
Nighttime descended upon the district of Fogend, and under the cool shade of a tree just outside the northern gate, Larion patiently awaited his companions.

His excitement bubbled within him as he anticipated the adventure that awaited them.

After what felt like an eternity, three figures emerged from the gate, riding on their horses.

These were his co-adventurers, the ones who had accepted the hunting quest alongside him.

They were already acquainted with one another, leaving Larion as the new addition to their party.

Approaching Larion with friendly smiles, the trio dismounted their horses, their excitement palpable.

"Ah, so you must be the fourth member," one of them exclaimed.

"We were starting to wonder if you'd chickened out since we couldn't find you at the Adventurer's Hall."

Larion chuckled nervously, brushing off the comment. "No, no. Just feeling a little shy, I suppose. Name's Larion."

With introductions out of the way, Larion learned the names and specializations of his newfound companions.

First, there was Gilmore, a novice warrior brandishing an impressive axe and shield.

Clad in sturdy leather armor and a helm, he specializes in close combat. And his elemental power is earth.

Next up was Piya, a skilled cleric who possessed a unique talent for healing and combat.

Bathed in the radiant glow of her light-based powers, she was a force to be reckoned with.

Such a common choice for clerics, but oh-so-powerful.

Lastly, there was Hubert, an intermediate Shielder.

This guy knew a thing or two about defense and crowd control.

With his icy powers at his disposal, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Larion's mind raced, recalling the fundamentals of the game's power system.

Air, water, fire, earth, light, dark - these were the cardinal elements that formed the backbone of their abilities.

And within each element, there were countless sub-elements to explore.

Wood, lava, ice, lightning, sound, and the list went on.

Larion couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity, having spent countless hours immersed in MMORPGs before.

Piya flashed Larion a warm smile and offered him a ride.

Without a second thought, he hopped on, excited for the journey ahead.

According to Piya, it would take them about three hours to reach Zulhic Hill and set up camp at the forest's entrance.

Perfect timing as they were on a mission to hunt down the notorious Qizir Spawn.

These monstrous creatures had been terrorizing travelers, devouring innocent folks making their way from Billbone City and Sudbury City.

As they rode under the night sky, the whole party engaged in lively conversation.

The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses' hooves added to the enchantment of the moment.

Mistaking him for a local from Belaiv as he does not possess any elemental abilities, they shared tales of how the folks in that kingdom had no such abilities either.

This intrigued Larion, and he couldn't help but question them about it.

"So, where are you guys from?" Larion curiously asked, eager to learn more.

"Hubert and I are from Roh, while Piya hails from the Empire," answered Gilmore, breaking into a smile.

"The Empire?" Larion's confusion was palpable.

"Did you bump your head, mate?" Gilmore chuckled. "The Aremnia Empire, to be precise."

With that revelation, Larion's eyes widened.

He discovered that the Aremnian Empire had conquered the Kingdom of Belaiv twenty years ago, and they were still in control.

On the other hand, Roh stood as an independent country, welcoming people from all walks of life while still pledging allegiance to the empire.

"Oh, right! How could I forget? I must've been lost in my own little world," Larion lying through his mouth to avoid suspicions about him.

Hubert chimed in, "We're truly fortunate to have Piya with us. Unlike most Aremnians, she's genuinely kind-hearted. If she were like the rest, she wouldn't have offered you a ride, and we wouldn't have been lucky enough to be here either."

Gilmore nodded vigorously, his eyes filled with agreement. "Absolutely! Most Aremnians have this haughty attitude, looking down on people from other kingdoms. It's infuriating, really."

Larion couldn't help but marvel at his companions' honesty.

They were a refreshing change from what he had expected.

The journey ahead seemed promising, filled with camaraderie and a common goal.

With newfound friends by his side, Larion couldn't wait to face the challenges that lay ahead.

They finally arrived at Zulhic Hill, and the entrance to the forest lay before them.

Without wasting any time, they set up camp just nearby.

As they watched Larion in action, the trio couldn't help but be amazed at his resourcefulness, even though he was just a novice adventurer.

He effortlessly crafted his tent out of branches, covering it with a woolen blanket and patching it up with leaves and dirt.

And let's not forget his talent for gathering resources to start a fire.

