Chapter 8

"What happened? Things sounded heated." I ask Conner.

"I'll tell you on the way. Come on. The closest hospital is Spring Hill clinic, right?" he asks.

"Right." I reply.

"Then that's where we're going." he mutters.

"But what about Aura?" I ask.

"Grab her leash and we can leave." he mumbles. I start searching for Aura's leash. I grab it, attach it to Aura's collar and we leave the house, using my pickpocketing skills to lock the house.

We start walking to Spring Hill Clinic. It's just 10 minutes away from here. Aura keeps sniffing every tree she sees and keeps jumping on every person walking. Because of her, we took 20 minutes getting there. Conner looks like he's going to kill someone. Now he looks pale. His face keeps changing. He keeps shooting Aura murderous looks every now and then. When we reach Spring Hill Clinic, he looks a bit calm. If only he'll tell me what happened on the call. I could say something. But, he just has to do this.

Dogs aren't allowed inside. No surprise. I stay out while Conner goes in and asks whatever he wants to.

He comes out and tells me everything. He had gone to ask whether Diana had ever come there or not. Turns out that the phone call he had got was a threat. Someone was threatening him about Diana. Whoever it was had told Conner that to get Diana, we would have to go somewhere. Conner had the good sense to say it was a trap. Diana reached Spring Hill Clinic half an hour ago. But one thing I don't understand. How did they get his number?

"Conner, how did they get your number?" I ask.

"I don't know." he says.

"Go inside and ask if you can meet Diana." I tell him.

Conner runs inside again. He comes out 15 minutes later.

"You can come in now. With Aura. She's in room 666. Anyway, when I went to Diana and told her why you weren't there, she called for the manager of the hospital, and, well, you should've seen her go, Chris! She threatened him saying that she would have her father sue the whole hospital. Then when the manager, Mr. Adler, said that not allowing pets in was hardly a reason to sue a hospital, Diana said that not allowing Aura in was the least of her concerns. She said that they had the worst service, if the room she is in is the suite, then she could ask her father for money to help the hospital renovate and get better help. And after that, she said that the money would only be given if Aura is allowed in. Then Mr. Adler said that he didn't need bribes and that we could bring Aura in if it pleases her. You should have seen her. Mr. Adler had turned red by the end. I wish you were there, Chris. She burst laughing the minute he left the room. Diana's so good at politics." he smirks.

"Should we go in now?" I ask.

"Yeah, let's go." he says and we go in.

We go in, and Mr. Adler, who seemed about 60, 61, was sitting at one seat, giving us a dirty look. He was breathing so heavily. His face was still red. He approaches us and grumbles, "I hope you're happy."

While going to Diana's room, we crossed a group of kids who had cancer. All of them became so happy after seeing Aura. They kept on petting her. After some time, Mr. Adler came to see what was happening. He was so happy to see the children's happy faces, that he said we could bring Aura anytime. He even said that he didn't need the money Diana was offering.

We reach Diana's room. It is HUGE. There is a bay window, 42 inch television, a lot of green sofas and green curtains. Diana's bed is so huge, with a turquoise comforter, and green cover. There is even a leaf green carpet along with bookshelves in one corner. I can't believe Diana said that this room was dirty. It looks awesome. She herself is sitting on a green and white king sized bed.

I seriously can't believe Diana said all those terrible things about it. This is better than her own room!

But Diana doesn't look like Diana. I can see red hair strands poking out at parts of hair, her eyes, there's just something wrong with them, though I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Soooo, you tried to bribe our way in?" I ask her.

"Don't blame me, I'm just good at business." Diana joked.

"Cause you use cheat codes." I mutter.

"What's that?" She asks.

"Nothing. Your ears are ringing" I say, "mistress of evil" I mumble. But Conner has such good hearing, he hears me and tries to hide a laugh.

"Aaaanyway, do you remember who attacked you?" I ask.

"Umm, yes. I saw that person, but his face was hidden. Funny thing is, I didn't get hit on the head, like the nurse thinks I got hit." She remembers.

"How do you know it was a he?"

"Well, he talked to me. Said I had five days to stop investigating or she would be at death's door." Diana replies.

"Wait, was he talking about Sarah?"

"I'm not sure."

"Tell us what happened, from the start."

"The doorbell rang, I went to open the door. The man was standing there, holding a gun at me. I panicked, and tried close the door. He pushed it open and let himself in. He told me to keep quiet or he would shoot me. Aura came down barking and he threw her out. He then said that he was here on special business. I got scared and screamed. Loud, hoping someone, anyone would hear me. He then grabbed me from behind and put his big, meaty hand on my mouth and whispered in my ear that I had five days to stop investigating or she would be at death's door. He never finished that sentence. I had managed to break one of my hands loose from his grip and hit him. Hard. In the eye. He cursed and took one rag out and pressed it against my nose and mouth. I just remember him whispering sweet dreams in my ear after that." She sputters.

"Um hum. But why would they leave you? That sounds like the exact definition of kidnapping." Conner states.

"Maybe as bait?" An unknown voice says.