Chapter 252 : Everything is Ready!!

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura exchanged glances for a prolonged moment, eventually letting out a collective sigh before lapsing into silence.

As they parted ways once more at a fork in the road, the unspoken understanding between them lingered.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was now poised to insert his own representative among the elders, empowering them to voice their opinions. This marked the beginning of Hiruzen's efforts to groom his own cadre within the elder council.

It signaled a shift away from the traditional hierarchical structure of Konoha, where the Hokage stood alone at the top, with the elders forming a separate faction to either support or counterbalance the Hokage's authority.

Previously, this arrangement had been necessitated by Hiruzen's own limitations in governing Konoha single-handedly, prompting the need for a council to assist in decision-making.

Frequently, the elders would challenge the Hokage's decisions, offering alternative perspectives and sometimes outright rejecting his orders.

However, with Hiruzen now establishing a foothold within the elder council, it indicated his dissatisfaction with the existing power dynamics.

By intervening in the affairs of the council, Hiruzen was positioning himself to consolidate power within Konoha, ensuring that his directives would go unchallenged.

Yet, as the sole arbiter of Konoha's fate, could Hiruzen truly manage the village effectively on his own?

With this question weighing heavily on his mind, Mitokado Homura couldn't help but voice his doubts. "Hiruzen, do you honestly believe you possess the capability to govern Konoha independently?"

"You are not the First Hokage-sama, not as powerful as he was, and you lack Second Hokages's breadth of vision. You're not as adept as a leader, Hiruzen. You fall short in many respects."

"Now you're not fit to lead Konoha, this will only spell disaster for our village!"

"For the future of Konoha!"

"I'll never allow your word to be the final one for Konoha! The leadership of Konoha needs a different voice!"

With firm resolve, Mitokado Homura no longer hesitated. He turned around and walked decisively towards Utatane Koharu.

Even before receiving Sarutobi Hiruzen's consent, Kazuhiko had already initiated the construction of the embassy.

Just on the border of the Land of Fire, a man named Daichi was directly overseeing a group of workers, constructing a simple square and a two-story rectangular building.

The design of the house was straightforward yet spacious, with the first floor comprising the main hall, rest areas, and reception rooms.

On the second floor were the bedrooms, toilets, and kitchen for the embassy staff.

Notably, a square area measuring 1,000 square meters was cordoned off, with a communal toilet built downwind.

Simultaneously, several tents were set up to facilitate the registration of future refugees.

Konoha's Anbu ninjas stood by, silently observing as the embassy rapidly took shape before them.

Daichi and his companions, experienced in building numerous structures in the Land of Whirlpools, swiftly erected the simple house.

The construction was completed within two days. Witnessing such speed, even the Konoha Anbu ninjas couldn't help but be impressed.

However, they didn't pay much heed.

Kazuhiko had informed them that he had already obtained permission from Lord Hokage.

If proof documents were to arrive in these two days, they wouldn't dare to halt the construction arbitrarily.

After all, if they were to obstruct it despite Lord Hokage's approval and cause a dispute, they would be in significant trouble.

Moreover, they couldn't defeat him at present. After all, the Uzumaki clan head was still present, and they were aware of his strength.

Of course, they've already sent someone to inquire. If Lord Hokage doesn't agree, they'll try their best to demolish the embassy, even if they can't win.

But witnessing their confidence, they couldn't help but feel that what the Uzumaki clan head said was probably true.

Kazuhiko gazed at the embassy before him, observing the spacious grounds and the simple two-story wooden house.

There were no extravagant decorations, just simplicity, convenience, and practicality.

Even the second floor, where the embassy staff rested, was modest.

Each room had the same layout: a window, a bed, a stool, and a table.

It was a standard single room, nothing more.

This was to expedite construction and put the purpose-built embassy into practical use as soon as possible.

Kazuhiko was very pleased with Daichi's ability to accomplish all this in just two days.

As expected of a future master architect, achieving this effect in two days, albeit with the assistance of several ninjas, was impressive indeed.

After inspecting the premises, Kazuhiko smiled at the slightly nervous Daichi.

"Yes, Daichi, it's truly remarkable to achieve all this in two days."

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's praise, Daichi shyly smiled, "It's all thanks to Qimu's help. Their proficiency in Earth Style and Water Style greatly expedited the construction."

Kazuhiko waved his hand and replied, "I know all about it. Don't worry, I've witnessed your hard work."

"Keep it up. I have high hopes for you. You'll become a master architect in the future!"

With that, Kazuhiko patted Daichi's arm, leaving Daichi looking excitedly after him.

"Yes! I promise to become a great builder!"

Kazuhiko nodded, saying nothing, as he surveyed the well-maintained site, already contemplating the impending arrival of the refugees.

"Everything is prepared, just awaiting your arrival."


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