Larion even went the extra mile and fashioned improvised torches from broken branches, cloth, and tree sap to ensure they had a clear view of their surroundings.

While the others were still struggling to set up their tents, Larion offered his help, making the process much easier for them to finish.

Piya couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "How did you become so experienced at this, Larion?"

Smiling mischievously, Larion replied, "Well, I used to go camping a lot before I became an adventurer." Of course, he was lying through his teeth.

In reality, he had loads of experience camping both in the gaming world and the real one.

Once everything was settled, Larion and the others sat around the campfire, each enjoying their rations of bread, fish, and meat while discussing their plan.

For now, Larion and Piya would take the first watch, with the others taking over in the morning.

In the afternoon, they would all venture deep into the forest to locate the monster's nest.

After their long chat, Larion and Piya found themselves alone in front of the crackling campfire, while Hubert and Gilmore snoozed nearby.

As they continued to talk and share laughs, Piya couldn't help but ask, "So, why did you decide to become an adventurer, Larion?"

With a gaze fixated on Piya's ginger hair and fair complexion, Larion replied, "I simply wanted to make a living. I lost my previous job and needed to earn money to support my little sister."

"That's really kind of you. Your sister must be grateful to have you as her brother," Piya remarked.

"As for me, I became an adventurer to escape my parents, who were forcing me into an arranged marriage with someone I didn't love."

Larion, intrigued, asked, "Why would they do that?"

Shrugging, Piya replied sadly, "I don't know. I was only fifteen at the time. It's been nearly ten years since I left Darmouth City."

"Do you miss your parents?" Larion inquired.

A mixture of emotions flickered across Piya's face as she threw a piece of log into the fire. "I would be lying if I said no. It's been so long since I've seen them. But there's still a part of me that resents them."

Larion, understanding her pain, rearranged the burning coal in the fire. "I can relate, honestly. In my case, I lost both of my parents in an accident, leaving me and my sisters to fend for ourselves. As the oldest, the responsibility fell on me to ensure they were taken care of."

Piya nodded empathetically. "I wish my brothers were as responsible as you. So, how did you manage to take care of your sister?"

"I worked for six years to provide for us and to make my sister go to school. Our other sister is being taken care of by our grandparents on my mother's side," Larion explained.

Piya's eyes widened with surprise. "Wow! I had no idea you were that well-off! Are you from a noble family?"

Larion chuckled, shaking his head. "No, not at all."

Confused, Piya asked, "Then how could you afford to send your sister to the academy? Unless...you're from a noble family!"

Larion paused for a moment, trying to come up with an answer. "Well, it's not exactly like that. It's a...different kind of academy."

"Oh, okay... Well, let's not dwell on personal stuff for too long. But hey, thanks for sharing, Larion. It makes me feel like I'm not alone," Piya says with a smile.

"I feel the same way. Sometimes, I miss them too, you know. But like you said, there's still this lingering anger," Larion replies, his tone filled with understanding.

As they continue their heartfelt conversation about life and its ups and downs, they also share stories of their adventures.

While Larion keeps things low-key, Piya eagerly recounts her thrilling escapades, from traversing her homeland to the bustling Billbone City with the help of Hubert and Gilmore.

In the midst of their lively exchange, Larion disappears into his makeshift tent and returns with a mysterious collection of items in hand.

"What are those for?" Piya asks, her curiosity piqued as she points at the assortment.

A mischievous grin spreads across Larion's face as he reveals five wooden cylinders, a bag of potassium nitrate, a bag of sugar, a bag of baking powder, five fuses, a pot, and some pieces of paper.

"What's all this?" Piya inquires, her eyes widening with intrigue.

"It's a secret tool that will help us later," Larion teases, chuckling to himself.

Piya grabs one of the bags and opens it, only to be met with a powdery substance that resembles salt.

Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she contemplates tasting it, but Larion stops her just in time.

"Why can't I taste it?" Piya asks, slightly disappointed.

"Trust me, it's not something you want in your mouth," Larion replies, placing the pot atop a stack of stones in the campfire.

"Where did you even get all this?"

"I bought them from an alchemist I stumbled upon while waiting for you guys outside the north gate. Surprisingly, they didn't know what to do with these ingredients," Larion explains, expertly mixing the contents of the bags in precise proportions.

