Hey Bastard!

Carlyx was working in his big office doing work. He had a giant office with a black theme, decorated with abstract art paintings and plants. He had giant glass windows on the front wall of his office that showed the view of the whole city. Carlyx was wearing a well-ironed rose-beige colored suit with a white button-up shirt underneath the coat.

He was working on his laptop, going through emails. He saw an email from a new company that wanted to work with them. Carlyx called his manager Steve. Carlyx was a person who has always been interested in working with new companies and expanding his business. Steve came into his office and asked what can he do for Carlyx. Carlyx said while pointing with his fine hands at the laptop screen, " Steve I want you to look into this company, they seem interested in working with us."

Steve: " I have already asked Mr. Choi to look into this matter. I am by myself searching for them. "Roots" is a new emerging design and clothing company. They have recently been awarded for new emerging talent in the fashion industry. The CEO of the company is a young lady named Hazel, and I have also personally talked to them today. I think working with them will be worth it. "

"Okay then arrange a meeting with them soon and let's see what we can do. We should seize this opportunity well," Carlyx said.

"Ok sir, I am going to look into it right away," Steve replied.

Steve turned to leave the office. Carlyx was looking at Steve thinking something until his figure disappeared from the big door of the office. Hazel .... where have I heard this name before. Carlyx thought to himself. He shrugged off his thoughts soon and continued his work.

He was busy with his work until someone opened the door quietly and came inside. Carlyx was busy with his work so he thought it would be Steve again because only Steve was allowed to come without knocking on the door and anyone else wouldn't even dare to call for their death.

Carlyx said without bothering to look at the person who has entered his office, " Yes Steve, what is it now ? " while typing the keys on his laptop and eyes glued to the screen.

The person standing there shouted, " Hey!!!!! , You BASTARD."

Seems like someone wants to die today.