It's all in the past

They started to talk about different stuff, both had to share a lot because Aaron had gone to London for a year for business purposes. Both called each other frequently.

Carlyx suddenly asked, " So what you found there so fascinating that took you a whole damn year there, business work was supposed to be completed in 7 months and you were just extending the dates continuously."

Carlyx could feel something was up. Aaron replied with a smile appearing on his face unconsciously, " Actually I got someone special there."

" Someone ... huh... and you... huh." Carlyx mocked Aaron in his cold voice.

Aaron: " I really love Lily."

Carlyx:"Nah she must be your another crush like Emma last time."

Aaron:" No Carlyx, the way her one touch gives me shivers on my whole body it's magical. I've never felt it ever before, not at all, not at all with anyone. And the way she reciprocates my feelings, I just feel out of the world. I feel like the luckiest person on Earth when I am with her. Just imagine how amazing that feeling would be."

Carlyx was just in awe and was amazed by the words that left Aaron's mouth so fluently. He was lost in an abyss of his thoughts that how can just some mere feelings change a playboy like him. How just to be said LOVE flipped his character 180°.

Carlyx was snapped back from his thoughts by Aaron saying, " You should also look for someone now. It's all in the past Carlyx, I know you have to fulfill that promise 10 years ago,but still, you can't live alone forever. Don't be this much cruel to yourself."

Carlyx replied back nothing. Carlyx was staring toward the ground with his cold gaze. There was complete silence in the office room. Like the silence in an abandoned place. Aaron knew that Carlyx will never think about anyone before fulfilling his promise but if he finds someone it will make him stronger. That will at least give him a beautiful reason to live on.

Aaron broke the silence saying, " I know I can't force you, nobody can, but still give it a thought. I am going now I have to go and visit my company too." Aaron stood up from his place.

Carlyx replied which made Aaron halt his steps, " Okay I will consider what you said because my loneliness has started scaring me now. But the revenge is what comes first, and you should not forget that too for what we came this far."

"Of course, we will be seeing their blood soon," Aaron replied with a smirk on his thin plump lips.

" Okay then see you soon, bye," Aaron said and left the office.