Piya's confusion grows as she tries to piece it all together. "What exactly are you making?"

"I'm putting together an improvised smoke bomb," Larion reveals, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What's that?" Piya asks, her confusion turning into curiosity.

"You'll see once I finish packing these ingredients into the wooden cylinder," Larion replies, his excitement evident.

After Larion completes his makeshift smoke bomb, he decides to test it out.

Igniting one of the fuses, he tosses the smoke bomb nearby, and within moments, thick smoke envelops the entire camp.

Piya gasps in awe, her eyes wide with astonishment.

It's her first time witnessing such a spectacle, and she can't help but marvel at Larion's craftiness and ingenuity.

Little does she know, Larion's knowledge extends far beyond their world - he's picked up tricks from the real world and the various games he's played in VRMMORPGs.


As the morning sun peeked through the camp, its golden rays gently kissed their faces, signaling the start of a brand new day.

Larion, taking his turn at watch duty, relieved Piya from her post and allowed her to rest.

The first to stir from their slumber was none other than Gilmore, who promptly took over from Larion.

Curiosity piqued, Gilmore observed Larion intently, absorbed in studying his map through some kind of futuristic eyepiece.

It struck Gilmore as odd that Larion seemed to know every nook and cranny of the Belaiv Kingdom without even holding a physical map in his hands.

With a flourish, Larion pointed toward his left and exclaimed, "So, this is where I am right now!" He then shifted his finger to the lower right corner and exclaimed triumphantly.

"And Watchingham is right here!" His excitement was palpable.

Gilmore couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this display of geographical prowess, but he decided to approach Larion and get to the bottom of things.

Standing behind him, Gilmore gently tapped Larion's shoulder to catch his attention.

"Hey, Larion. You doing alright, buddy?" Gilmore asked, his voice filled with concern.

Startled, Larion swiftly turned around to face Gilmore, revealing a plain, metal gray mask adorning his features.

The sight sent a shiver down Gilmore's spine, causing him to let out a startled yelp.

"Whoa! You scared the living daylights out of me! Why on earth are you wearing that mask?" Gilmore questioned, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Larion nonchalantly removed the mask and replied, "Oh, this? It's just a little quirk of mine. I always wear a mask when we're out and about. Gotta keep my identity under wraps, you know, for safety reasons." He shrugged casually as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Gilmore couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. Larion was always full of surprises, but this mask-wearing habit definitely took the cake.

After a much-needed power nap, Larion finally woke up in the late afternoon.

The sun was starting to make its descent, casting a warm golden glow on everything it touched.

It was time for Larion and the gang to embark on their mission - to track down and hunt the fearsome Qizir Spawn.

With their gear ready and caution coursing through their veins, the group ventured deep into the heart of the woods.

They followed the peculiar marks etched onto the tree trunks, not just any ordinary claw marks, but rather colossal slashes and enormous holes left by the monster's spider-like legs.

As they delved further into the forest, the signs became more apparent. Massive webs dangled from the branches above, like delicate tapestries spun by a master weaver.

They stumbled upon scattered bones and skulls, remnants of the Qizir Spawn's grisly feasts. It was clear that they were closing in on their target.

Their footsteps echoed through the silence of the woods until they stumbled upon a mammoth old tree. The ground beneath it was littered with the remains of animals and even humans, a haunting sight to behold.

Hanging nearby was a cart adorned with bones and various other trinkets, all ensnared within a thick blanket of webs.

The party decided to wait until nightfall when the creature would emerge from its nest and become more active. Larion, always resourceful, got to work crafting a trap.

Gathering twigs and branches, he constructed a makeshift snare, perfect for luring unsuspecting rabbits.

He also fashioned a crude figure out of sticks, attaching a torch to one of its stick arms.

Once their hunt began, they would place the caged rabbit beside the dummy as bait.

As they settled down near the nest, anticipation filled the air. While they waited for the perfect moment to strike, each member of the group busied themselves with preparations.

Gilmore meticulously sharpened his trusty axe, ensuring it would be ready to cleave through any obstacle. Hubert, on the other hand, practiced his swordplay, deftly wielding his blade in rhythmic swings.

Piya found solace in her book, her eyes flitting across the pages as she absorbed every word. Larion, with a focused expression, honed his newly forged swords, their gleaming blades reflecting the flickering flames of the campfire.

