Chapter 282 : Yota's Clan!!

Kazuhiko pondered deeply on how to expedite the strengthening of the Land of Red. An alarming discovery had caught his attention—a significant dearth in the number of clans aligning with the Land of Red!

In the ninja world, those worthy of establishing their own clan possessed distinct talents; otherwise, they remained mere ordinary ninjas. 

Throughout the history of the Land of Whirlpools and its ninja vilage, Uzushiogakure, there existed solely one prominent clan—the Uzumaki clan—while the rest were but commonfolk who served as vassals under the Uzumaki banner.

Despite Kazuhiko's implementation of national education, fostering a plethora of talents within Land of Red, he deemed the process to be excessively protracted. Time was a luxury he couldn't afford, with the looming specter of the Second Great Ninja War refusing to wait. The imminent conflict might erupt unpredictably, given the escalating tensions among the major nations, particularly the Thunder, Earth, Wind, and Fire countries, with smaller nations already transformed into battlegrounds.

The great powers maintained a fragile status quo, yet the slightest spark could obliterate these delicate balances in an instant—the final battle loomed ominously.

Kazuhiko contemplated the potential of other families within the ninja world. Consolidating them under the banner of Land of Red would yield a blossoming alliance when the time arrived.

Recalling the Kamizuru clan's recent integration, Kazuhiko had allocated a plot in the mountainous hinterlands for their beekeeping pursuits. 

Reports surfaced of their recent honey sales—a venture previously withheld, now thriving. This specialized honey, sweet to taste and fortified with medicinal properties as confirmed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, garnered substantial acclaim. 

Families eagerly purchased these honeys, ensuring their children wouldn't lag behind others. Many from esteemed lineages acquired homes through honey trade.

Present-day Land of Red discarded the antiquated peasant economy, adopting a state-regulated economic model devoid of exploitative enterprises. 

Most factories fell under state jurisdiction, curbing illicit practices. Kazuhiko's formidable influence, coupled with Land of Red's favorable societal climate, deterred malfeasance, gradually enriching the populace.

Kazuhiko could afford a couple of jars of honey, and after a few months of work, most people in his country had some disposable income.

"I wonder how Gatō's mission is progressing," he mused. He knew that if a nation wanted to become wealthy, commerce was essential. Kazuhiko had plans to sell gourmet recipes and rake in a ton of money.

As he gazed at the white clouds in the distance, he frowned. "It really seems like we're still lacking in talented people..."

At that moment, a member of the dark web entered his office.

"Your Majesty Kazuhiko, two unusual individuals have just arrived in the Land of Red, and everyone says they're... miraculous!"

Kazuhiko raised his eyebrows. Miraculous? Two strange people in the Land of Red? He took the dossier that the dark web agent handed him. Since these individuals had come to the Land of Red, there must be a record of their information, including recent photos.

When he read the description, the words "controls the weather" caught his attention. An idea started forming in his mind. "Could this be the legendary Yota's Clan?" he thought.

The Yota's Clan's members were known to have the ability to control the weather, often changing it according to their emotions. But why would they show up in the Land of Red? Did someone sell their services to Land of Red?

Kazuhiko stood quietly on a high platform, frowning as he looked out into the distance. He remembered hearing about this unusual clan before. They were said to have appeared just before the Fourth Ninja War.

It was like reading an old memory. He recalled Naruto and the others encountering the Yota when they were younger. But at the time, Yota had already died and was resurrected by Orochimaru using Impure World Reincarnation.

He wondered if this entire clan was dead or what was going on. Their abilities seemed somewhat questionable, and he wasn't sure how they got along.

"Your Majesty Kazuhiko, should we drive them out or... handle them on the spot?" The Dark Web ninja looked at Kazuhiko, awaiting instructions.

He knew there were two people involved, one adult and one child.

Kazuhiko had already emphasized that the Land of Red needed stability for its development. In his mind, any uncontrollable factor was to be expelled or eliminated without hesitation—quick, decisive, and ruthless.

Although it seemed harsh, it was all for the good of the Land of Red, for this beautiful homeland. If an action was needed, the Dark Web ninja would do it without a second thought.

Moreover, if there was an order from His Majesty Kazuhiko, they wouldn't hesitate to climb the sharpest mountains or dive into the fiercest fires.

Kazuhiko looked at the Dark Web ninja and hesitated for a moment, unsure how to respond. Why did everyone in the ninja world resort to violence so quickly? Perhaps that's why the ninja world had such a small population—nobody seemed to care about human life.

But in the Land of Red, there was always a good atmosphere, and besides, they needed more people to develop the nation. Even if someone was malicious, you could just put them to work building roads. Why waste manpower?

"You know, let's not be so bloodthirsty. The Land of Red is in desperate need of people. Even if someone dangerous is caught, don't kill them on the spot. Just have the elders seal their chakra and send them to the construction site to help move bricks."

"Deal with them through proper channels, but give them a strict warning not to break any laws in the Land of Red."

"Understood!" The Dark Web ninja nodded and went to carry out the orders.

Kazuhiko, ignoring the ninja who had left, thought aloud, "I wonder if out-of-season vegetables sell well in the ninja world."

Pondering the use of someone's abilities, he murmured to himself, "Being able to control the weather is quite handy! The Land of Wind would love to have them. Too bad I'm not giving them away... Who'd want to leave the Land of Red once they arrive?"