What’s going on ?

Carlyx was sitting in his Mansion alone , gets a call from a number saved as Steve. Steve is Carylx manager, he has been working with Carylx from past 5 years and has always been faithful and loyal to Carylx and his work. Carylx picks the call."Sir finally we have got more information about them. Uhh.. and the task you appointed is done too". A small smile appeared on Carylx's lips. "Hmm Excellent! Keep working like this, you will get your reward soon." He hung up the call.

He had a big mansion but no workers and maids there, maybe he was bit private person? And also he lived alone so that's why there might be not that much work to do you know. He went to kitchen to make coffee for himself. He had no problem living alone but this big mansion was making him feel lonely. Suddenly a thought flashed his mind , "Will he always be alone like this? " He shrugged off that thought quickly. But why? Wasn't he being cruel to himself? Of course everyone needs someone. He didn't want to think about anyone sooner or later because of what he promised himself 10 years ago. But what was that ?