Anna!!!! are you hearing me? are you sure you are alright? yes I am but you don't answer me when I am asking you so sorry what do you ask me ? no you have to tell me what you are thinking about if not I will tell your younger brother. please Kate don't tell him okay I will thinking about Alex, Kate feel sorry for her I told you not to think about it after two years why are you doing this to yourself, I don't want you to fall sick again please am begging you for the sake of your brother

Anna sit down and relax I will attend to the customer she went outside to welcome the customer, welcome to Kay restaurant, Kate was surprise when she look at the customer's face, what are you doing here? please for God sake go out you are not welcome here, Alex get out of this place, everybody was looking at them Anna rush out of the store to check what is going on she stop on the track with shock all the memories of two years ago flows back to her brain,oh no what am I seeing? No am I dreaming?

Anna please listen to me I want to tell you something what do you want to tell me? say it now and get out can we find somewhere to sit down so we can talk? okay but am giving you five minutes, okay thank you .they sit down at the corner of the restaurant.

Alex what are you doing here ? Anna I have been searching for you for the past two years. why are you searching for me? have you forgotten that you are not my husband,Anna I am still your husband and you are my wife,do you expect me to believe you? you signed the divorce papers and also signed it have you forgotten, i miss you Anna please come back, the divorce papers you sign was must be joking I saw you signature on the paper, Alex have heard enough of your nonsense but not this time around go out now and please don't come back here I don't want to see you here again. Anna stand up for the chair and went back to the store room without looking back, Kate, please can I go home I will double my shift tomorrow I need to relax am having a serious headache? don't worry I will call Mark to cover your shift go home and take care of yourself.thank you so much Anna went home by passing the back door her house is jus ten minutes walk from the restaurant so she have to walk to her house even though she is feeling cold and hot at the same time.

she got home and took her warm bath and sleep without eating. Anna, Anna wake up are you having a nightmare? Anna sit down and look at her younger brother ah James you are back? yes sis am back why are you crying in your dream?, are you dreaming about the same thing again? no it's nothing sis I can see it through your eyes. Anna can't keep it so long tears are flowing from her eyes James I killed her! I killed her! I can't protect her! it is my fault why is this happening to me I can't stop dreaming about her, I hate myself for killing her. No you are not a killer,it is not your fault you don't know that you are with her so stop blaming yourself or else I will run away from you.

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