Gilmore couldn't help but cast curious glances at Larion's unique weapons, his interest piqued. "Where did you get those swords, Larion?"

A smile tugged at Larion's lips as he proudly replied, "I paid a visit to a skilled blacksmith and had these beauties crafted just for me. They're called Khopesh blades."

Gilmore's eyebrows shot up in intrigue. "Why are they curved like that?"

Larion's eyes sparkled with excitement as he explained, "Well, you see, the top of the blade curves back, forming a shape akin to a crescent moon. And the tip, it points downwards. This design allows for easier grabbing or pulling, be it shields, legs, or anything else you can think of. It's like having an axe sword or something."

With a satisfied nod, Larion wiped down the pommels of his Khopesh blades, ensuring a firm grip.

The circular golden-colored bolsters gleamed with intricate designs, a testament to the craftsmanship that went into their creation.

The short body of the blade itself was straight, adorned with a wing-like pattern that gracefully transitioned into the curved blade.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon, leaving only a soft glow in the sky, Larion and his companions prepared themselves for the hunt.


The night was alive with the symphony of crickets, their melodious chirping filling the air.

Around the campfire, the dancing flames illuminated the darkness of the forest, casting eerie shadows on the trees.

It was the perfect time for the hunt to commence.

With torches held firmly in their hands, the brave adventurers took their positions, carefully planting the unlit torches on the ground.

Nearby, a caged rabbit sat next to a makeshift dummy, its purpose clear - to lure out the formidable spider monster that lurked in the depths of the forest.

As they listened to the crackling of the fire on the torch held by the dummy's stick hand, the rustling of leaves in the cage signaled the presence of their target.

The monster was on the move, its heavy footsteps resonating through the trees as it descended from its nest.

With bated breath, the adventurers waited, their senses alert and minds focused.

Larion, ever vigilant, scanned the surroundings for any signs of movement. Hubert gripped his shield and sword tightly, ready for battle.

Gilmore, calm and collected, watched intently as he wiped a bead of sweat from his temple, his axe gleaming in the firelight.

Piya, clutching her necklace adorned with the face of Eion, whispered a silent prayer, seeking divine protection.

Finally, the monster revealed itself in all its grotesque glory. Piya, expecting a juvenile creature as described in the book Larion had read, was taken aback by the sight before her.

It was no mere spawn, but a fully grown Qizir. The human torso attached to the spider's cephalothorax was a chilling sight, its fangs, and venomous pedipalps still evident below the torso ready to strike.

The adventurers steeled themselves, knowing that defeating this formidable opponent would not be an easy task.

"What in the world is a fully grown Qizir doing here?! We're no match for this beast!" Hubert gasped in disbelief, his voice barely a whisper.

The Qizir stood before them, its human torso unmistakable as it clutched a spine with a skull serving as its makeshift sword, the bones stiffened with webs.

Six eyes, three on each side of its face, stared back at them, devoid of any human-like features.

Gilmore, ever the cautious one, carefully crawled between Larion and Hubert, seeking refuge behind a massive bush. "What do we do now? We're not equipped to handle a fully grown Qizir! Our adventurer class doesn't have the skills for this kind of hunt," he whispered, his voice filled with concern.

Hubert, grasping for any glimmer of hope, suggested, "Maybe there's been a mistake in the request."

Larion, however, interjected with a serious tone, "No, there's no error. This monster has clearly been feasting here for quite some time. The clues we found this morning are proof enough."

"But those were just a few bones," Gilmore countered.

Larion nodded solemnly. "Indeed, but we can't limit ourselves to what we've seen so far. I've had a hunch since this morning that the spawn might have grown significantly."

Gilmore's voice filled with worry, he suggested, "Then perhaps we should abandon this quest and leave it to the intermediate class."

Hubert chimed in, agreeing, "I'm with you on that. Even as an intermediate adventurer, it would still be a challenge for us. This monster is usually handled by a team of four to six intermediate adventurers!"

Larion's gaze remained fixed on the monster as he spoke with determination, "We have no choice. If we run now, we'll only make it easier for the Qizir to hunt us down one by one."

The group stood in silence, fully aware of the daunting task before them, as the Qizir continued to feast on a small rabbit, its monstrous presence a constant reminder of the danger they faced.

