Chapter 4: Meeting Shi Feixuan

About a meter directly in front of him stood a very beautiful and elegant woman with a thin sword behind her. She looks like a fairy that has descended from an immortal world, untainted by the filth of this mortal world. If Wanwan was the most charming woman he had ever met, this woman was the most ethereal.

Dressed in a simple and conservative white robe that hid almost everything, long and smooth inky-black hair reached her graceful hip, and elegance that inadvertently crept into her every gesture… Jiang Long was immediately fascinated.

"Hello, Young master Jiang, this is Shi Feixuan of Wuxinghui Sect. I wonder if the Young master would like to go to the mountain top to admire the view of the river with me?" The woman opened her red lips; her voice was soft.

Shi Feixuan?!

Jiang Long was inwardly startled.

No way! The number one fairy of righteous way?!

[Discovered Shi Feixuan! A new mission has been triggered! Mission objective: Raise intimacy with Shi Feixuan to 100. Reward: Talent — Detached Aura]

"It turned out to be the famous fairy from Wuxinghui; I would love to admire the river view with you." Jiang Long smiled, secretly thinking this mission wouldn't be easy.

Shi Feixuan, the first fairy of righteous way, although inferred her title, one may think that she is on the same level as Wanwan, but they couldn't be more wrong. She became known as the first fairy of righteous way, even of the Shanyuan continent, way before Wanwan even started cultivating. These days Shi Feixuan likes to travel the world alone, looking for ways to solve the wars once and for all.

Doesn't she face trouble because she is alone and very beautiful? Don't need to worry at all because she is one of the few women in the Grandmaster realm on the Shanyuan continent!

Her understanding of martial arts and the high cultivation realm enables her to roam freely anywhere, and everyone respects her; none dare to be blasphemous. Furthermore, almost everyone in this world knows her and the might of the Wuxinghui Sect behind her. However, rarely does she need to rely on her sect.

Of course, Jiang Long is different. The moment he saw her, he had already decided to make her his own.

One arm around the waist of the first fairy of demonic way, and another around the waist of the first fairy of righteous way; what other method is better for resolving the ancient conflict?


Jiang Long felt that his thoughts were very noble and his cause was honorable.

At the peak of a nearby mountain.

Jiang Long looked at the flowing river that silently flowed at the foot of the mountain. Standing beside him was Shi Feixuan, a woman no less popular than Wanwan in the hearts of players of Harem Conquest.

If such a beautiful woman is by one's side, even watching a perpetual flowing river becomes interesting. It's just that currently, Jiang Long is busy thinking of strategies to raise his intimacy with her.

"Young master Jiang, what do you think of the situation of this world?" Shi Feixuan asked faintly after some time, looking down at the flowing river at the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Long thought for a moment before replying, "The situation of this world is nothing more than a never-ending cycle. It continues to follow the principles of dividing and combining, and combining and dividing."

This question, he knew that she had asked many young people over the years, especially those she had recognized. Wuxinghui is at the forefront of the righteous way, and every generation of disciples considers world peace their primary duty; Shi Feixuan was no different. The sect always chooses to support a man with destiny and help him rule the entirety of the Land of Dugu to remove all conflict.

As he remembers, in the game, under Shi Feixuan's recommendation, Wuxinghui chooses to support Li Ziliu, the young master of the Li Dynasty who are the rulers of the Li Kingdom. Li Ziliu is a famous chivalrous man with broad connections, and he has Black Armour Cavalry under him, which is considered the best calvary in this world.

He is also one of the two protagonists that players can play.

"Dividing and combining, combining and dividing…." Shi Feixuan repeated softly, as if thinking something, and said after a moment, "I didn't expect that. Young master Jiang is young, but his views are profound, and he deeply understands the changes in dynasties. Most young people tend to focus on their martial arts only; it is rare to meet knowledgeable people like Young master Jiang. Young master Jiang, Feixuan has an unkind request. Can I speak?"

"I don't think there's any harm in listening," He said.

"…if there was a real man of destiny, would Young master Jiang help him rule the world by his side?"

Helping a man of destiny to rule the world? Moreover, stay by his side?

Jiang Long sneered coldly in his heart. If the woman beside him wasn't the first fairy of righteous way, he would have already turned around and left!

Help a man of destiny to rule the world?! What a joke! He aims to become the sovereign of the multiverse and gather ten thousand peerless women into his harem; how could he have time to babysit a man?

Jiang Long has already figured out that the protagonists of this world aren't protected by luck or something bullshit like that. This means that if he wants to kill them, there's no such thing as backlash.

At this moment, he even had the urge to go kill Li Ziliu just to see provoke Shi Feixuan, but then he remembered the Black Armour Cavalry under Li Ziliu and killed that thought there.

Jiang Long took out the crude iron sword from his back and in front of the first fairy of righteous way; he traced its blade with the index and middle finger of his left hand, and asked with a chuckle, "Miss Feixuan, do you like this sword of mine?"

