Some beautiful regrets

Carlyx's veins were just going to blast as soon as he came to know what he said unconsciously. He concluded that apologizing will make it even more awkward. He cursed and scolded himself to control his feelings. All he was doing was making him look dumb. He continued his search for a shirt that will suite Hazel.

Carlyx was looking for a good shirt while Hazel was standing beside him.

"We are here to choose your clothes not mine." He said in a calm tone.

Hazel understood the message that he wanted her to participate in shopping too. She was just messed up in her feelings so much that she wanted to rush to her home, throw herself on bed, and wanted to think about all the events all over again.

Carlyx took out a peach colored T shirt with some floral prints on it. He took that shirt closer to the figure standing beside him and said

"It will be good, right?"

Hazel was lost in her thoughts and hummed unconsciously along nodding her head in response.

Carlyx noticed that behavior promptly.

"Miss Hazel.."

Hazel startled as she heard the familiar voice calling her name. Her heart paced up and down by the realization.

"Yes Sir!", she said frequently as a reflex.

She has always addressed her male business partners more often as Sir or Mister along their names.

"You wanna try out this shirt it will be good I guess?" Carlyx said while giving that shirt to Hazel.

"No it's Okay this is exactly my size." Hazel took the shirt while passing a smile.

"Will you like to buy some more shirts ? There are new arrivals for bags too. I can buy you whatever you want. Just choose anything that you like. I will get anything for you. Just say it. " He wanted to say all this to Hazel he didn't know the reason why. He hesitated to say. He couldn't say all these captivating words. He wandered he will seem alot more frank now. She might think about him as a playboy or a pervert.

He couldn't resist saying something. His desires were taking the best of him. But he had to control himself, his feelings needed to be captured inside the cage of his heart. He couldn't understand the magic spell that has been cast on him by the mere presence of a woman. Those feelings gave him a different kind of pleasure that he has never witnessed before. But right now it was better to control his thoughts and desires.

All he said was , "Do you want anything else?"

"Nope. I will pay now. Let's go you must be getting late too." She said while turning her body towards the reception.

She took her steps towards the reception. Her steps were halted.

Carlyx held her arm from the wrist. Hazel could feel the strong touch. Carlyx looked in Hazel's eyes coldly. "As I said before I will be buying you this shirt as an apology, so I will pay." He smiled while pressing his lips together. He left her hand after stating his order. Carlyx was asking himself again and again to control his feelings. He did not want to show her his real persona that he desired to display beautifully in front of her. When Carlyx touched her wrist he could sense the intensity of his heartbeat. It was becoming faster and faster.

Carlyx has always been the man of his words, on the top he would never let the person pay whom he had taken out. And of course this offer was an apology from him. As everybody knew he was also the cold hearted master who would do what he said.

Hazel had her own thoughts and opinions. Being a strong woman she would never let a man pay for her. Not all women want the sugar daddies who will pay for their needs. She has always portrayed herself a powerful person because her past made her so. People with harsh pasts either have the most powerful futures or the worst they can imagine. It's all in their hands to prove their strength. To prove they know how to stand alone.

Hazel was right at her point so was Carlyx. Hazel must also know how to take others offers sometimes.

"I won't keep the shirt then!" She said in her normal voice that had an amazing strength and stability in it.

Carlyx just looked in her eyes with his cold ones for a moment and then turned to move towards reception.

"Heyyy Listen!" She said and took fast steps towards Carlyx to catch up with him so she won't let him pay.