reputation of the Land of Whirlpools, and an extended absence wouldn't be suitable.

Upon reaching the small courtyard, Kazuhiko observed the open door, instantly realizing that Tsunade had returned.

Filled with joy, Kazuhiko took three steps forward.

Meanwhile, Tsunade had just arrived at the small courtyard, leaving the door ajar. Before fully closing it, ensuring Kazuhiko hadn't returned, she let out a sigh of relief.

Currently, she wasn't prepared to face Kazuhiko, and the events from last night replayed in her mind like a dream.

While she lingered in the small courtyard, the vivid image replayed incessantly in her thoughts.

Unable to shake it off, she decided to venture outside to divert her mind. Surprisingly, even after the day had passed, the memory lingered, and an inexplicable longing to return to the small courtyard took root within her.

The presence of Kazuhiko etched itself into her memory, an image she couldn't erase from her mind. Intriguingly, she entertained the idea of checking if Kazuhiko had returned.

Returning to the courtyard, anxiety gripped her. What if Kazuhiko had indeed come back? She grappled with the dilemma of what to say in such a situation, considering the age gap between her and Kazuhiko.

Eventually, she mustered the courage to open the gate, cautiously advancing. Relief washed over her when she confirmed Kazuhiko's absence. Yet, a lingering resentment festered within her.

"That guy, he kissed me last night and now he's vanished!"

"Humph! When I see him again, I'll... I'll definitely..."

Tsunade pouted, casting a fierce glare at Kazuhiko's residence. While contemplating how to confront him for his actions, a voice unexpectedly echoed in her ears.



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