Shi Feixuan looked at the sword in Jiang Long's hand. It appeared cheap and crude, but its various cuts and chips told a particular story. When she looked at it, her eyes revealed a strange color. She took her eyes off the sword and stared deeply into Jiang Long's eyes, asking softly, "It seems like Young master Jiang also has the heart to compete for this world?"

"Haha," Suddenly, Jiang Long laughed loudly. "Miss Feixuan, there's a saying in my hometown. With a sword in a man's hand, he can conquer everything. But while I am interested in conquering the land, I am more interested in conquering the hearts of beauties. How about it? If you are willing to marry me and become a virtuous housewife, then I'm willing to help your cause."

The last statement was obviously a joke. He knew better than anybody that Shi Feixuan's heart and mind were firm. It was very difficult to cause waves inside her heart which has been reinforced by her own and her sect's beliefs.

"Young master Jiang, Feixuan's heart is devoted to martial arts and helping man of destiny becomes the ruler; the matters of love have long been cut off," Shi Feixuan sighed lightly and continued, "Young master Jiang, the six kingdoms of Dugu and Hafu has started moving… the war is about to start, and the world destruction is imminent. I hope Young Master Jiang stays alive by the end. Please think deeply about what I said."

Hearing her, Jiang Long put away his sword and looked at the sky. Shi Feixuan and Wuxinghui wanted to save the world by helping the man of destiny become a ruler, but how could it be that simple?

While he was thinking, Shi Feixuan left his side, drifting into the wind silently, without saying farewell. Jiang Long didn't stop her, nor did he have the strength or reason to stop her. Although he met Shi Feixuan for the first time and the intimacy didn't increase much, Jiang Long wasn't discouraged. After all, things were only getting started. No, things haven't even started yet!

Though, he did feel that he left a deep impression on her heart. Being remembered by such a peerless woman, he will be able to sleep comfortably tonight.

"As expected of Shi Feixuan, she has such a beautiful face and slender body, and most importantly, her temperament is simply engrossing. If I let go of such a woman, I would be an idiot."

Jiang Long chuckled lightly before descending down the mountain.

He walked about ten kilometers south after getting down the mountain, reaching the center of Ahun Town.

He was looking around, watching the old-class Chinese buildings and clothes curiously, when he saw someone running towards him as if fleeing. The figure kept looking back worriedly while running and didn't notice Jiang Long, causing them to rush into his arms.

Long spotting that the figure was a beautiful woman, Jiang Long opened his arms naturally and hugged her when she collided with him.

"Gan Hongqing, stop right there! You have nowhere to run."

"Former gang master's wife obediently follows us back to the Ahun Gang; otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. Your condition will only worsen if you are left as it is; come back and seek help from Young gang master!"

A few armed men quickly appeared who seemed to be chasing her.

Gan Hongqing?

Hearing the name, Jiang Long was taken aback, and then he laughed out loud.

Does this also work? The very reason why he came to Ahun Town was to pick up this beauty, but never did he expect that she would come running into his arms. No wonder he felt a special feeling towards her.

Gan Hongqing and Wanwan are the feathers of the same bird. While not as beautiful, Gan Hongqing was also very seductive, and her long legs and curvy body can make any mortal man unable to disentangle himself from her.

"H-help…" At this time, Jiang Long heard Gan Hongqing's plea.

"Kid, let go of the former gang master's wife quickly!"

"Bastard, you dare blaspheme the madam of Ahun Gang; you are courting death!"

A group of angry Ahun Gang members rushed in. Jiang Long easily dodged their attacks as if smoke under one's feet. The strongest among the lot was only a Second Order cultivator, not at all his opponent.

"Beauty, don't struggle; let this young master help you." Feeling the struggle of beauty in his arms who wanted to break free, Jiang Long smiled. He hugged the former gang master's wife tightly, enjoying the softness of her chest, and drew the iron sword out.

Only a few screams were heard, and the group of people from Ahun Gang fell one by one, screaming miserably.

"Hehe, Ahun Gang has already picked a fight with me. As compensation, I'll be taking the madam of your Ahun Gang for me to enjoy!" Jiang Long chuckled, and his feet picked up the speed. With a few jumps, he disappeared into the vastness of the town.

"Damn it! Gan Hongqing was abducted right in front of our eyes! We are doomed!"

The leader among the lot stood up angrily and was about to give chase when his head fell down suddenly. The rest of the members were scared and quickly scrambled away.

"That brother is quite courageous to abduct the madam of Ahun Gang in the middle of Ahun Town. What's strange is that he also has my elder sister's scent on him. Is he her secret lover?"

A figure stood on the rooftop not far away from where the conflict took place. She was dressed scantly, and her exquisite eyes revealed deep curiosity towards Jiang Long.

"Whether you are my elder sister's lover or not, I'll figure it out shortly. If you are, then it will be quite fun, hehe."

Smiling coquettishly, the figure drifted away towards the northwest. The movement she displayed was similar to Wanwan when she ran away from Sha Hui.