Chapter 266 : Hell Island!!

In this latest test, Kazuhiko wasn't taken aback by the outcomes. He had anticipated that only a handful of Uchiha candidates would endure the trials. 

However, the actual count of four persevering souls caught him off guard. Initially, he had estimated at least five, if not six or seven.

These Uchiha, having traversed numerous days to reach the Land of Red, undoubtedly possessed diverse experiences and knowledge. Hence, Kazuhiko expressed his disappointment bluntly.

"I must say, I expected more from you all."

His words were as sharp as kunai, piercing through their facade of confidence.

"Is this the extent of your pride? Your capability? Truly, it's disheartening."

"Despite your formidable strength, you still cling to the remnants of Uchiha arrogance... It's perplexing!"

"Do you not grasp that true arrogance stems from strength? At this moment, you lack that privilege!"

"It appears that Konoha's prolonged peace has made the Uchiha complacent, resulting in such waste..."

With his rebuke delivered, Kazuhiko turned his gaze towards the four remaining candidates. "However, you four exhibit slightly more promise."

With no further pleasantries, he proceeded to outline his plan.

"As descendants of the Uchiha clan, your proficiency in ninjutsu and array of knowledge are commendable. However, your willpower and physical prowess are lacking."

"Hence, I shall subject you to additional training! Ascending stairs should not take minutes, and assembling should not take ages! Such basic tasks require refinement!"

"I shall summon an Instructor to implement rigorous Land of Red military protocols. During this period, you shall undergo strict training!"

"Your bodies shall be honed, and your spirits fortified! Understand this: out of the twenty-five of you, a team will be formed. This team shall comprise hundreds, all selected as Land of Red's elite."

"At that juncture, I shall appoint the top twenty to establish a hierarchical structure, while the rest shall assume various roles within the Land of Red. However, upon arrival, you shall shed your identities! No Sharingan, no mention of the Uchiha clan!"

"Within this organization, such distinctions are unnecessary. The question is, how many of you Uchiha shall remain among the top twenty?"

"I eagerly await your answer..."

With that said, Kazuhiko's gaze swept across the crowd, brimming with suspicion.

Upon witnessing this, every Uchiha present felt a surge of righteous anger, flames flickering within their hearts.

"I must join this organization! It's imperative!" 

The thought that they couldn't use their proud Uchiha name, couldn't employ the Sharingan, and had to assume new identities was deeply insulting to them all.

"Once you join the organization, you'll be able to reclaim your identity without fear! Uchiha need never hide again!" 

Kazuhiko observed the fiery resolve in their eyes and said no more, turning to leave the premises. Just before departing, however, a sudden realization struck him.

"But let me make one thing clear: everyone must adhere to the Instructor's orders! Any deviation will result in immediate elimination!"

"And furthermore, throughout this training, your chakra will be sealed until its completion!"

With those words spoken, Kazuhiko promptly exited the training ground, the entire encounter lasting less than ten minutes.

After his departure, the sixth elder, who also served as the overseer, approached the assembled group with a smile.

"Have you all understood His Majesty's directives? If anyone finds them unacceptable, they may withdraw from the program at once."

The Uchiha exchanged glances, none willing to admit dissent.

"No objections? Excellent. It seems you all possess some semblance of ambition."

"Now, onto the next phase of your training. Allow me to outline the guidelines."

"First: Strict obedience to the Instructor's commands is paramount. Remember, absolute obedience is mandatory! Even if commanded to leap from a cliff, you must comply!"

"Second: Your Uchiha identities must remain concealed throughout the training. Each of you will adopt a code name, known only to your fellow trainees and the Instructor."

"Third: Once enrolled, there's no turning back. No amount of pleading or tears will release you from your commitment. You must see the training through, even if it costs you your life!"

As the elder concluded, a shiver ran down everyone's spine, a lingering sense of foreboding accompanying his words.

Observing the reactions around him, the sixth elder couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. "Of course, if any of you are truly injured, please inform us promptly. We have the finest medical staff available and will provide immediate treatment."

"Lastly, I hope you arrogant Uchihas can persevere until the end. Don't disappoint us by having not a single Uchiha among the top twenty," the sixth elder added with a hint of disdain evident in his curled lips.

The collective humiliation ignited a fiery anger among the Uchiha clansmen. "Do not underestimate us, for we are Uchiha!"

"All twenty spots shall belong to Uchiha! None shall surpass us!"

"We shall not falter! We are not weaklings! We shall complete your training without fail!"

The thunderous roar of defiance echoed through the air, but the sixth elder remained unperturbed, his smile widening. "Excellent. I look forward to seeing you fulfill your words."

"Now, swiftly gather your belongings. You have five minutes. Only pack essentials—simple toiletries and a change of clothes. Leave everything else behind!"

"Remember, no attire bearing the clan crest! Keep it plain!"

"Furthermore, all ninja tools, explosive tags, scrolls—are strictly prohibited! The countdown begins!"

In a frenzy, everyone dashed to their quarters, a whirlwind of activity ensuing.

"Where are my clothes? They're still damp! Oh well, I'll just make do!"

"Hurry, pack everything!"

Having learned from past experiences, the Uchiha swiftly packed their belongings.

Five minutes later, as twenty-five figures stood before him in orderly formation, the sixth elder nodded approvingly.

"Not bad this time. Now, let's depart."

"Depart to where?"

"To Hell Island!"


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