Can't Risk Her Life

Hazel flinched as she heard Carlyx's voice.

"Umm... My apartment is at Lake view." Hazel said while looking inside the green orbs.

"Okay,, let's go then." Carlyx put the keys inside the ignition switch. The sound of engine could be heard and he turned the car towards the road.

Both wanted to have a conversation but something inside them was stopping them.

The car mas moving towards it's destination.

"What are your hobbies?" Hazel asked this dumb questions out of nowhere. She was embarrassed now.

"What the heck is with you Hazel?" She thought to herself. Wanted to dig her grave at the moment. She just wanted to start a conversation because she has never liked silent rides most importantly awkwardly silent rides.

"If I won't respond she's gonna be embarrassed. Right?" These thoughts were pacing inside his mind. Both wanted to convert the silence into memorable conversation. Carlyx thought twice to respond or not. He did not want to make her uncomfortable.

"A bit introverted so I usually do painting when I'm free." Carlyx said while looking straight at the road. After giving this answer the portrait of his latest painting flashed in his mind.That was like Hazel.

"That's amazing, I have a craze for paintings, If I wouldn't have been a designer I would have been an artist ." She said being so eager to know more about him.

After along time Carlyx has got a person to talk about paintings. Hazel unintentionally opened a wound. Carlyx's heart sank , a little bit.

He has always talked about paintings with his mom. They used to paint together in the garden of their home.

"So who's your favorite painter?" She just asked like a kid.

"My Mom." He said in his cold tone still looking straight. His voice was near cracking up.

"Wow that's amazing." She said being surprised.

Carlyx was amused by her enchanting reactions. She seemed an interesting person.

" I don't know why I want to know more about her? I can feel there is something extremely dark behind these smiles. Let's not overthink Carlyx."

These thoughts were swirling inside his mind.

Carlyx has always talked about business to everyone maybe except Aaron.

He didn't know what topic to start.

"When are you giving first order of textiles to our company as contract has been signed successfully between us." Carlyx asked casually.

"I actually want to place the order for the fabrics as soon as possible because our new men's wear collection has to be released later this year. We are preparing designs right now. So we may be giving the order anytime in next week." Hazel said while making small gestures with her hand as trying to explain the situation.

"That's great then." Carlyx said passing her a smile.

Hazel smiled back looking back at the window. Carlyx could feel she's feeling a bit nervous around him.

"So in which area is your apartment?" Carlyx turned the steering wheel turning the car to another road.

"It's at the Wave Lakeview apartments." Hazel said in her low voice audible for the person behind her.

Carlyx noticed that a car has been following them continuously and he understood who they were.

"I can't risk her life, Think Carlyx! Think!" he was thinking this while messaging his temple.

He took the car to another road.

"Mr.Carlyx this is not the right way." She said looking anxiously towards the person driving.

"I know." He said in a calm tone being unbothered.

"Where are we going then?" She said a bit louder and fastly.

"To your home?" Carlyx said while pressing the accelerator and increasing the speed of the car.