Chapter 250 : Leasing Land and Embassy!!

Kazuhiko had made a decisive determination: the Red Republic possessed sufficient strength to accommodate refugees.

Following a period of relentless effort, numerous proposed dwellings had been erected within the boundaries of the Red Republic. Even with the substantial influx of refugees, each was assured of their own dwelling.

Thanks to Kazuhiko's campaign to promote hygiene, a cadre of hygienists had already been trained and were ready to begin their work. 

These hygienists were adept at addressing common ailments such as colds, fevers, headaches, and minor injuries. They could administer basic treatments tailored to the specific circumstances they encountered.

For more serious cases, the expertise of professional doctors was required. However, the majority of illnesses were of a manageable nature, and the hygienists proved adept at handling them.

Meanwhile, the Red Republic had amassed an abundant supply of food in its granaries, particularly fish. The granaries were brimming with provisions, and surplus stocks were being sold off.

Despite these efforts, there remained a surplus of grain that necessitated the urgent construction of additional granaries. Almost every household had a stockpile of salted fish.

With preparations complete, Kazuhiko was poised to welcome the influx of refugees. The ongoing conflicts in neighboring small countries had forced many to flee their homes, especially with winter approaching. 

The prospect of securing food and shelter drove them to seek refuge, with Konoha historically being a preferred destination.

However, the situation had changed. Thanks to the recent efforts to promote the Red Republic, word had spread of its hospitality and generosity. Gatō, in particular, played a crucial role in spreading the word during his business travels. He not only advertised the kingdom but also offered porridge and distributed dry rations to the needy, enhancing Red Republic's reputation in the region.

Nevertheless, the Red Republic's domain was primarily maritime, necessitating recruitment efforts to be conducted on land. This required venturing into the Land of Fire.

Additionally, Kazuhiko harbored a particular interest in refugees from Konoha. The reason was straightforward: Konoha possessed an inherent allure that attracted talented individuals. It served as a magnet for refugees, and their diverse skills and abilities were highly coveted.

Amidst Konoha's long standing reputation and ongoing publicity efforts, refugees continued to flock to the village as a matter of habit.

Kazuhiko eyed these newcomers with a certain hunger, though the Red Republic was hardly lacking in population.

Having already corresponded with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kazuhiko sought to secure a direct lease of land from the Land of Fire. This would establish a foothold for the Red Republic within Konoha, essentially functioning as its embassy.

But this embassy's purpose extended beyond mere diplomatic affairs. It served as a beacon, showcasing the bright prospects of the Red Republic and facilitating the direct registration of refugees seeking passage there.

This arrangement wasn't just about immediate relief for refugees; it was a strategic move to establish a long-term haven and recruitment center within Konoha. 

Furthermore, it provided a direct channel for communication with Konoha in case of any urgent matters, to be relayed to the Red Republic through this newly established embassy.

Kazuhiko was transparent about his intentions, openly discussing the terms of the land lease with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Three glass statues, each standing at half the height of a human, adorned the Hokage House: the First, Second, and Third Hokage. Kazuhiko saw immense value in these relics, recognizing that the art of crafting such exquisite glasswork was a skill unique to the Red Republic.

According to intelligence gathered by Gatō, these glass statues were highly sought after in foreign lands, particularly among nobles and daimyo who admired their crystal-clear beauty.

In the confines of the Hokage House, Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned forward, his chin resting on his hands, as he pondered the proposal brought before him by the senior members of Konoha.

"Do we agree to Kazuhiko's request for a ten-year lease of land on the Land of Fire border?" he mused aloud. "To establish a refuge for refugees and, concurrently, to serve as a diplomatic channel for Konoha?"

A hushed silence fell over the assembly, each member lost in thought, considering the implications of Kazuhiko's ambitious plans.

"I suppose so," Utatane Koharu finally broke the silence, her brow furrowed as she spoke.

"Nowadays, the Land of Fire is inundated with refugees every winter. With the ongoing wars and conflicts in neighboring countries, it's likely that we'll see even more refugees in the coming years. Konoha cannot continue to accommodate such a large influx of refugees indefinitely."

"At the same time, reports from our ninja indicate that many refugees are already heading towards Konoha."

"Hiruzen, Konoha cannot afford to take in these refugees anymore. Moreover, how many of these refugees are genuine, and how many are spies planted by other nations..."

Utatane Koharu's expression darkened as she spoke, echoing the sentiments of Mitokado Homura and Sarutobi Hiruzen. Every year, among these refugees, there are inevitably spies who pose a threat to Konoha's stability, which is a constant source of frustration.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen takes pride in the fact that refugees consistently choose to seek refuge in Konoha over other villages. Isn't this a testament to his leadership?

"Hiruzen, Konoha cannot handle such a large influx of refugees anymore. Allowing them to gather here poses a significant risk, whether we acknowledge them or not."

Observing the contemplative silence of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu pressed on, "If the Land of Earth could take in some of these refugees, it would alleviate the burden on Konoha, and let those spies infiltrate the Land of Earth instead!"

"I concur with Koharu's proposal," Mitokado Homura interjected, nodding in agreement. "An overwhelming influx of refugees will only lead to chaos. It would be much harder to manage them once they arrive in Konoha."

"In that case..." Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, contemplating their advice as he took a long drag from his pipe, "Then..."


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