The flirt day in school

Another day has begun and Nor was so excited to see Mr. A as they called her crush, their Math teacher Mr. Arthur Oslob. She knocked Amy's room so early that Amy got irritated and said, "what happened to you Nor its just 5:00am." Nor responded, "I'm sorry Aems, I can't sleep thinking of Mr. A." Okay but you know I just woke up I still need to prepare for school and did you already eat your breakfast?" Nor stated unhappily and Nor said, "Yes I already eat and Aems hurry please...." Amy got no choice but to agree to her inspired friend and shouted, "ahhhhhhhhhrgggg."

When they got school, Amy can really see that her friend was so excited to see their Math teacher as Nor was busy putting powder and lip tint on her face. Mr. A finally arrives and the whole class greeted them and same with no introduction begin to write the linear equation in the blackboard. "Hey you girl from yesterday answer this equation!," he called Amy. Amy was shocked but still stand up and go in front. "Good morning sir," she greeted the teacher. The teacher just said, "proceed." Amy after answering the equation asked her teacher if she was correct. The teacher didn't respond but only continue the lesson to the class and told her to go to her seat.

When she goes back to her seat, she noticed that Nor was indifferent and she said, "Nor, nor," but Nor didn't response. Amy could only thought and said at the back of her mind, "Is she jealous?" After the class, she confronted Nor, "Hey I know what's on your mind. Please don't be Nor he's all yours." Nor finally said, "Hmmm I bet you were his favorite." "Well you're wrong, he didn't even said if my answers were right or whatever," Amy explained. Their talking paused when their Science teacher arrived. She introduces herself as Mrs. Meira Neda. She is a beautiful teacher with a gentle spirit and Amy said, "I like her." Then the whole class was introduced to each other as Mrs. Neda's tradition." Starting from girls to boys and when the last boy stand up, the whole class looked at him as he was a super cute guy and he is Armani Jacob.

The bell rang and time for lunch. Amy said, "I'm so hungry let's hurry." When they got in the canteen, they fall inline to pick up food and when they crossed path with Arman Jacob, he said to Amy, "Hey you're good at Math." Amy blushed and hurried to their seat. Then Nor teased Amy, "Oh you have a loveteam now. I bet he likes you Aems. I heard he's a rich guy with a Lamborghini on he's own." "Shut up Nor and let's eat," Amy didn't mind anything about it and just wanted to eat.

After their break, they go back to their classroom and started some chitchat.

Amy: "Oh I was relieved Nor I finally eat. You know I didn't eat my breakfast as you were excited to see Mr. A the terror."

Nor: "Whatever Aems and please don't call him that. And besides from now on Mr. Armani will try to get your attention. I can feel it."

Amy: "Well not of course, if I know he's one of the students who laughed at us yesterday, remember?....

Nor: "Maybe he's changed, maybe he likes a girl who likes math."

Amy: "Well it's just he's tricked and will tease us again."

Thein convo ended as the English teacher arrived. "Good afternoon class. Please now settle on your seats and open your textbook on page 8," Ms. Leira Katar said. She then called Armani to read the poems aloud. Armani then read to the class, "Oh lovely bird, your wings is tough but your heart is pure. You're feather so soft that I can lay my head to rest. You were a dove so gentle and pure. Pleas see my eyes as it only sees you." After that, Ms. Katar called Nor, "What's your name morena girl?" Nor responded I'm Noraska Abatar miss." "Ok miss Abatar, well you explained to the class what's the poem means as you understand of course," the teacher demanded. Nor explained, " the poem was all about the admiration of a man to a beautiful and strong lady. He expresses his admiration through a poem. He demands the lady to see him too the way he sees and admire her. That's all maam." The whole class clap and Nor finally seated. Miss Katar praise her, "that was so amazing interpretation Miss Abatar. It's as if you were in love before, have you?" Nor felt shy and blushed. Amy too tease her but in silence as Mr. A was their secret. Then the teacher said goodbye when it's already 02:00pm and time for the next teacher.

The Filipino teacher then arrives and introduced herself as Ginang Beth Kopan. "Magandang hapon sa lahat. Ako nga pala si Ginang Beth Kopan at inaanyahan ko ang lahat na tumayo isa-isa at magpakilala gamit ang wikang filipino. Simulan natin sa harap hanggang sa duluhan." The whole class introduced themselves and some find it hard since they were used to use english a means of their communication. Nor also find it hard and asked Amy to teach her. Amy said slowly, " Ako nga pala si Noraska Abatar labin-limang taong gulang na nakatira sa bayan ng Bayaya."When they were all done, Mrs. Kopan asked them to write about themselves in 1 whole paper, a bibliography written in tagalog. "Oh no Aems it's a disaster," Nor said unhappily. Then Amy said, "don't worry Nor I will help you." Then they began to write. "Tapos na ba ang lahat?" Mrs. Kopan said and told the class they were going to read it in the class and she will just call them one by one to recite. "Klas simulan natin kay Amythest Tamaraw." Amy then stand up and read her bibliography. "Ako nga pala si Amythest Tamaraw, labin-limang taong gulang na nakatira sa bayan ng Ampaya. Sabi ng nanay at tatay ko ang pangalan ko na Amythest ay nagmula sa klasi ng bato na paborito ng nanay ko. Ako poh ay ikalima sa anim na magkakapatid. Ang tatay ko poh ay isang magsasaka at ang nanay ay sa bahay nag-aalaga sa aming magkakapatid. Pangarap ko poh ang maging isang abogado balang araw. Yun lamang poh at maraming salamat sa pakikinig." When they were all done, the bell finally rang and they were dismissed.

They headed home, when Armani riding his Lamborghini and offer them a ride. Nor with her excitement, said to Amy, "C'mmon Aems let's go." Amy angrily said, "are you out of your mind Nor, were just distant home." "Okay I forgot" and said to Armani, thanks for the offer but my friend her needed a walk. " Nor also said to Amy, "he really likes you Aems" but Amy just focus on her walk.