Survival and Love Instincts


Well, fuck it. 

She should never have waited. 

What a pathetic soldier she was; just a few days, or was it weeks? It must be weeks, definitely more than a month.

Fuck this!

Being in that dungeon had really messed up her timing, with no calendar and no nothing, just stupid beings everywhere she turned. 

She should have asked Malik how long she had spent in that stupid cave before he died. 

Just some time in this realm and suddenly, she was relying on others. Trusting them? Thinking they would pick her over finding the soul objects that would keep them alive? She wasn't even important in finding the rest of the soul objects they needed. She was of no mighty significance to anything!

If she were in their position, she would leave her behind. 

Survival first, that was the rule, every time!

Well, it seemed it was all man for themselves.