Chapter 196 : Consultation and Conversation!

As soon as Kazuhiko uttered those words, Tsunade collapsed into his arms, her body transforming into a watery mass.

In the ninja world, such expressions of love were unheard of. Despite its cruelty, this world often simplified emotions. If you liked someone, you liked them; if you didn't, you didn't. Everything was straightforward.

Tsunade had never encountered such unabashed declarations of love from Kazuhiko. These words were like a shockwave to her.

Subsequently, Tsunade gazed at Kazuhiko with newfound affection, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over.

Kazuhiko was completely clueless about the sudden change in Tsunade's demeanor. His words had elicited a tender response from her, leaving him bewildered.

It was evident why Kazuhiko had remained single for so many years in his previous life.

Yet, he understood that now wasn't the time to question Tsunade about her feelings. Instead, he held her close, silently exchanging looks.

As time passed, their proximity increased, and inexplicable things occurred between them.

After a while, they separated bashfully, only to gaze at each other once more, repeating the cycle.

Although the moments kept repeating, Kazuhiko found them far from tedious; instead, he found them captivating, even wishing time would slow down.

But alas, that was impossible.

Their warm interlude was abruptly interrupted by hurried footsteps and a voice calling from outside the courtyard.

"Lord clan head!"

In an instant, the intimate atmosphere dissipated, and the two of them sprang apart as if shocked.

As the footsteps drew nearer, Tsunade's cheeks flushed crimson.

"I, I'll head back first. You can call me later," stammered Tsunade, her face ablaze with embarrassment, before swiftly retreating into her room without a backward glance.

On her way, Tsunade couldn't shake the memory of their hallway encounter, her cheeks burning as if smoke might billow forth at any moment.


"It wasn't what I was thinking at that moment... He even said we just started our relationship, so he wouldn't look down on me, would he?"

"It's all because of Kazuhiko-kun suddenly saying 'marry me,' it made me feel like I was in a daze and drank... But... now that I think about it... it's still very sweet..."

With a mix of emotions, Tsunade arrived at the door of his hut.

With a 'shuh!' sound, the wooden door of the hut slid open, but he couldn't help glancing back at Kazuhiko.

Seeing that Kazuhiko was also gazing at her, an inexplicable joy flashed in her heart.

She hurriedly stepped into the house, turned around, and closed the wooden door.

Kazuhiko observed that Tsunade had returned inside. Without using Observation Haki, Kazuhiko knew it was Fumito outside the door.

Kazuhiko waved his hand, and the gate of the small courtyard swung open.

Observing the suddenly opened door, Fumito didn't know why but understood it must be the clan head's doing.

He entered hastily, spotting his clan head with a stern expression at once.

In an instant, he felt like a mouse meeting a cat and didn't dare to cause a commotion, obediently closing the door behind him.

Fumito approached cautiously this time.

Kazuhiko felt a bit irked by the interruption, but he quickly composed himself, not directing his annoyance at Fumito.

Peeking cautiously, Fumito noticed the clan head's face had returned to its usual, plain yet authoritative demeanor.

I must have been mistaken earlier.

Looking at the curious Fumito, Kazuhiko asked directly, "What urgent matter brings you here?"

Kazuhiko suddenly recalled the matter at hand, tapping his head and speaking hurriedly.

"Lord clan head, the elders asked me to inform you that the tasks you requested have been completed. If you have the time, you can head to the elders' place now. They're waiting for you there. Additionally, there's also an elder from Konoha."

Kazuhiko comprehended the situation after hearing this.

"Their efficiency is quite impressive!"

Surprisingly, the elders managed to handle things so swiftly. Kazuhiko nodded, "Alright, I understand."

Contemplating for a moment, Kazuhiko continued, "They've already taken care of it, and with Konoha's elders present, why summon me? Is there something else that requires discussion?"

Turning to Fumito, who was preparing to leave, he added, "I'll accompany you."


Kazuhiko walked out alongside Fumito. Upon reaching the courtyard gate, he turned back and called out towards Tsunade's hut.

"I have some business to attend to. You can join the elders for dinner."

Tsunade, who had been keeping an eye on the surroundings, though she hadn't seen, recognized the voice instantly and responded without hesitation.

"Alright, go ahead. I'll be here. Take care."

Their exchange was as familiar and effortless as that of an old married couple.

Kazuhiko smiled at Tsunade's reply before departing, leaving Fumito bewildered by his sudden cheerfulness.

Similarly, Tsunade found herself puzzled by her spontaneous response.

The words exchanged between Kazuhiko and Tsunade reminded her of her childhood, when her grandfather, the First Hokage, would bid farewell to her grandmother, Mito, in a similar manner before leaving.

As she heard Kazuhiko's departure, Tsunade instinctively echoed the words of her childhood memories.

Facing this unexpected turn of events, Tsunade was momentarily perplexed.

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko walked alongside Fumito with a content smile on his face. The nostalgic conversation between Tsunade and him left him with a warm feeling.

As for Fumito, he couldn't help but wonder why their clan head suddenly seemed so elated.


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