Chapter 203 : Highly Anticipated!

Sarutobi Hiruzen savored scenes like this, where a simple smile and a wave of his hand could incite a wave of cheers from the crowd. As he stepped forward, the air became electrified with excitement.

The people gathered below cheered passionately for their Hokage-sama. While many had seen Sarutobi Hiruzen before, it was the first time they celebrated his arrival together, accompanied by the presence of Konoha's high-ranking officials.

The collective cheer infected even those who were accustomed to seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen, drawing them into the fervor of the moment.

However, amidst the excitement, some couldn't help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction. The Lord Hokage's face remained obscured beneath his iconic hat.

A sudden gust of wind lifted the brim of Sarutobi Hiruzen's hat, briefly revealing a scar at the corner of his mouth to those with keen eyesight. Yet, the moment passed swiftly, leaving doubt in their minds.

Sarutobi Hiruzen basked in the adoration of the crowd, his heart swelling with pride. No words were necessary; the cheers of the people spoke volumes.

Lost in the moment, he reveled in the power he wielded with a simple wave of his hand, stirring the emotions of countless individuals.

Amidst the chorus of praise and welcoming chants, there was a discordant note—the persistent call of a candied haw vendor.

Sarutobi Hiruzen resolved to address such disruptions in the future, contemplating regulations to prohibit such commercial activity during gatherings.

As he was about to address the crowd, his attention was diverted by a vibrant red hue catching his eye.

The Uzumaki clan had arrived.

Without prompting, murmurs erupted among the crowd.

"That's the Uzumaki clan! Their red hair is unmistakable!"

"They all look so lively and striking..."

"Is that their clan head? He seems incredibly young—could he be the rumored prodigy hailed as the new god of the ninja world?"

"Indeed, his youth belies his formidable strength."

"His presence commands respect, despite his age."

Attention shifted from Sarutobi Hiruzen to Kazuhiko and his entourage as they made their entrance.

And Kazuhiko led his subordinates, striding confidently through the open space, effortlessly parting the crowd as they went.

Along the path, onlookers observed Kazuhiko and his entourage with curiosity, admiration, or indifference.

To Sarutobi Hiruzen and the elders, Kazuhiko and his group seemed like a vibrant crimson blade cutting through the sea of people.

In an instant, the bustling crowd split into two, making way for them without needing any direction. They dispersed automatically upon seeing them approach.

Thus, Kazuhiko and his companions passed through the throng unhindered.

Moving a few paces forward, the gazes of Kazuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen met in a firm exchange.

At that moment, everything else seemed to fade away for them. Despite the thin veil of separation, their eyes remained fixed on each other.

Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to recall something and raised the pipe in his right hand towards Kazuhiko, offering a gentle smile.

Kazuhiko returned the gesture with a nod and a smile of his own.

It was as though the earlier tension had never existed.

Only the clenched fist within Sarutobi Hiruzen's sleeve betrayed the frustration simmering beneath the surface.

"Damn it, they just had to show up now! I was supposed to be the center of attention! I had planned to make a speech before their arrival!"

"That darn fellow had to appear at this precise moment!"

"However, what matters is the discussion to follow, especially after the treaty signing."

Had Kazuhiko known Sarutobi Hiruzen's inner turmoil, he would have surely grumbled.

"We didn't mean to steal your thunder; we just happened to arrive when the timing was right.

Kazuhiko, oblivious to Sarutobi Hiruzen's inner thoughts, remained unfazed, even if he had known, he wouldn't have cared.

He believed that what would transpire later would firmly etch him into Konoha's memory.

As they traversed through the bustling streets of Konoha, Kazuhiko couldn't help but marvel at Konoha's ability to mobilize.

A seemingly mundane diplomatic meeting between two nations could draw such a crowd.

Yet, he also understood that the larger the gathering now, the greater the commotion later.

With this in mind, Kazuhiko offered Sarutobi Hiruzen a natural smile, curious about the unfolding events in Konoha.

Kazuhiko led his entourage straight to the high platform erected by Konoha overnight.

To the west stood Sarutobi Hiruzen's group, surrounded by Konoha shinobi.

To the east, a row of empty seats awaited Kazuhiko and his companions. Guided by Konoha shinobi, they took their places, alongside the six elders.

Other members of the Uzumaki clan stood below, vigilant and watchful.

With both Konoha and the Land of Whirlpools now assembled, the stage was set, ninjas and villagers alike buzzing with anticipation on and off the platform.

Whether they were ninjas from Konoha or spies from other nations, whether they were high-ranking officials on the stage or ordinary citizens offstage, all eyes were on them.

Every gaze fixated, anticipating a remarkable performance! A spectacle of righteousness.


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