Piya, her mind clouded by confusion, attempted to kneel before Larion and the others.

With immense effort, she managed to lower herself to the ground and began crawling towards them.

However, in the middle of her cautious advance, an unexpected snap echoed through the air as a twig broke beneath her weight.

The sharp sound instantly alerted the Qizir to their presence, causing it to leap into the air, out of sight.

"Damn it! It knows something's here!" Larion exclaimed, his words triggering an immediate sense of alarm in Hubert and Gilmore.

Before long, Gilmore found himself ensnared by a strong web, helplessly flung upwards and screaming for assistance. This desperate cry prompted Hubert to shout, "Gil!"

"Fuck! Here we go!" Larion rose from their hiding place, fully aware that their concealment was no longer effective.

"Light the torches! Now!" Larion commanded, his urgency palpable, as Gilmore continued to be suspended by the web.

"Help! Arghhh! Help me!" Gilmore's panicked pleas resounded through the forest.

Without wasting a single moment, Hubert and Piya snatched up torches and set them ablaze using the flames of a dummy torch.

In a desperate bid to save Gilmore, Hubert summoned Ice Shards, causing the ethereal ice projectiles to materialize in mid-air, targeting the web and ultimately causing Gilmore to fall onto his back.

Driven by a surge of adrenaline, Gilmore clutched his axe tightly, casting Mud Spikes in an attempt to reach the Qizir.

Yet, to his dismay, his efforts fell short, failing to connect with the elusive creature.

Swiftly, the monster maneuvered atop the branches, with falling leaves masking its movements.

Then, one by one, lifeless bodies wrapped in webs descended upon them like macabre debris, causing confusion and disarray.

"We need to lure it down from the trees!" Larion exclaimed, igniting the surrounding foliage and trees in an attempt to smoke the Qizir out.

"We need to entice it to chase us into an open area, where we can corner it," he added, his voice resonating with determination.

"Let's hope it's hungry!" Gilmore shouted, bringing his feet to a sudden stop as he cast Earth Rumble, creating the sensation of a mild earthquake in the area.

Meanwhile, as Hubert persistently launched Ice Shards in an attempt to strike the monster, Piya brandished her mace and summoned Holy Light.

A small orb of radiant illumination emerged from her, enveloping the entire forest in a warm glow. "Find it! The light will only last for five seconds!" she declared.

"Thank you, Piya!" Hubert expressed his gratitude, his aim unwavering as he continued to unleash his ice shards upon the creature.

Luck seemed to be on his side, as he landed three fortunate hits, eliciting a resounding growl from the wounded beast.

Bruised and gashed on its human-like torso, the Qizir grew increasingly agitated.

Despite their best efforts, the monster remained perched atop the trees, taking advantage of its elevated position.

Hubert continued his relentless assault with Ice Shards, while Piya's Holy Light provided fleeting glimpses of their elusive foe.

Meanwhile, Gilmore, with his axe resting on his back, used his magic to encase his arms in rock.

As Piya cast Holy Light, he conjured an earth platform beneath him, propelling himself towards the Qizir.

However, the monster's senses proved formidable, evading each of Gilmore's attempts.

Though there were instances where the creature found itself momentarily cornered, the skirmishes between Gilmore and the Qizir were arduously fought, with Gilmore struggling to land a significant blow.

The raging battle continued unabated, flames engulfing the very air they breathed.

Larion and his comrades fought valiantly, their every gasp for air a struggle against the suffocating inferno.

Yet, the conflagration also served to ensnare the monstrous creature, depriving it of any avenue of escape.

It was a perilous gamble, but one that had bestowed upon them a momentary advantage.

Amidst the chaos, Larion, with his quick thinking, managed to procure cloths, dousing them with water and hastily fashioning makeshift masks to shield against the suffocating smoke.

With no trees to provide leverage, Larion swiftly gathered his companions, urging them to drive the beast towards an open expanse, employing their projectiles as guiding beacons.

Piya, ever supportive, assisted Larion in distributing the cloths to Hubert and Gilmore, who continued their relentless assault, propelling ice and mud projectiles to guide the creature toward a nearby clearing.

In this fleeting moment, it appeared that victory was within their grasp. However, they were painfully unaware that the true might and untapped power of the monster had yet to be unveiled.