Chapter 276 : Takahashi Family!!

"Mom, I'm home," a child freshly out of school announced as he knocked on the door and stepped inside.

It was unusual to find his father at home. Typically, his father returned late. Yet today, he arrived earlier than usual, sitting at the table with a drink in hand. Curiously, the child inquired, "Dad, where's Mom?"

Takahashi Ryūsōka, taking a sip of sake, sat fixedly at the table and gazed, "Every day, you ask me about your mother. What's with talking only with your mother? Why can't you tell your father about it? Do you still regard your father with respect? Speak!"

Takahashi Ryūsōka's son, with a slightly deflated expression, murmured, "Dad, the teacher mentioned a field trip to Fishbone Island this weekend. We'll be observing the Land of Red soldiers' training. All the students have signed up. I want to go too. Can you give me some money?"

Takahashi Ryūsōka's eyes widened suddenly, a soft smile curling on his lips. "Alright, your mother's in the kitchen. Sit down first. You can talk to your mother about it."

"What's going on? Hayato, wash your hands as soon as you're home," a gentle voice chimed in. "I bought a few apples. After having one, you can start your homework."

"Okay!" Takahashi Hayato tidied up his belongings and headed to the bathroom.

Observing her son's actions, his mother nodded with a smile, her heart brimming with contentment. Life in the Land of Red was truly pleasant...

Surveying their surroundings, despite not having much wealth, their family of four, with a young son besides Hayato, were allotted a spacious house.

The houses in Land of Red were not only sturdy and cozy but also expansive, alleviating any sense of crowding and offering more comfort than their previous abode.

Moreover, it was quite convenient, equipped with faucets, toilets, and even a bathroom, a favored amenity!

This was beyond what she had ever dared to imagine. Recalling their days of wandering the ninja world alongside her husband and fellow clan members, the present seemed akin to paradise...

"Mom, Mom!" After washing his hands, Hayato rushed into the kitchen, observing his mother slicing apples. He queried, "How's Dad's job? He didn't mention any raise recently. Will he be getting paid more?"

"Yes, because your dad worked diligently and fulfilled his responsibilities, he'll receive a raise next month," Mom replied with a smile. "With that, perhaps we can save up and even secure a home of our own, or at least make a down payment..."

I've heard that in the Land of Red, there's a way for people to buy houses more easily. They can make a down payment first and pay the rest in installments.

Even though living together might not always be comfortable, it's different when you have your own place. Just the thought of it can make you feel happy.

"Really?" The child's eyes brightened as he exclaimed, "Can I have my own room too? Yukihiro always messes up the quilt when he sleeps. Mom, I can't sleep properly!"

"Hehe, well..." Mom chuckled helplessly, "Don't tease, Yukihiro is such a sweet kid. He sleeps through the night every day when he's with us, despite being just four years old."

"Really!" Hayato frowned, his small fist clenched as he emphasized, "I'm not making it up, Yukihiro really messes up the quilt every morning..."

"Alright, alright, I understand. I'll get two sets of quilts for you, one for each of you," Mom conceded.

"Yay!" The child cheered, hopping in his seat, "I'll pick a room on the second floor! I want to have my own space!"

Suddenly, Takahashi Hayato's expression dimmed, and he mentioned the school organizing a weekend trip to Fishbone Island with his classmates.

Seeing her son's low spirits, Mom intervened quickly, "What's wrong? Isn't this exciting? You should be happy."

"But... we have to pay a hundred tales for the boat... and we're saving for a house... I don't want to spend the money... I won't go."

With that, Takahashi Hayato dashed back to his room, head bowed.

Ryūsōka and Yuki exchanged glances, then turned to face each other. Hayato had overheard the conversation, and they both sighed in unison.

"I'll talk to him. You can give him the money back. We can't let him miss out when other students are going. He'll feel left out," Takahashi Ryūsōka suggested.

"Alright, I'll handle it. You go talk to Hayato."

Takahashi Ryūsōka entered the room, finding his eldest son seated at the table, while the youngest, only four years old, gazed at them curiously from the bed.

"How's school been?" Takahashi Ryūsōka asked his son, even though his wife had assured him that the child was doing well. As a father, he still wanted to check in from time to time.

"School's great, Dad. I've learned a lot," Takahashi Hayato replied, wiping his face as if nothing had happened. "I've made plenty of new friends too."

"Have you been bullied?" Ryūsōka asked with a frown. Children are the most sensitive, and if they can't fit in here, there may be accidents in the future.

"No," Takahashi Hayato shook his head, not understanding why his father would ask such a question. He looked at him with a puzzled expression and said, "No one was bullied, everyone is very happy."

"That's good," Takahashi Ryūsōka nodded. It seemed that the environment in the Land of Red was really good. Even children could get along very well. He immediately felt relieved, knowing that everything was fine.

"Dad, can I bring some honey tomorrow?" Takahashi Hayato looked at his father eagerly and asked, "Give it to my new friend, his name is Taichi, he hasn't eaten honey yet."

"Of course," Takahashi Ryūsōka saw his son's eager eyes and nodded. He said lightly, "You can take it from your mother at that time."

"Thank you, Dad!" The child's emotions shifted quickly, and he suddenly became happy again.

Seeing this scene, Takahashi Ryūsōka laughed and walked out of the door, "By the way, do your homework quickly. There will be a power outage at nine o'clock in the evening."

"Also, your mother will give you some money tomorrow. Go to Fishbone Island with your friends and take a good look..."